Huaxia University, girls’ dormitory.

“Husband, how bad are you, you are here…”

In the dormitory, Di Zhengba’s face turned red, and she glanced at Ye Qing with dissatisfaction, and Queen Fan was ashamed to hide in the bed beside her.

After she was sent back by Ye Qing, she found Xiao Di taking a lunch break in the dormitory, looking at Xiao Di in pink pajamas, Ye Qing couldn’t help but come directly to sleep together.

At this time, Queen Fan and Xiao Di were so frightened that they almost screamed, but in the end they couldn’t avoid this calamity, allowing Ye Qing to enjoy the blessings of Qi people again.

“You bad guy, don’t leave quickly, be careful to be discovered.”

Queen Fan showed a pretty face, pushed Ye Qing, and asked him to leave quickly, it would not be good to be discovered by the school.

Ye Qing smiled straightly, and stayed here for a long time before leaving, fortunately, there was no class today, otherwise he might be discovered.

But it was really difficult to find out his good deeds, Ye Qing left satisfied, dressed neatly, and quietly left the girls’ dormitory.

“This scoundrel, it’s so bad, it almost scared me to death just now.”

Seeing Ye Qing gone, Di Ting Reba breathed a sigh of relief, her pretty face turned red, and she patted her heart, she was really frightened just now.

Fortunately, it was Ye Qing, otherwise she would have burst out with all her strength and directly beat her, but in the end she couldn’t hide.

“Hee hee, Sister Bingbing, you and I will be really inseparable good sisters in the future.” Di Zhengba suddenly looked at Queen Fan with a grin.

The latter’s face was red and shy, but she quickly showed the demeanor of her female 500 king, smiling and looking at Xiao Di.

The two girls played in the dormitory, and soon fell asleep because they were too tired.


On the campus of Huaxia University, Ye Qingyou walked leisurely, and no one knew how he appeared.

“Wow, that senior is so handsome, which class is it?”

“Huh? I haven’t seen it, but I just transferred it. ”

Ye Qing’s charm walked on the campus of the university, that was two hundred percent of the turnaround, especially some girls, all cast burning eyes.

Boys, naturally jealous, looking at Ye Qing than them handsome, more temperament and charm, this is a man will be jealous.


Just walked to the turn, suddenly hit by a figure, Ye Qing did not move, let alone dodge, converged a body of breath and rebound ability did not shock this person.

Only then did I find that it was a pretty girl who hit him, sat down on the ground, and her nose frowned in pain.

“Sorry, I bumped into you, are you alright?”

Ye Qing squatted down, collected the scattered books around one by one, and asked softly.

Hearing this, Zhao Liying, who was originally very angry in his heart, was stunned, slowly raised his head, and was electrocuted by Ye Qing’s handsome and unique temperament.

Her beautiful eyes were bright, her cheeks were slightly red, and she chuckled: “Thing, I didn’t look at the road just now.” ”

Zhao Liying took the book handed by Ye Qing. The egg was a little red, because her heart was beating violently at this moment, as if it was about to pop out of it.

Nervous, yes, she was nervous, her face was red.

“It’s okay, be careful in the future.” Ye Qing, then turned around and walked past her.

When he walked away, Zhao Liying suddenly came to his senses, turned around, and Ye Qing’s figure had already walked away, slowly walked out of the gate of the Huaxia Academy, and disappeared into her eyes.

Seeing this, Zhao Liying suddenly felt a touch of loss in his heart, stunned, the highest school in China, the three most beautiful school flowers, Queen Fan is the first queen, Di Zhengba and Zhao Liying are ranked second at the same time.

For this chance encounter, Ye Qing looked at it in a blink of an eye, Zhao Liying is very beautiful, but he has more women, so he doesn’t have much thought.

Out of the school gate, Ye Qing walked aimlessly on the streets of Shangjing, did not rush back, wandered around at will, and relaxed himself.

When you are ready to enter a new task, you naturally have to adjust your body and mind and wait for the arrival of the new task.

While walking, Ye Qing suddenly stopped in front of the door of a painting exhibition hall and turned her head to look inside.

A familiar figure flashed in the painting exhibition hall, and when I looked at it, I realized that it was a girl street painter who had a relationship at the beginning.

“So it’s her…” Ye Qing smiled, thinking who it was, it turned out to be the girl who was painting at the street stall, Ma Yili.

She came to Shangjing, it seems that she came to participate in this Shangjing art exhibition, and after thinking about it, Ye Qing finally walked into the art exhibition.

“Oh, it’s you?”

In the exhibition hall, Ma Yili was looking at the works of various masters, thinking that he would also have to work hard to paint, and his works would be exhibited here one day in the morning (cabc).

But soon, she felt a person walking beside her, she didn’t care, instinctively moved away a little, but inadvertently glanced at Ye Qing, and was suddenly surprised.

Ye Qing nodded to her with a smile and asked, “Are you here to participate in the art exhibition?” Have your works been exhibited? ”

After hearing this, Ma Yili said with a hint of embarrassment: “How can I have that skill, of course my paintings will not have the opportunity to be exhibited here.” ”

As she spoke, a trace of loss flashed on her face, but her eyes flashed with determination, she was a girl with great perseverance, fighting hard for her dreams.

“You also come here to see the art exhibition, are you a painter?” Ma Yili looked at Ye Qing curiously and asked.

Ye Qing shook his head and explained, “Actually, I only came in when I saw you, do you believe it or not?” ”

“Believe!” Ma Yili nodded stunned, then his face was slightly red, and a trace of shame flashed in his heart.

Seeing her shy appearance, Ye Qing was dumbfounded and said with a smile: “If you want to become a real painter, or even a painting immortal, you must have an extraordinary realm of understanding, and even be able to comprehend the true way of painting.” ”

“The way to draw?” Ma Yili was dumbfounded, completely unaware of the meaning.

Ye Qing explained: “The so-called way of painting, that is a kind of Tao comprehension, once you comprehend the essence of the way of painting, you can even draw a world. ”

As he spoke, his eyes flashed with a trace of truth and reason, and he had a very unique view of the way of painting, believing that painting is also a kind of cultivation.

If you cultivate to the extreme, you are likely to be able to draw a world, that is, the middle of the painting, which is the extremely high realm of painting.

“Hey, this person must be crazy in his brain, read too many novels.”

“That is, the way to draw, bullshit does not make sense.”

Ye Qing’s words were heard by many people next to him, and they suddenly sneered.

In this regard, Ye Qing didn’t care, smiled lightly, and Ma Yili suddenly felt that maybe what Ye Qing said was right.

Yes, her face was firm, and she said: “I believe you, although I can’t understand what this is, I firmly believe that what you said is true.” ”

For some reason, she unswervingly believed what Ye Qing said, in short, she had a feeling in her heart, believe him, believe him.

“Thank you, if you want to learn this supreme painting realm, I can teach you, if you want to learn, come to me.”

After Ye Qing finished speaking, he turned around and left the art exhibition, which did not mean anything to him, the person who embarked on the fairy road.

Watching him leave, Ma Yili was stunned, then suddenly came to his senses and immediately trotted to follow.

“I want to learn, you teach me?”

Ma Yili’s face was full of expectation, and his eyes looked at Ye Qing directly, and he really wanted to learn the supreme painting realm he said.

“Where do you live? Don’t invite me to a cup of tea? Ye Qing turned her head and asked rhetorically with a smile.

Ma Yili’s face was slightly red, and she smiled embarrassedly, and then took Ye Qing to her temporary residence.

This is a little intriguing, she believes that Ye Qing is a good person? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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