"I said you were a real fool or a fake fool. You all accepted the entrustment. I don't know who I am?" Lin Feng sneered and disdained in his words, "it's still from several bureaus. I'm not good-looking and easy to cheat?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, people look at me and I look at you. They probably know who this guy is!

This guy is the guy Yu Feng wants them to focus on!

What a powerful boy!

When they were hungry, all the people couldn't help shaking. After shaking for a while, they were suddenly afraid. They were enemies with this man, so their bodies couldn't help shaking and shaking.


It's too awesome!

"We admit defeat, boy, can't we admit defeat?" Some people were frightened by Lin Feng's means, looked at the sky and said loudly.

"OK, but you admit defeat. What shall I do?" Lin Feng still smiled very well, "who will bear my anger?"

"You go to Yu Feng. All this has nothing to do with us. We just do things with money. Can't we do things now?"

"But you took the money!" Lin Feng's voice was somewhat lazy.

When the sword rises and falls, the potential energy position and the field of the sword expand at the same time. The remaining two people in a hunting team were directly killed by Lin Feng.

"Since you come to kill, you must be ready to be killed." Lin Feng still said with a smile, wiped the blood from the white feather sword and continued to walk towards the front.

Fighting broke out in countless places, and these students are not fuel-efficient lamps. Since these animal hunting teams came to find trouble, it is naturally impossible to give up these guys.

Those who can get to this step at a young age, more or less, either have family support or rely on the bloody mainland step by step.

"There's something wrong with your attack!" Lin Feng walked behind Zhang Han, looked at Zhang Han's attack and said softly, "haven't you thought of changing the attack method?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhang Han looks up at Lin Feng.

"You see, your cultivation is obviously so powerful, but your attack is restrained by yourself." Lin Feng followed Zhang Han forward and said softly.

Zhang Han just stood there and listened quietly.

"Look at my attack!" Lin Feng's hand shook, and the field of sword and potential energy position opened at his feet. The members of the animal hunting team had not reacted. Lin Feng's attack had fallen on them. Several people trembled and shook, and finally fell directly to the ground.

Lin Feng's attack was a little too cruel!

Zhang Han's body trembled.

"If you are kind to the enemy, you are cruel to yourself. Remember that some people are destined to kill you if you kill them." Lin Feng's voice was quiet, but Zhang Han stood there and tasted Lin Feng's words carefully.

If you are kind to the enemy, you are cruel to yourself.

Zhang Han slowly closes her eyes.

Several members of the hunting team slowly appeared on Zhang Han. When they saw Zhang Han standing there, their eyes immediately lit up and rushed directly towards Zhang Han with weapons.

Zhang Han fiercely opened her eyes.

A strong breath rose from Zhang Han. Zhang Han turned and looked at several members of the animal hunting team.

The members felt Zhang Han's eyes and trembled. The whole body kept retreating. Zhang Han's mouth provoked a faint ridicule, his hand trembled, and an attack went straight over there.

Feeling Zhang Han's attack, the hearts of the members of the hunting team stopped.

What a powerful attack!

The students of Castle Peak academy are so powerful!

The members of the hunting team kept retreating.

"You're all here. Are you ready to go?" Zhang Han trembled and pointed at several people with his sword for a while. "Now that it's all gone, let's continue to sell. Let's have a good fight!"

The members of the hunting team shook their heads.

They are all injured. Let alone that this time is not Zhang Han's opponent at all. Even if Zhang Han is so arrogant in the past, they dare not offend him!

Since these guys can enter the Academy for further study, their talent is naturally very strong. It is their common state to win more with less.

At this time, these members suddenly regretted why they chose to deal with the students of Castle Peak college.

It's too powerful. These guys don't know what to eat. Their combat effectiveness is terrible!

Lin Feng stood not far away and shook his head when he saw this scene.

The members of these hunting team have been completely convinced by his previous attack. At this time, they don't have much fighting mind at all.

What a poor man!

Lin Feng didn't mean to shoot again, but sat directly on the cloud, closed his eyes and enjoyed the gentle sunshine.

"Brother Lin, we've almost solved it. Where are you now?" I don't know when Xiaobai's voice sounded above. Lin Feng's body trembled slightly. He turned over and fell under the clouds in front of everyone.

Everyone looks a little tired, but the whole is OK.

"Are you hurt much?" Lin Feng swept around and asked.

"It's all right. I've taken the pill and basically stabilized. The remaining members of the animal hunting team have broken through the array and escaped. Do we want to chase them?" Li Feng looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"No, let's move on."

"Will these guys go to Kirin City to slander us?" Zhao Qingluo asked with a frown.

"Certainly not. More than 300 people lost to more than a dozen students. Even if they have the face to say it, they will not have the face to mix in Kirin City in the future, so don't worry. You will never say it."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their hearts jumped up one by one.

"It's good to have a tutor this time, otherwise the dean and Hongyan tutor are not around us, and we don't know what to do!"

"Yes, yes, mentor, you are so smart that you can arrange everything so quickly!"

"That's because I knew in advance that the old guy would not give up so easily!" Lin Feng said softly and looked up at a position on the top of the mountain. "The dean is almost coming back. Let's leave the debt collection to the dean. At this time, it's time to solve the task entrusted to us by the Dean!"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

The crowd nodded and followed Lin Feng. Suddenly, a huge barrier stood in front of them, and a strong breath oppressed them.

A huge hand went straight towards the sky.

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