Lin Feng opened his eyes and vomited a mouthful of turbid air.

The tutor nodded to Lin Feng.

"There is a pile of medicinal materials in front of you. You can pick out the medicinal materials needed for three separate pills. Remember, each medicinal material can't be repeated." The tutor said to Lin Feng with a smile.

Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. Looking around, when did he appear here?

Ji Zhao and others have disappeared. Only Lin Feng is quietly in a place.

That's great!

Lin Feng glanced at his mentor. The corners of his mouth sat there with a gentle smile. Lin Feng couldn't see the people in front of him, and didn't know what his accomplishments were.

Previously, Tao was only a mentor, but now it seems that this mentor's accomplishments are not low!

"Come on, young man! This is the rest of your previous incense. When the incense burns out, if you haven't completely selected it, you will fail. " The tutor pointed to the incense in front of Lin Feng and said.


Looking at the incense that was about to burn to the end, Lin Feng jumped up and sorted the herbs directly.

In his mind, like a projector, countless medicinal materials passed through Lin Feng's mind and fell directly in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng pointed at random. The medicinal materials were divided into four parts in Lin Feng's hands, three of which were useful and one of which was useless.

These herbs flew in Lin Feng's hands. Soon, all the herbs were in Lin Feng's hands and naturally divided into three parts.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and sat there.

The incense just burned clean.

"Divide it." Lin Feng raised his head and said.

"Boom!" With a low sound, Lin Feng fell into the real place. Ji Zhao Shuping and others were there. Ji Zhao looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng had more herbs than them! Ji Zhao's eyes narrowed. Good guy, this guy seems to have suffered a loss this time!

"Yes, Lin Dasheng is the first!" The tutor opened his eyes, glanced and said faintly.

The fragrance of the people around is still burning.

"Tutor, I refuse!" Ji Zhao took the lead in standing up and said loudly, "this boy's incense is completely burned before sorting is completed. There is still one third of our incense. Why is this boy the first!"

Ji Zhao raised his head and said loudly. His face was unconvinced. He must not let this boy win all the first places!

"Look again!" The tutor said faintly.

Ji Zhao looked at Lin Feng's table again. On Lin Feng's table, he even picked out three copies!

How is that possible!

If three pills are mixed together, there must be more herbs. How can this happen!

"Look again!" The tutor said again.

Ji Zhao looks over again. Something's wrong!

Ji Zhaozong feels something is wrong, but he can't see it. Is it because he missed something?

Ji Zhao glanced at the herbs on Lin Feng's table. The three herbs were almost the same as theirs. They were all pills of grade 9. These pills can be bought at any medicine shop.

What's different?

Ji Zhao looked at it for a long time. Suddenly, Ji Zhao's eyes coagulated.

One incense, only one incense!

This guy finished the second and third exams in a fragrant time!

No wonder

Ji Zhao's body stepped back. No wonder he said he wasn't enough. Originally, this boy really refreshed his lower limit. This boy... Ji Zhao looked at Lin Feng and was very unwilling to lose, but he couldn't say anything at this time. He was defeated by this boy!

He was completely defeated by this boy!

Lin Feng also looked at Ji Zhao's table. It was OK. At a glance, Lin Feng only felt that the surrounding atmosphere had changed.

Nima, this old man has been cheated!

They all have two incense sticks, and only themselves have one incense stick!

This old man!

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the old man sitting there motionless. He said how the old man separated him alone. It was because he calculated himself!

"Young man, you are great! Our alchemy Department of Qingshan college is just short of several teachers. Young man, are you interested in becoming a teacher of our Qingshan college? " As a tutor, Hong Shan raised his head, looked at Lin Feng with a smile and asked.


Lin Feng took a smoke from the corner of his mouth. He came to Qingshan Academy for only one purpose, that is to inquire about the fragments of the Dragon tomb. He was not interested in this mentor!

"I'm not interested!" Lin Feng waved his hand and refused directly.

"Have you made up your mind? Although the students of Qingshan college are good, they have to earn enough credits every year to exchange resources, but the teachers are different. Our teachers can not only obtain a resource, but also the tutors have the opportunity to enter the treasure house once a month. If they encounter something good, they can declare it directly or exchange it with immortal stones. In addition, The price is very low, young man. Do you really not consider it? "

Hong Shan looked at Lin Feng with a smile, "young man, you have to think about it. What I bloom to you is the savings of our castle peak academy for hundreds of years!"

Go on, go on!

Lin Feng stood there, "old man, I just came to participate in a competition or something. I really don't care about the rest." Lin Feng looked at the corners of his mouth and said with a light smile, "if you don't mind, we can still plan our plan again. I still think it's more reliable to be a student."

Ji Zhao looked at Lin Feng with that kind of silly look in his eyes.

Whether this guy really doesn't know or not, it's a very beautiful thing to be a mentor of Castle Peak college. You know, those of Castle Peak college are strictly selected, and most of them are accomplished practitioners from big schools!

Ji Zhao is a little jealous.

The boy in front of me is just like their accomplishments. How can he become a mentor?

Hong Shan looked at Lin Feng, shook his head and said, "young man, this is our reservation, and Sao Nian, don't you want to be a more powerful cultivator? Don't you want to explore the secret of our castle peak academy? "

Hongshan continues to induce Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at Hongshan strangely. In front of him, how did the old man feel like a bearded strange millet who abducted a minor girl with a lollipop?

"Classmate Da Sheng, believe the choice I made for you. As a mentor, it is definitely one of your best choices. Moreover, there is a dragon tomb map in our Qingshan academy, and it is still a complete dragon tomb map. However, only we have the opportunity to know. Do you want to know?"

As soon as Hongshan's eyebrows were picked, he threw out the heavy bomb that Lin Feng cared about most!

Can not days, can not land, but this must have!

Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately!

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