Lin Feng said on his mouth, but he stretched his waist. Everyone followed with an tacit look, and their faces were a little sleepy.

Anyway, these guys will play against them sooner or later, but it's good for them to relax before they play.

Let those go around by themselves. At that time, it's not too late for them to do it again.

The next day, when he woke up naturally after sleeping, the inn owner looked at the room with the door closed and frowned. He thought that those teenagers should be practitioners, and they wouldn't be confused about their own affairs. Instead, he turned and went downstairs.

Not long after going down, Lin Feng followed downstairs with a smile.

"Sir, can I help you?" Seeing Lin Feng coming down, the shopkeeper immediately gathered together and asked with a smile.

Lin Feng glanced outside.

From time to time, those fairy armies flew through the sky.

"What are those fairy armies doing?" Lin Feng sat by the window and asked clearly.

"This little one doesn't know. These fairy armies always do things without thinking. But recently, Baihua Valley has been looking for array experts to help them mend the array. Maybe these fairy armies went to Baihua valley."

The shopkeeper said with a smile.

"We run the city. There are many array mages. These fairy armies are array mages, which is not too much. If I have that ability, I also want to go to Baihua valley. Maybe I can find a beautiful family member like flowers!"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

The fairy army often went there on March 5, and Lin Feng sat by the window thinking.

Everyone chose to practice in the Inn room and improve their accomplishments. Lin Feng wandered around the town and put the repair of array in Baihua Valley on his journey.

Lin Ling came to see Lin Feng this afternoon.

Seeing the girl's cold appearance, Lin Feng sighed.

The girl's personality doesn't know who to follow. She always looks cold.

"What's the matter, girl?" Lin Feng sat there smiling, raised his eyebrows and asked.

Seeing Lin Feng's look of disrespect for the old, Lin Ling turned his mouth and knew that his own Lin Feng must know what he was looking for her, but after seeing Lin Feng like this, his heart still stubbed fiercely.

"The array of Baihua Valley has been repaired." Lin Ling pushed an array diagram in front of Lin Feng, "look, this is the whole array of Baihua valley."

Lin Ling's finger a little, and a three-dimensional image appeared on the desktop, "you see, this part is damaged. Now the whole array is constantly destroyed in a visible posture. I want to repair this array."

Lin Ling bit his lips, looked at Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng frowned and looked at the three-dimensional image brought by Lin Ling. This array doesn't look strange at first, but it's not so simple to deal with.

"Let me study for a few days first, and then I will send you the research results." Lin Feng looked up at Lin Ling and whispered, "by the way, I want to give you a present."

Lin Feng put a crystal ball in front of Lin Ling.

Lin Ling frowned, took Lin Feng's crystal ball, turned to nod and said, "then I'll go first, I'll go back first."

"Be safe, girl." Lin Feng said with a serious face.

"I know, Dad." Lin Ling nodded, turned and walked away directly.

Lin Feng sighed a little disappointed. This girl has always been independent. Her character is cold, which makes it difficult for him to feel the love of her father.

Lin Feng turned and went upstairs, opened the array and began to focus on the ancient array.

The array naturally exists in the memory of Dinghai Shenzhu. He has already absorbed all the memory of Dinghai Shenzhu and is very clear about the structural principle of this large array.

During the study period, Lin Ling came three or two times, but they all looked worried.

What Lin Feng gave Lin Ling was about Zhou Xun's crystal ball. After giving up his status as the son of the aristocratic family, the seemingly gentle gentleman was actually just a straw bag.

Lin Ling was obviously disappointed with his feelings. He was absent-minded twice. When he left for the third time, he was directly followed by Zhou Xun.

"Come out!" Lin Ling looked cold. Standing there, Zhou Xun slowly appeared beside Lin Ling.

Lin Ling turned and looked at Zhou Xun.

"What's up?"

"Nothing. I just saw Lin Ling world come to run city several times these days and didn't say hello to me. Elder martial sister Lin Ling, are you guilty that you didn't trap the students of Qingshan academy?" Zhou Xun looked at Lin Ling with a gentle smile and said softly.

"No." Lin Ling said faintly.

"Well... Is it the Baihua valley that worries you? Don't worry, I've started to contact the array master of Runcheng. At that time, everyone will help together. " Zhou Xun still said with a gentle smile.

"No, if it's all right, I'll go first." Linton gave a, and his voice became colder and colder.

The smile on Zhou Xun's face immediately stiffened. Looking at Lin Ling's expressionless face, Zhou Xun was a little angry for no reason. He thought of his parents' warning and the beautiful face in front of him.

"Since elder martial sister Lin Ling has something to do, I won't bother you."

Lin Ling nodded, turned and walked away without dragging his feet.


Seeing Lin Ling's back, Zhou Xun's look was instantly cold, and turned around. Not far away, Yunhao was standing there, like a piece of wood.

"You can get out." Zhou Xun took a cold look at Yunhao and said.

Yunhao turned and left without looking back. After walking for a while, Lin Feng stood there and looked at Yunhao with a smile.

"Is it worth it?" Lin Feng said with a gentle smile, "this person has never cared about you and never thought about what to do. Do you think it's worth it?"

Yunhao stood there with his mouth closed and didn't speak.

Of course he knew what Lin Feng was thinking when he came, but he was surprised that Lin Feng and his party were still in Runcheng and didn't leave!

Who did so many fairy armies follow?

It's not Lin Feng and his party in front of us, but someone else!

What a great plan!

Even Yunhao didn't expect that Lin Feng, a group of guys, would continue to stay here and come out so brazenly.

Yunhao raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. The look on his face finally changed.

"Or do you think you are satisfied with such a life by being someone else's dog forever?" Lin Feng walked forward for a few minutes and said with a smile, "are you really willing?"

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