The star was silent.

"But the demon clan next to Runcheng has nothing to do with us. To solve it, it's also the business of the fairy army and the city master's house. We'd better not patronize it." Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a disdain on his face.


The star is not talking.

"Come on, take me to Baihua valley." Lin Feng pointed out with a map in his hand, turned his head and said to Xingyu.

Just now it was said that Baihua Valley could not be entered. At this time, the master will go to Baihua Valley?

"Master, I'm not Qianlong. I can't crack the array of entering Baihua Valley, and the array of Baihua valley was drawn by a former array master. I'm afraid we... We can't go in either."

Hearing Xingyu's words, Lin Feng turned his eyes, waved his hand and said, "it's all right. I won't go in. I'll just have a look."

This sentence came out of the master's mouth, and the star thought that the credibility was not high.

Especially, now Lin Feng still looks like I'm serious.

"I will never break into this hundred Flower Valley, so you can rest assured." Lin Feng said with a smile, "I'm afraid there are more important things to go."

"Is it miss Lin Ling's business?" Qianlong ran out, "master, are we looking for Miss Lin Ling now?"

"How many young masters and young ladies does the master have?" Hearing Qianlong's words, Xingyu finally turned and asked.

"In fact, it's not much. Anyway, you'll know slowly." Qianlong waved his hand and said with a smile.

"It's not Lin Ling. I always feel that there are girls in Baihua Valley who haven't said hello to me!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "let's go and have a look first. If the array is really strong, we won't go in."

Lin Feng waved his hand and said it very simply.

"You still have to go into Baihua valley." The star whispered.

"Master, we have to go back. There's something wrong with the array in canglan town." Xingyu suddenly moved and turned to canglan Town, "someone is tampering with the array over there."

"What's going on?" Lin Feng's eyebrows also wrinkled and looked at the front, looking cold.

"Let's go and have a look first." Lin Feng waved his hand, and the star shuttle flew straight ahead with Lin Feng. Outside canglan Town, two guys are constantly tampering with the array.

"Hey, hey, as long as these 50 students are completely settled here this time, the relationship between the Fifth College and Qingshan college will be weak at that time. They will complain about Qingshan college by all means."

A person's body trembled and said triumphantly.

"As long as the old man's relationship between these colleges creates a rift with each other and deals with our enemies, it will be much less." Another man nodded.

The two men looked thin and tall, wearing black clothes. They constantly changed the array, and black air shuttled between the arrays.

"It's the people of the demon sect. These guys seem to be more and more bold." The words of the star are a little cold.

"The main star is so rich. They have occupied such a long time. It's our demon family's turn to clean up!" A man in black Jie sneered and said.

Lin Feng sat there and looked at these guys. What he had to sigh was that it was clearly two small mole ants. There were quite a lot of plays.

"The world is going down!" Lin Feng sighed and walked slowly towards the two people.

The two men turned around and didn't see who they were. The potential energy position and the field of sword were unfolded at Lin Feng's feet, directly enveloping the two men and rolling them into slag.

"Master, you are so... Awesome." Qianlong Sheng took back the word "rough". Looking at the pile of teams on the ground, he trembled. How much hatred does it take to be so straightforward.

"Let's go. First take the people out, and then clean up the canglan town." Lin Feng waved and lost a message.

Before the time for a cup of tea, Li Feng and his party rushed over directly.

Under the leadership of Lin Feng, the array was quickly dismantled. The people who were still changing the array looked back and saw Lin Feng and his party standing there, and their faces immediately showed a happy smile.

Lin Feng and his party ignored their meaning.

Xiaobai follows Lin Feng sadly.

"I said brother Lin, let's just report the matter to the city Lord's residence? I don't have to join in such a lively. "

Li Feng and others didn't speak, but as Lin Feng walked several times in this small canglan Town, Zhou Xun followed Lin Feng with a crowd behind him. Lin Feng looked back at those guys and stopped.

"You guys, you've all come out now. There's nothing for you here. Just leave by yourself." Lin Feng turned and looked at the crowd.

"We know for ourselves." Zhou Xun sneered, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Just follow. Anyway, don't dislike the fight later." With that, Lin Feng walked towards the front again. After seven or eight circles, Lin Feng stopped and held the white feather sword in his hand. The field of the sword spread under his feet and went directly in some directions.

There was a strong explosion in the old house in canglan Town, and then several guys flew out.

"Who is doing such a wicked thing?" Those guys were all wrapped in black cloth, and many bodies were blown out at the same time.

These bodies should be the personnel of canglan town who died earlier.

"What is this?" When Zhou Xun and his party saw this scene, their eyes narrowed instantly, and a huge corrosive smell spread around. Soon, the whole town was stained with a light color.

"The fairy army works. Go away!" In the distance came the voice of the fairy army. Lin Feng turned and looked at Zhou Xun.

Zhou Xun paused.

"Zhou Xun, go and explain the situation here to the Xianling army." Yunhao whispered to Zhou Xun.

"Why should I help them?" Zhou Xun sneered.

"You can't help us. These are just hidden in this town. Who knows if there are more in Runcheng?" Lin Feng said with a smile, "these are demons who kill without blinking an eye."

With that, Lin Feng turned around and left.

"Brother Lin, we work so hard just to do this?"

Xiaobai followed Lin Feng with a depressed face. They ran for so long. Why did they give all the credit to the Xianling army?

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Lin Feng smiled and just shook his head.

"Of course not. Do you think I'm the kind of person who can easily compromise?" Lin Feng looked at the front, "that's because there are more things ahead, but this time, we can enjoy it alone."

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