Duan Youde stood there dejected and could only watch the suspicious figure leave.

No, it must be the boy!

He saw the smile when the boy saw him, which was clearly what the boy did! That's why the boy can be confident!

What a reversal!

Duan Youde stood there. He knew that even after he lined up, Lin Feng must have gone far. The main star has a vast land and abundant resources. Even the practitioners can't go to the end of their life. There is almost no possibility for them to find Lin Feng.

"Son of a bitch, don't let me meet you, or I'll skin you and cramp!" Duan Youde said angrily, turned and left directly.

Out of the transmission array, Lin Feng stood in the dark and observed. Several people didn't see Duan Youde. It seems that this guy didn't follow up.

Lin Feng went out of the transmission array square and took a deep breath. The strong aura around him washed directly towards his body. The strong aura made Lin Feng burst out a slight groan.

The main star is really a good place. With such a strong aura, it's no wonder so many big sects have to set up schools in the main star!

"Brother, it's the first time to come to our main star!" At this time, a man in yellow cloth rushed to Lin Feng, smiled and said, "I'm from Yecheng, which is the city. Everyone calls me Xiaobai. Do you need a guide, brother? Not to mention Yecheng, I know all around Yecheng! "

Xiaobai smiled at Lin Feng and said.


Lin Feng turned to look at the guy in front of him and raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, Xiao Bai, everyone calls me Xiao Bai or Da Bai. It's easy to remember." Xiaobai smiled and said, "adult, just call me Xiaobai. What service do you need? You can inform the small one, and the small one will do it for you. "

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Lin Feng's mouth twitched.

Xiaobai straightened up and stood beside Lin Feng with a smile.

"Tell me about Yecheng." Lin Feng put a fairy stone on Xiaobai's palm. "Well said, you should get it. I have a lot of yours."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai's eyes lit up immediately. He looked down at the immortal stone in his hand, smiled, put away the immortal stone and said, "please, sir, I'll answer you if you ask!"

"Tell me about Castle Peak Academy. I'm curious about it." Lin Feng turned to look at Xiaobai and said with a smile.

"Green... Green mountain academy?" Xiaobai turned to look at Lin Feng and looked at him strangely. "Sir, are you going to teach in Qingshan college?"

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who can teach?" Lin Feng smiled and said, "I'm not going to teach, I'm going to class."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai's body trembled, but then returned to normal and said, "Sir, you're right to ask me about Qingshan college. I've been studying in Qingshan College for a year and haven't broken through the immortal period. I just took advantage of something in snenna in the diagnosis room, so I came out to earn some spirit stone flowers."

Xiaobai smiled bitterly and said, "if you want to know anything, just tell me."

"My name is Lin Dasheng. Since we all want to be alumni in the future, if you don't mind, call me brother Lin!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "my cultivation is a little higher than you!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai's eyes lit up immediately and said loudly, "brother Lin!"

"Well, tell me something about Castle Peak Academy. I don't know much about some things, so I need to know about them, so as to prepare for entering Castle Peak Academy." Lin Feng said to Xiaobai with a smile.

"Brother Lin, the enrollment of Castle Peak college has passed this year. You have to wait until next year. However, Castle Peak college still recruits some specialty students. It's the third day of next month. You should catch up all the way now. It should be almost."

Xiaobai hesitated and said.

"What specialty student?" Lin Feng's mind moved a little. What about the specialty students of Qingshan academy?

"It's about elixir refining, utensils and talismans. In the main star, this kind of students are popular. Therefore, every year, Qingshan academy will recruit students with special skills two months after enrollment, so as to give those disciples who have not entered Qingshan academy a chance!"

Xiaobai carefully looked up at Lin Feng and said.

"Your herbal medicine tastes very strong. Are you alchemy?" Lin Feng looked at Xiaobai with a smile and said, "then I'll report this, too. I happen to know you. You can also solve some difficult problems for me."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai nodded and said, "brother Lin can also refine elixir. I'm just right. I can refine fairy level ammunition, but the consumption rate of elixir refining is also very high. Next time, brother Lin, let's work together!"

Xiaobai's spirit immediately perked up and said loudly to Lin Feng.

This guy obviously likes alchemy very much.

"Good!" Lin Feng smiled and nodded. This guy has a good eye. He met by chance. Although you sold the business I bought, Lin Feng is still full of good feelings for Xiaobai.

"Brother Lin, this is the center of Yecheng. The most famous thing about Yecheng is the central tower of Yecheng. The central tower is a level 10 fairy array, which is rare in the whole fairyland. Moreover, Yecheng is the territory of Huazong. Huazong is not very powerful, but they are famous for practicing Hehuan skill. Therefore, Yecheng has 50% of the industry, It's all about that! "

Xiaobai coughed and said.

Lin Feng nodded. The most they saw all the way was the Qing Lou Chu Museum. Obviously, there are a lot of businesses here.

"Brother Lin, you see, this is an auction house. Many things auctioned here are very distinctive." Xiaobai whispered, "there are also some related to men and women. This is the auction house of Huazong. There is only one in Yecheng. Many monks will come inexplicably."

"Come on, let's find a place to rest first, and then go to Castle Peak academy as soon as possible. I'm not very interested in these." Lin Feng shook his head and said with a light smile.

As a qualified earth person, I have seen many things. Here, it's basically nothing.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. He looked down at Lin Feng. After seeing the plain water in Lin Feng's eyes, he nodded, turned around and walked to one side with Lin Feng, with a gentle smile on his mouth.

"Brother Lin, come with me. Let's go from here. There is a transmission array here. Castle Peak academy is in the center of the main star. We need to travel for at least 20 days to get there." Xiaobai's voice is very weak.

Twenty days on the road?

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