Lin Feng just smiled and went all the way East. He saw a piece of ruins from a distance. Lin Feng stopped.

"Here we are." Lin Feng fell at the mouth of the town, with the words canglan town written on it.

"Nobody?" Xiaobai stood aside and muttered.

"It's the smell of the array." Shi Jia whispered, "but it's covered up very well. I can't determine what array it is for a while."

Hearing Shi Jia's words, Lin Feng nodded, waved his hand and threw an attack directly. The whole town was indifferent as if there was no array.

Shi Jia went to the array and began to study it. After a while, he stood up straight and said:

"Only when we step on the array can we crack the whole array. It should be a xianpin level 4 array. Once the array is started, we will be directly in the array."

Shi Jia's words made everyone's mood sink.

They can't judge what array it is now. Once they enter the array, they will be passive.

The students of these five institutes are very good at planning.

"Brother Lin, what shall we do now?" Li Feng turned to look at Lin Feng and asked in a low voice.

"Break in!" Lin Feng smiled, "anyway, we're all here. Since we're all here, let's make a good break. I don't believe we can't break through the small array in front of us!"

With that, Lin Feng walked directly to the front.

They all nodded behind Lin Feng, and their momentum suddenly improved. Yes, they are all the leaders of Qingshan academy!

Is it difficult to be afraid of a small array?

In the array center, a girl is constantly stirring the array.

Suddenly, a group of people stepped into the array. Lin Ling raised his head, saw the people in the array, wiped his eyes, and then looked at it. Lin Ling turned and looked at several guys.

"Didn't you tell me what the students of Castle Peak college are this time?" Lin Ling's eyebrows narrowed slightly and said.

"Well... Elder martial sister Lin Ling, just a few students of Castle Peak college, we don't know what their names are, but we believe that with your ability, elder martial sister Lin Ling can deal with them."

The speaker was a tall man with a shaved head. He stood beside Lin Ling with a simple and honest face, but his eyes glittered with the light of calculation.

"Fuck you." Lin Ling muttered, "I've arranged the array. I'll go first." Then Lin Ling turned and left.

"Elder martial sister, don't leave so soon." Zhou Xun grabbed Lin Ling's hand, "but the teacher said he wanted us to go back together."

"Zhou Xun, let go." Lin Ling's face immediately cooled down, "otherwise I'll be impolite!"

Seeing that Lin Ling's face was cold, Zhou Xun hesitated and loosened his hand. Lin Ling snorted coldly, turned and walked away directly.

"Brother Zhou, this woman seems a little disobedient." A student in the back walked over and said, "why don't we help you teach her a lesson another day?"

"Don't worry." Zhou Xun waved his hand, "my father said that Baihua Valley is already at the end of a powerful crossbow, but now we are not in a hard time with Baihua valley. When I go to participate in this five courtyard competition and enter the secret place there to complete the baptism, Lin Ling?"

Zhou Xun sneered.

"I asked the woman to beg me on her knees."

"What brother Zhou said is." The crowd nodded at once and said cautiously.

"We miss you, brother Xinzhou."

"That's OK." Lin Feng stood not far away, looked at the scene, sighed and said, "I said your combat effectiveness is not very good. There are a lot of crooked ideas!"

"Who!" Zhou Xun shouted.

Lin Feng slowly came out of the array and directly sat on one side of the chair. He glanced at the small room and nodded with satisfaction. When he saw the array, he knew it was arranged by the girl Lin Ling.

"The environment is good and there are enough things to prepare." Lin Feng looked at Zhou Xun.

Seeing Lin Feng appear, Zhou Xun's body trembled.

"It's you!" Zhou Xun was very impressed by Lin Feng. He was beaten by this guy yesterday. Now, this guy is sitting there eating the lingguo Lingcha they are going to see the play!

"I tell you, your preparation for the play is not enough. The sufficient preparation is melon seeds, peanut spirit tea and a hero hot pot, do you understand?" Lin Feng said with a smile, "come on, do you want to eat with me?"

Then Lin Feng directly took out the bottom of a hot pot, took out the side dishes and asked with a smile.

Zhou Xun's mouth smoked. Is this? Don't treat yourself as an outsider?

"Go!" Zhou Xun waved his hand and took the lead in attacking Lin Feng with weapons.

The potential energy position spread out at Lin Feng's feet, and the gravity field of the potential energy position directly pressed against the people. A group of people only felt that they were carrying heavy things, not to mention using spiritual power. Even walking became very difficult.

"It can still be used like this." Seeing the appearance of a group of guys, Lin Feng muttered that the inflammation of the earth directly wrapped the bottom of the whole hero hot pot. Lin Feng slowly put meat and small dishes into the pot.

"Good taste." Lin Feng couldn't help shaking his head and sighed.

"Who the hell are you?" Zhou Xun raised his head, "what do you want to do to us?"

"Me?" Lin Feng pointed to himself, "my name is Lin Dasheng. I'm a student of Qingshan Academy. Look, I'm still wearing the student uniform of Qingshan Academy. Why do you look so bad?"

Lin Feng sighed and said.

"Young man, bad eyes are a disease that needs treatment."


Zhou Xun looked at Lin Feng and was completely speechless.

In the central array, it reflects the appearance of Li Feng and his party entering the array.

Shi Jia is cracking the array, while others are constantly fighting puppets in the array.

"We need to make progress!" Seeing this group of guys, Lin Feng shook his head.

"Did I hear the teacher's voice just now?" Li Feng turned his head and whispered.



"Neither did I."

Everyone shook their heads. They didn't hear brother Lin's voice at all.

"Li Feng, I have found out the law of the array." Shi Jia stood up, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "this is a touring array. As long as we follow the rules of the array, we can go out of this array."

Hearing Shi Jia's words, Li Feng relaxed and turned. Li Feng shook his head. No, they're not going out of the array. They're going to deal with the people in the array!

"Shi Jia, you've reversed. We can't go out of this array. We have to deal with the people inside!"

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