
The Divine Realm Heavenly Court, an extremely strong force swept through, surging with qi, and dispersed the clouds of light and mist in the sky.

In front of the South Heavenly Gate, a strong figure came in, and the strong aura swept in, alarming the gods of all parties.

“That demon is coming up!”

“Quick, send troops to stop it!”

In the Lingxiao Hall, the Jade Emperor’s face was furious, and he was furious, and the roar shook the world, shaking the entire ~ God Realm.

Listening to the roar of the Jade Emperor, Ye Qing had a cold smile on his face, looking in the direction of Lingxiao Hall, groups of powerful gods of the Divine Realm came.

They gathered one by one, and the heavenly soldiers and generals gathered, turning into a neat and powerful army to block in front of Ye Qing.

A full ten legions, each legion of 100,000 heavenly soldiers, a whole million heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals gathered, which can be regarded as all the essence of the entire god world.

The Divine Realm of this world is not as powerful as imagined, in fact, it is a heavenly court that is gradually evolving.

With more than a million heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, and even various gods, it is already the strongest realm in this world.

Of course, among the three realms of human gods and demons, the strongest is the god world, followed by the demon world, and finally the human world.

“Nine Heavens Sword Box, unsheathed!”

Ye Qing drank sharply, the Nine Heavens Sword Box behind his back was unsheathed, and ten thousand swords flew sonorously, constantly surrounding the surroundings, turning into a huge sword domain.

His carrier sword domain rumbled and crushed up, directly rushing into the Millions of Heavenly Soldiers Heavenly General Array, and launched a bloody slaughter.

“Up, kill him!”

“Kill the demons!”

Countless heavenly soldiers came to kill, waving weapons, wrapped in powerful mana bombardment, wanting to slash Ye Qing.

It’s a pity that he is in the sword domain, completely isolated from the powerful mana bombardment around him, and with the outbreak of infinite sword energy, it turns into a shocking killing, harvesting one heavenly soldier after another.

He is like a killing god, the sword domain passes, no heavenly soldier will be able to stop it, and even the powerful god generals are killed on the spot, and blood stains the god world.


“Demon, demon…”

The screams and roars were intertwined, shaking the divine realm, and many gods had shocked and frightened faces, looking at Ye Qing, who had killed a river of blood, he couldn’t believe it.

The Million Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals couldn’t stop him, and they were killed all the way through the big array, and finally killed in front of the gods of the God Realm.

“Sword Domain, strangle!”

Ye Qing’s face was cold, his sword pointed at him, and the void turned into a terrifying sword qi, which was violently suppressed with a sword domain, strangling all parties.

The gods were terrified, and they broke out their own divine defenses, but they were soon strangled by the infinite sword qi.

“No…” a god roared in fear, and his body was cut into powder by countless sword qi and scattered.

In the divine world, there was a bloody battle, the heavenly soldiers were about to die, the gods fell, and the divine blood was spilled all over the sky, like a ragnarok.

Yes, Ye Qing set off a fright, directly entered the god realm, slashed the gods, and killed the gods of the god world to death.

This is a ragnarok, many gods of the god world were killed, hacked, fell to the altar, corpses flew across the god world, and blood stained the firmament.

The qi was pervasive, and the strong killing qi alarmed the three, and no matter the three realms of the human god and demon, they all felt the terrifying killing qi.

The shouts of killing and the terrified roar in the divine realm continued to spread throughout the three realms, and as the South Heavenly Gate was broken, the fighting here was transmitted to people and demons, attracting countless cultivators and demons.

Even the underground government was shaken, one by one powerful demons were terrified, and there was a blood light above the god realm that converged, killing and condensing.

It was a catastrophe, a calamity for the gods of the divine realm, and the twilight that belonged to the gods had arrived.

“Quick, please come in to Buddha!”

Finally, the Jade Emperor in the Lingxiao Hall couldn’t sit still, roared with a frightened face, and gave the order in panic.

Rulai Buddha is a powerful god in the divine world, his strength is extremely strong, and he has long been alarmed at this moment.

Seeing the Jade Emperor’s order, he immediately appeared, and came from the west of the Divine Realm all the way with the light of the Buddha in the sky.

“Amida Buddha, benefactor, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the ground!”

In the west of the Divine Realm, a golden light permeated, accompanied by a Buddha trumpet, and the endless Buddha light was mighty, finally making the gods who were killed in fear breathe a sigh of relief.

They retreated in horror one after another, watching the golden light arrive, a big Buddha appeared above the Divine Realm, and the powerful aura oppressed the three realms of the human god and demon.

“Rulai Buddha, Heaven and Human Realm?”

Ye Qing stopped, stomped a divine general to death, and looked at the Rulai Buddha who appeared, without the slightest fear on his face.

For example, the Buddha is a powerful celestial being, and the so-called celestial man is a realm above the Dharma, the realm of heaven and man.

Since using the Ancient Emperor Cultivation Card, Ye Qing had clearly felt the subsequent cultivation hierarchy.

Ye Qing knew that from the beginning of cultivation, innate martial artists, grandmasters, great grandmasters, broken realms, divine power realms, Dharma elephant realms, heavenly and human realms, to human realms, human extreme realms, Gaishi realms, monarchs, human emperors, great emperors, ancient emperors, heavenly emperors, and flying immortals.

Heavenly people are equal to the powerful figures of the heaven-covering world, the human realm is equal to the ancient king and the strong, and the human extreme realm is the limit of people, equal to the saint level in the sky-covering world.

········· Ask for flowers…

The world realm, the strong man who has reached this step, the heaven and earth are invincible, and they are overwhelmed by the eons, which is equivalent to the level of the saint king in the sky.

The monarch is the ancient saint in the sky, the human emperor level is equivalent to the quasi-emperor realm, and the great emperor is a strong person who has just become an emperor.

The ancient emperor is the realm that Ye Qing temporarily reached by using the cultivation card before, the heavenly emperor is like the beginningless emperor, the immortal emperor, the desolate heavenly emperor and other realms, and the flying immortal is to feather the ascending immortal and become a real immortal.

“A celestial man, moreover, the Jade Emperor is also a celestial-level powerhouse, but unfortunately, I don’t know how much I killed the power of celestial people.” Ye Qing muttered with a grim smile on her face.

His eyes flashed murderously, and he said coldly: “If you come, retreat immediately, I can not care, if you block me, then you will fall together.” ”

“Amida Buddha, demons, the sea of suffering is boundless, turning back is the shore!”

……. 0

The Buddha said a Buddha trumpet, clasped his hands together, and slapped down with one palm, and the endless Buddha light filled the air, and the three realms trembled.

With Rulai’s palm covering the sky and the sun, it instantly turned into a golden sea of bitterness, boundless, as if you could not see the other shore.

Ye Qing looked at the golden Wang Yang rolling around, it was Rulai’s powerful divine power, a terrifying palm world.


He snorted coldly and said coldly: “Since you are stubborn, then fall.” ”

“Hand of God!”

With a sharp sigh, he saw Ye Qing raise his hand and turn his palm into the sky, with a bang, a huge palm cracked through the air, shattering the entire golden sea of bitterness with a click.

In an instant, the sea of bitterness collapsed, revealing the scene of the divine realm outside, and the face of the Great Buddha was shocked, looking at the giant blue hand rumbling up, and his heart was terrified.

“Rulai God Palm!” His face roared fiercely, and he slapped his palm fiercely, and the golden Buddha hand soared into the sky, rumbling to cover the sky.

The two giant hands collided together fiercely, and in an instant, the Buddha hand collapsed, causing the hand of heaven to directly crush and collapse.



The hand of the heavens pressed down, suppressing the Rulai Buddha, holding the five fingers, the crisp sound of clicking spread throughout the three realms, and the blood of the Buddha spilled all over the sky, dyeing the divine realm golden.

Buddha, crushed by the hand of God, the western Buddha of the Divine Realm fell, and the gods were terrified.


“Congratulations to the host, kill the Buddha, get 500,000 yuan treasure, a Buddha treasure chest.”

Ye Qing’s heart was ecstatic, but he didn’t expect that killing the Xitian Buddha of this world would get 500,000 yuan treasure, and there was a Buddha treasure chest, which was simply a big gain. _

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