Lin Feng bit his teeth. His whole body was wrapped by thunder. The surrounding air waves rose layer by layer and went down layer by layer. Lin Feng wanted to curse his mother, but he didn't say a word at the end of his mouth.

Lin Feng's lower body was completely immersed in the thunder pool. The thunder pool could not see the edge. He just took a few steps. It rained on his head. He moved to the black thunder and kept hitting him. Even if he wanted to absorb so many thunder, he couldn't absorb it at all. The thunder liquid below continued to infiltrate his body. Lin Feng mobilized his strength, But I still can't fight this force. It's powerful, too powerful!

Lin Feng didn't know how to describe his form at the moment. He was embarrassed. He could only say that he was particularly uncomfortable!

He was already numb below. His whole body was wrapped by thunder light, and he couldn't see a piece of complete skin up and down. Lin Feng's body trembled and trembled. The pain went deep into the bone marrow, and then slowly infiltrated into every part of his body.

It hurts. It hurts.

"Master, why don't we stop moving?" Qianlong leaned against Lin Feng's hair and said carefully.

"No!" Lin Feng gritted his teeth and looked at the front. "Since they are all here, move forward. I don't believe I can't solve such a thing!" Lin Feng bit his teeth and looked ahead. His eyes had already turned yellow, but he was still holding on.

Wealth insurance.

So many difficulties have come, he doesn't believe he can't solve such a guy!

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong's body trembled. He trembled and tightly protected Lin Feng's hair from being burned into a bald head by thunder. If their hair was gone, they would have no place to attach!

Lin Feng took another step forward.

This step seemed to enter a new world. The thunder continued to greet Lin Feng. Lin Feng couldn't feel his lower body until the thunder liquid soaked his body, and even his bones began to fire.


That burning pain!

Lin Feng's knee bent a little, but he still gritted his teeth and insisted on not letting himself fall. At this time, he must not fall!

Lin Feng looked ahead with firmness in his eyes!

When he comes, he doesn't believe he can't go on!

Lin Feng looked ahead and blood and tears slowly flowed down in his eyes. Countless lightning robbers in his mind were constantly exploding, and electric light was flashing everywhere in his body.

The intersection of lightning and thunder left wounds on his body.

"Ow!" Lin Feng roared. Feng Tong's sword was directly inserted into the thunder robbery. Lin Feng looked ahead and his face was full of unyielding will. When he came, he didn't believe he couldn't solve this thing!

"Not a hair." Qianlong turns around Lin Feng. Lei Jie directly greets Qianlong. Qianlong shouts to let Lin Feng take him back, but Lin Feng can't use his mind at this time.

There are thunder robberies everywhere, filled with every place of Lin Feng, so that Lin Feng can't come out now!

It's so painful!

Lin Feng doesn't know how to describe it!

It will be over soon!

Lin Feng clenched his teeth and insisted. He raised his steps and had to take the next step!

"Boy, you're crazy!" A low roar came from the sky and trembled in Lin Feng's mind, "even if you are a cultivator, people's cultivation is limited and their ability is limited, why bother?"

The voice still had a sigh.

Lin Feng remembered the sound. He heard it when he was on Gushe mountain. He was an old man who fought with the old Jiaolong. He didn't expect him to come too!

This is a strong man above Hongshan.

"My accomplishments are limited, but my potential is unlimited. I seek wealth and danger. The road of the strong has always been through thorns and thorns. If I can't step out of this worship today, I will regret it for many years!"

Lin Feng bit his teeth and said loudly.

Then Lin Feng stepped down heavily.

The road of the strong is never bought by blindly retreating. Blindly retreating will only make it more difficult for you to go in the future. Since you have come, go on bravely!

Lin Feng looked ahead and his firmness in his eyes became more and more obvious. He didn't believe it and couldn't go out!

Lin Feng's eyes twinkled with scarlet light. Looking ahead, his whole body was lifted up.

This step was more difficult than climbing, but he stepped on it. At the moment of stepping on it, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile.

He walked past, not a thunder robbery, but a barrier for his cultivation.

"Ah!" A sigh came from the sky, and then the sound went farther and farther away and disappeared in Lin Feng's ear.


The whole world was suddenly clean. Lin Feng only felt that everything around him was suddenly sunny. Lei Jie slowly retreated from him, and his facial features slowly began to recover.

A series of thunder robbers ran around Lin Feng's body, but at this time, these thunder robbers seemed to get some orders. They swam a little bit with Lin Feng's muscles and veins. Walking, they finally landed on Lin Feng's Dantian. In the nebula, a small thunder liquid pool was formed, the thunder light flickered and compressed, and finally formed drops of liquid and landed in the thunder pool.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and sat down in the clouds. A soft spiritual force wrapped Lin Feng. Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes. In the sky, a colorful light shone on him and was constantly recovering his body for him.

This is the light of reception.

Lin Feng remembers that any strong person who wants to fly will be favored by the colorful light.

I finally broke through the immortal period!

Lin Feng opened his mouth and showed a smile, just like a child. His heart was full of joy and finally broke through!

Lin Feng looked at his hands. The meat tissue certificate on his already bloody hands was recovering little by little. His newborn skin was white and tender, reflecting a faint light in the sun.

Suddenly, the chaotic seed moved, and the divine water kept shuttling through Lin Feng's body. After shuttling through, the secret injury left by thunder in Lin Feng's body disappeared a little bit!

Good thing!

Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately. His whole body's Qi kept running, absorbed the colorful light crazily, and even extradited these colorful lights directly to the chaotic seeds!

With such extradition, the whole chaotic seed also began to glow with colorful light. The Qi of chaos and colorful light gathered together and swam in Lin Feng's body. Walking, Lin Feng can feel that they are constantly integrating!

good heavens!

Lin Feng's mind moved, and the real Qi of his whole body flowed more and more rapidly.

At this time, there was a roar below!

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