Miaoshan stayed like this, which made people feel very strange, especially the horse jingle, and the eyes looking at Ye Qing became a little inexplicable.

In this regard, Ye Qing didn’t care, and asked Bai Susu to arrange for her to live.

“Gongzi, Susu and Xiaoqing ask for a meeting.”

Ye Qing was about to take a break, but he heard the sound of Bai Susu outside the door, and opened the door only to find that Bai Susu and Xiaoqing came.

The three of them sat down, Ye Qing looked at the two, and suddenly smiled: “Susu, you came just in time, I will help you break the power of the five decays of heaven and man in your body.” ”

Bai Su Suqiao’s face was a little excited, and he shook his head and said: “Gongzi is not in a hurry first, Susu wants to ask Gongzi, can you remember the two little snakes that were saved eight hundred years ago?” ”

“Eight hundred years ago…” Ye Qing was stunned, thinking back that he seemed to have really saved two little snakes, one white and one green.

One white and one blue, Ye Qing looked at Bai Susu and Xiaoqing in front of him with a strange face, should he save them both secretly?

“You sisters, shouldn’t it be those two wounded little snakes?” Ye Qing looked at it and suddenly realized, no wonder the ghost sent the gods to save the white and green ~ two small snakes.

It turned out that he had already faintly noticed something in his consciousness, but he was paying attention to the affairs of the Eternal Kingdom at that time – and never cared.

Now that I think about it, those two little snakes, Bai Susu and Xiaoqing, just came out and ran into Fahai, and the two sisters were severely injured and almost died.

At that time, if Ye Qing hadn’t sensed a wisp of demonic energy and casually brought the two little snakes back to treat them, he never thought that it was Bai Susu and Xiaoqing.

“Ha, it turned out to be the two of you.” Ye Qing laughed.

Bai Susu listened to Ye Qing’s admission, immediately excited, stood up and bowed.

“Susu thanks En Gong for his rescue, and gave immortal peach to restore Su Su’s original body, Grace Gong is a great kindness, Su Su is toothless and unforgettable.” Bai Susu looked very excited, eight hundred years, and finally found the benefactor who was saved when he was injured.

Xiaoqing also thanked with excitement: “Engong, Xiaoqing and her sister can survive thanks to Engong’s fairy peach.” ”

Both of them were very concerned about the person who gave them to Xiantao, but at that time, Bai Susu and Xiaoqing were confused, and they were almost scattered by their spiritual intelligence, if it were not for Ye Qing giving two spirit peaches, they might even be in danger of completely dispersing.

When the two sisters woke up, they found that they were all injured, but they didn’t see anyone next to them, but they vaguely felt that someone had saved them.

After that, Bai Susu and Xiaoqing have been looking for the person who saved them, and this search is eight hundred years, during which they met Yue Yinhua, and felt that her breath was somewhat familiar.

Because Yue Yinhua had seen these two little snakes before, he was curious to take them with him for two days, and finally forgot about them.

Ye Qing sighed that fate is often so wonderful.

“Don’t be kind and kind, listen awkward, just call me by name.” Ye Qing smiled and shook her head, not caring.

Back then, I just did it casually, spontaneously, thought about it, and didn’t think too much about it at all.

Bai Susu’s face lowered slightly, and he whispered: “Gongzi, Susu is willing to follow Gongzi’s side, serve Gongzi for the rest of his life, repay Gongzi’s great kindness, and ask Gongzi to take him in.” ”

“Please Gongzi take it in!” The little green eyes and bones followed directly.

She had one thought in her heart, that is, Ye Qing was very powerful, the Buddha was honored, and even sent Miaoshan, which seemed to be very powerful.

In this case, wouldn’t it be better to follow such a powerful backer as him?

“Get up!”

Ye Qing smiled and raised her hand to help the two, looking at Bai Susu firmly. Ku’er asked, “Susu, can I ask you a question?” ”

“Gongzi please say, Susu knows everything.” Bai Susu replied with a smile.

Ye Qing looked at her, thought about it and asked, “Susu, do you have a sweetheart?” ”

He cares about this the most, if Bai Susu has a sweetheart, and even already likes the so-called Xu Xian, then he has to find a way to get rid of the person in her heart, after all, he still thinks about other men after him, how to do it?

Bai Susu was stunned when he heard this, his face was slightly red, and he glanced at Ye Qing carefully, not knowing what to say.

“Looking at your look, it seems that you really have a sweetheart.” Ye Qingxiao looked at Bai Susu and said.

Bai Susu gritted his teeth, bowed his head slightly, and whispered: “Gongzi, Susu does have a sweetheart, and Susu has been looking for him for eight hundred years. ”

“Oh? Who is it? Ye Qing’s eyes flickered, secretly saying that Xu Xian was this bastard, it seemed necessary to slowly eliminate the thoughts in Bai Susu’s heart.

“The person Susu likes is Gongzi…” After Bai Susu finished speaking, her pretty face turned red, and she lowered her head shyly.

This is the first time she has revealed her heart, in fact, from the moment Ye Qing rescued her, the moment she gave her a spirit peach, Bai Susu had quietly imprinted this hazy person in her heart.

Although she was confused at the time, she had a clear throbbing, a deep touch, the kind of feeling of being rescued and cared for.

“Me?” Ye Qing was stunned, her eyes flashed slightly, and she suddenly smiled: “Hahaha, so it is like this, come, I will help you get rid of the five decays of heaven and man.” ”

···· Ask for flowers·· 0

Ye Qing’s heart was happy, and the person Bai Susu liked in his heart turned out to be him, which made him completely let go.

Raising his hand, a heavenly force poured into Bai Susu’s body, and in an instant, the secret force that was suppressed and blocked was directly extracted by Ye Qing.

“Hmph, I know that hiding behind my back and calculating, I will never become a real strongman.” Ye Qing looked at that secret force and showed a sneer.

With a click, he said and crushed this secret force, completely destroying the power of grass and white pigment behind it.

Those who only know that they hide behind the shadows and calculate everywhere will never become truly strong, because they can only hide in the dark.

These are like rats, they can’t get on the table at all, and the strong should go forward bravely and fight for a strong road with strength and courage.

………… 0

This is the real strong, only know that the weak behind the calculation of the weak, will always be only the weak, to say that it sounds like the chess player of the world chessboard.

To say that it is ugly is some hidden rats, Ye Qing disdains such behavior, what he needs is not calculation, but to fight his own path to immortality all the way.

“Okay Susu, you will follow me in the future, you will not be calculated by any more forces, and those who dare to calculate, then they will all be destroyed.” Ye Qing said this indifferently but confidently.

Bai Susu’s pretty face was pleasantly surprised, feeling the ease and ease, no longer affected by the five decays of heaven and man, and suddenly the whole person was filled with a powerful charm.

“Gongzi…” Bai Suqiao’s face was slightly red, her eyes were shining with water, and her heart was simply moved to death.


“Congratulations to the host, get the favor of leukin, the current favorability is full…”

With the prompt from the system, Ye Qing was surprised, but she didn’t expect that Bai Susu would burst with good feelings, and it was directly full.

Looking at her watery eyes and red face, Ye Qing knew that she was emotional, and it was superfluous to say anything now.



The two hugged gently, stared at each other with their eyes, and gradually kissed together under the ignorant witness of Xiaoqing on the side.

Xiaoqing, with a confused look, then her face turned red, turned her head shyly, but secretly looked back.

“So shameful, sister and Gongzi… No, I also want to…” Looking at it, Xiaoqing muttered to herself, walked up with a blushing face, and joined the ranks of the two. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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