The disciples who were still in a daze trembled when they heard Lin Feng's words, and rushed up one by one. The nightmare beast was seriously injured by Lin Feng. This is a good opportunity for them!

Such a move made everyone's mind lift up, one by one, with stars shining in their eyes.

I hope so.

They can feel that although the hope this time does not come soon, they do have a way to deal with the people in front of them.

Lin Feng stood there quietly without moving.

Feeling this scene, Lin Feng's mind calmed down, looked at the nightmare beast above, and waited for the nightmare beast to surrender.

"That's nice." Yutong and Zixia stood beside Lin Feng, looked at the big guy in the sky and whispered, "this guy is estimated to be completely solved by us."

Lin Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Let's not be in a hurry to be happy. Although this guy is said to have been dealt with by us, he doesn't mean to let us go. We'd better be careful. The nightmare beast has a grudge against me now. We still need some time to deal with this guy."

Lin Feng looked at the nightmare beast in front of him with solemn eyes.

The second daughter nodded.

"How about resentment? When he follows you, he will naturally know that no one in the world can give him a better future except you!" Xiao nishang said fiercely, falling beside Lin Feng, and the whole was relieved.

"You suddenly launched an attack, but it scared us, but it's good. Now the nightmare beast may not be able to deal with us."

"Yes!" Lin Feng nodded and looked at the nightmare beast in the air.

Because of the forbidden air array, the body of the nightmare beast was thrown into the air by these disciples to crush and kill. Although the strength of the nightmare beast was, he didn't have a very suitable opportunity to launch these attacks at this time.

Felt the smell of nightmare beast falling a little, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile.

This thing really takes itself seriously!

Feeling the smell of the nightmare beast, Lin Feng shook his head and said something speechless.

"What should I do?" Li Yutong turned to look at Lin Feng.


Hearing Lin Feng's words, the three women frowned, looked at the nightmare beast, and their breath was raised.

"I surrender!" At this time, the nightmare beast relaxed his vigilance, "yuan Daozi, I'll go with you!"

The sound of the nightmare beast was decadent.

Yuan Daozi?

Yuanmen had negotiated with the nightmare beast before him? All right?

"It's the smell of Yuanmen elders. Yuandaozi didn't come." Zixia's mind swept around and whispered, "the elder should have brought the beast control bag to pack the nightmare beast back. When you open the beast control bag, the nightmare beast will give up resistance. That's your chance!"

Lin Feng nodded.

"Come on!" Yutong whispered to Lin Feng.

"Coming!" Lin Feng looked up at the sky and felt the relaxation of the nightmare beast. Liusuo's smoke bomb came out at the same time. There were smoke bombs and tear gas bombs.



"How uncomfortable!"

The disciples below gave out a painful cry, but Lin Feng caught the body of the nightmare beast at this time, and the chaotic seeds flew out directly to envelop the nightmare beast and integrate the nightmare beast into the chaotic world.

Lin Feng returned to the bottom for the first time. The tear gas quickly eroded Lin Feng's body. Lin Feng's tears were like water breaking a dike, which was no different from the disciples below.

Soon, the smoke dissipated.

"Damn it, where's the nightmare beast!"

Yuan Qi stood in the sky and looked down. There was no shadow of nightmare beast. Only the disciples below were crying continuously. Because of tear gas, they looked very uncomfortable now.

As for the nightmare beast they want to deal with, it has long disappeared.

Yuan Qi's eyes swept around. The elders of several sects shrugged and looked honest, "seven elders, we all look with you. If we do it, you should know that someone must have taken away the nightmare beast. Let's continue to look for it!"

"It's a thousand doors." Lin Feng suddenly said, "I saw the disciples of Qianji gate before. They are also bound to win the nightmare beast!"

"Thousand machine door?"

Yuan Qi's body trembled and his mind swept around. Sure enough, he felt the traces of the activities of many thousand machine gate disciples, but these thousand machine gate disciples were outside the valley and didn't enter it.

"I said, who can spend so much resources? There is more than one no air array here. We don't have such a means, so only a thousand machine doors can have such a means!"

"Qianjimen has gone too far this time!"

Several elders, look at me and I'll look at you. Looking at many of the disciples below, I don't feel angry. This thousand machine gate beat them down after they lost so many disciples. It's really hateful!

"What should I do?" The disciples of the sect looked at each other and returned to their own sect.

Yuanchen turned to look at Lin Feng and asked.

"Of course it's against a thousand doors." Lin Feng licked his lips. "We've worked hard for so long. It's a little too much to rob when qianjimen says to rob. Therefore, since they like to rob, let's give them a good lesson."

Lin Feng said with a smile, "I don't believe I can't deal with a few guys."

Lin Feng's voice was not high. After hearing Lin Feng's words, Yuanchen clenched his teeth and nodded.

"Well, this time, the thousand machine gate made a mistake first. We are all external disciples. It's natural to deal with them. Give them a lesson!" Then Yuanchen took the lead to go outside the valley.

Lin Feng followed with a smile.

With so many people helping to deal with it together, he can naturally have a lot of time left.

"Tang Hao, isn't he?" Lin Feng's mouth was hooked.

At this time, a breath flashed in the sky, and several people stood in the void and looked down.

"Obviously, it is the breath of the congenital treasure, and the breath flashes by?"


At the command, those people disappeared. Lin Feng looked up at the position of the sky. Just now, he felt the concealment of chaotic seeds.

Who is it?

Lin Feng frowned.

Although the time was short, Lin Feng could clearly feel that someone had shot him just now.

A very powerful person!

Lin Feng thought so and frowned.

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