The person who came is a woman, but no one will underestimate her, because she walks in space, and her breath is terrifying.

Her eyes were red, as crystal as rubies, and she walked in front of Ye Qing without stopping.

“Pangu people, you came to avenge the general?” Ye Qing asked lightly.

He looked at the comer, it was the Pangu tribesman, but he didn’t know where she was coming from.

“My name is Tomorrow.” The Pangu woman opposite spoke and said her identity.

Her name is Mingri, an elder of the Pangu clan, her strength is extremely strong, but she is still weaker than the general, Ye Qing is naturally not afraid.

However, she only appeared after killing the general herself, which is intriguing.


At this time, the human king Fuxi and the Holy Mother of Yaochi both appeared, gently bowing to Tomorrow to show respect.

Tomorrow nodded to the two, then looked at Ye Qing and said, “I’m not here to seek revenge from you.” ”

“Then, say what you mean.” Ye Qing was unmoved, and his breath faintly locked on the other party.

Our Lady of Yaochi looked at Ye Qing, her expression was complicated, but she did not speak. She and Wang Fuxi stood behind Tomorrow and looked at Ye Qing quietly.

Ming Ri’s expression was indifferent, and he said: “Actually, the general has already defected from the Pangu clan, and this time it has even disrupted the original plan. ”

What plan, naturally, is a plan to capture fate, because Ye Qing took Nuwa and caused the generals to fall into madness.

This time, he directly came to the door to fight with Ye Qing, and finally fell in space, and the Pangu clan elder came down tomorrow.

Ye Qing didn’t speak, looked at Tomorrow, and only listened to her say: “I came 110 to invite you to go with me to the Pangu Clan Holy Land, and the patriarch wants to see you.” ”

“Patriarch Pangu?” Ye Qing was surprised, because he never thought that there was a patriarch in the Pangu clan?

He frowned slightly, thought quickly in his heart, and quickly nodded in agreement.

“Okay, I can go with you to the Pangu Clan Holy Land, but now I still have things to deal with, and I will come to you when I finish dealing with it.” Ye Qing looked at Tomorrow after speaking, waiting for a reply.

Tomorrow didn’t say much, and said with a smile: “Yes, I’ll wait for you here.” ”

“Farewell!” After Ye Qing finished speaking, he turned around and flashed, disappeared here, and came to Bai Susu and the others, and took them away in a scroll of mana.

In space, only the Pangu clan elder Tomorrow was left, as well as the three human kings Fuxi and the Holy Mother of Yaochi.

“Elder, why did you invite him to the Holy Land?” Human King Fuxi couldn’t help but ask.

Ming Ri shook her head lightly, and she sighed: “That’s what the patriarch meant, I don’t really understand, but the plan has been impossible, fate has been detected, it has been hidden, and if you want to find or lead it out, you must rely on him.” ”

“He, can he do it?” Our Lady of Yaochi frowned and muttered to herself.

The three Pangu tribesmen were waiting in space, while Ye Qing returned to the bar with Bai Susu, Ma Xiaoling and others.

“Xiaoling, take care of your aunt.” In the bar, Ye Qing looked at the lost horse jingle and said to Ma Xiaoling.

Ma Xiaoling bowed her head slightly, hugging the horse jingling, she watched the general being killed by Ye Qing and could not do anything, her heart was like ashes.

“Susu, I’m leaving, are you going to stay here, or will I send you to a safe place?” Ye Qing solemnly asked Bai Susu women.

Listening to his words, Bai Susu, Xiaoqing, Yue Yinhua, and Miao Shan all looked at each other, but Miao Shan was the first to speak.

“Is Nuwa there?” Miaoshan Gaze One. Curiously asked.

Everyone looked at Ye Qing in unison, he looked at Miaoshan and chuckled: “You guessed well, Nuwa is sleeping there, and Chang’e is guarding her.” ”

“Uh…” Ma Xiaoling was confused, even if Nuwa was alone, there was a Chang’e, which made her speechless.

However, Ye Qing was curious, Chang’e left at the beginning, there is no legend of Chang’e running to the moon, why would Ma Xiaoling and others know about Chang’e?

Ye Qing’s eyes flickered, a flash of essence appeared, and he snorted secretly: “Fate, tampering with the memories of sentient beings.” ”

He has already figured out that fate is tampering with the memories of sentient beings, which makes Ye Qing very unhappy, Chang’e is in his inner heaven and earth, how can there be the legend of Chang’e running to the moon, isn’t it smacking him in the face?

“I’ll go too.” Ma Xiaoling suddenly said firmly.

She directly wanted to go to the safe place that Ye Qing said, wanted to see Nuwa, Chang’e, and even thought, since you let Bai Susu go to them, why don’t you have me?

“Sure? If you go, you can’t get out…” Ye Qing looked at her with a faint smile and asked, but Ma Xiaoling didn’t want to go resolutely, and even more wanted to go.

“Okay!” Ye Qing smiled, didn’t care, since Ma Xiaoling is going, then go, anyway, don’t think about running.

Seeing that Bai Susu and the others did not object, Ye Qing directly opened the inner heaven and earth, took all the women into the inner heaven and earth in a flash, and saw Chang’e who was cultivating.

“Fujun, you’re here.” Chang’e immediately woke up and saw a bright smile appear on Ye Qing’s pretty face.

Then, Ye Qing briefly introduced the mutual recognition of women (CDCI), and then pulled Miao Shan to the side.

“Miaozen, although I don’t know why the Buddha threw you to me, I think you should be very clear about what I need to pay to follow?” Ye Qing looked at Miao Shan and said in a flat tone.

Miaozen’s face was calm, and there was a hint of firmness in her eyes, and she said: “I understand that I am willing to pay no matter what the cost. ”

“Very good, then you can live here first, this is my inner world.” After speaking, Ye Qing turned around and left the inner heaven and earth in a flash.

Watching him disappear, Miaoshan had a complicated expression and flickered his eyes, in fact, she understood very well what the Buddha meant by sending her to Ye Qing’s side, that is, to let her transcend the cause and effect of this realm and gain true comfort from now on.

However, everything needs to be paid, and the only chance to obtain this detachment is in Ye Qing, and the Buddha saw it very clearly and sent Miaoshan to him, not other Buddhas.



Ye Qing’s figure appeared and came to space, where Tomorrow, the Holy Mother of Yaochi, and Fuxi were waiting here.

“Your business is finished?” Asuna asked softly.

Ye Qing bowed his head, indicating that he had finished processing, and listening to his expression, Tomorrow’s pretty face changed slightly.

Because, just now, she had sensed that the breath of Ma Xiaoling, Miao Shan, Bai Susu and others had disappeared without a trace.

“It’s really mysterious!” Tomorrow sighed in his heart.

She smiled and said, “In that case, then follow me to the Pangu Holy Land, the patriarch has been waiting for a long time.” ”

“Let’s go!” Ye Qing said with his head in his head, while checking the system prompt for killing the general before.

“Congratulations to the host, kill the Pangu clan general, get 200,000 yuan treasure, a Pangu talent treasure chest.”

Seeing this, Ye Qing was secretly happy in his heart that he finally had the opportunity to obtain the general’s Pangu Clan Time Talent ability.

At this time, I saw a mysterious light waving from tomorrow, and then, a light appeared and turned into a door.

That was the passage to the Pangu Holy Land, and tomorrow he took Ye Qing into it, and behind, the human king Fuxi and the Holy Mother of Yaochi both followed behind.

As they enter it, the passage disappears.


After Ye Qing and the others left and went to the Pangu Holy Land, there was a burst of laughter in the void.

“Pangu Clan Holy Land, originally hiding there, finally came out, then wipe out the Pangu Clan, and start the dark chess…”

“Well, there is also that Ye Qing, the breath is very strange, it actually makes me feel a sense of intimacy, weird, and the unstable factor must be removed.”

A strange word disappeared into nothingness, and then a mysterious fluctuation flashed, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye, as if it had never appeared.

In this regard, Ye Qing was on the way to the holy land of the Pangu tribe, and suddenly felt something, and the power of fate actually sensed it, and immediately captured a mysterious aura.

“Fate?” Ye Qing muttered secretly in his heart, and then a sneer appeared, and finally truly sensed the existence of fate.

“Hmm…” Su’er, the body of the Holy Mother of Yaochi behind him suddenly trembled, his face was a little pale, and he felt a little uncomfortable, but it quickly disappeared.

She secretly wondered, and then stopped, but this scene was seen by Ye Qing, and she quietly left a god in her heart.


At this time, Ming Ri said a word, attracting Ye Qing’s attention, and looking up, everyone walked out of the passage and came to the Pangu tribe’s holy land. _

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