“When did you find out?”

The head slowly spoke, and the indifferent voice revealed a trace of surprise, obviously not expecting Ye Qing to discover it so quickly.

Moreover, Ye Qingguo was fierce, even cutting off his own body and head directly, and bringing it into time and space, here, there is a turbulent flow of time and space everywhere.

Looking at the opening of that head, Ye Qing’s Yuan God showed a sneer and hummed: “I’ve always wondered why every time I earn the yuan treasure, I will quickly improve my strength or buy things and spend it.” ”

“Even, as long as I want to improve my strength, I spend the yuan treasures I have earned again and again.” Ye Qing said lightly.

The head’s eyes flickered and asked, “Is it because of these that you suspect that the system is wrong?” ”

“No, there is nothing wrong with the system, in my opinion, the system is just an unconscious program, and what I care about is the person hiding behind the system.” Ye Qing said, staring sharply at his head.

He was actually just suspicious, but the punishment for the failure of the previous mission made Ye Qing have strong doubts, and he was more sure that his guess was correct.

Sure enough, having cut off his own head, the thing hidden behind the system couldn’t help but come out.

The fact that behind the system is a person, or a living body, is shocking.

“Hey, you’re really vigilant, it seems that I squeezed too much, causing you to be suspicious.” The head said, and its eyes bloomed with two terrifying lights.


Between the two, a force suddenly burst out in 960, slamming together, and in an instant, the space-time channel collapsed, and endless turbulence swept in.

The head got out of confinement and floated quietly, and then, the flesh and blood under the skull and neck squirmed rapidly, and quickly recovered its body.

Ye Qingyuanshen looked at his severed head and recovered his body, his pupils couldn’t help but shrink, secretly awe-inspiring.

“Now that you know, erase you and find another spokesperson.” The mysterious creature that recovered his body spoke indifferently.

He is a terrible existence hidden behind the system, which is actually an unconscious thing.

In other words, the system was originally a subsidy, but Ye Qing had always felt as if the system was not controlled by him at all.

But the system controls him, which is a little uncomfortable, since the system belongs to him, then it is controlled by him, and uncontrolled is equivalent to hiding big secrets.

As expected, behind the system, there is a terrible thing hidden, and he manipulates everything behind his back.

Everything Ye Qing did was arranged by him, and the task was released by him, which was a little terrifying and terrifying.

No matter how many yuan treasures Ye Qing earned, in fact, he got most of the money, which Ye Qing can be sure of now.

“I guess you should be the last holder of the system, right?” Ye Qing suddenly spoke.

On the opposite side, the creature was originally Ye’s appearance, but suddenly changed into another appearance, very strange, cold face, blue eyes, pupils are completely cyan, shining through.

“You know too much, more alert than the previous puppets, you will never be able to resist me, you are doomed to death.” The strange guy faded.

The aura on his body became more and more powerful, becoming extremely terrifying, even surpassing Ye Qing’s original strength, which was very terrifying.

“Sure enough, all the yuan treasures have come to you, even, you have obtained the greatest benefit, but I can only get a little scrap cold, your existence, hindered my progress. Say this with a cold face.

Listening to his words, the mysterious creature looked at Ye Qing mockingly and said disdainfully: “Ants, you don’t need to know too much, since you found out, then die.” ”


As soon as the words fell, a strong force broke out, and I saw a huge pale blue giant hand grabbed fiercely.

The hand of the heavens, Ye Qing knew the power best, and the other party was much more powerful than him.

“Gears of destiny!” Ye Qing gulped, the Yuan God glowed, and a mysterious force burst out, and a huge gear rumbled and struck directly at the hand of the heavens.

With a loud bang, the two collided, and the powerful force tore apart the storm of time and space, stirring all parties and setting off a storm of extinction.

The clattering impact sound came, and the gear of fate kept spinning, erasing the giant blue hand.

The two power levels actually fought each other to a draw, and no one could help the other, which surprised the creature.


In the next moment, the Hand of God and the Gears of Destiny (CEBB) both shattered and disappeared, leaving only the chaotic and empty area there.

“It turns out that you have mastered some secrets and powers, and it seems that you are even more incredible.” The creature’s face was cold, and his tone was full of horror and murder.

Ye Qing, on the other hand, showed a cold smile and said word by word: “I guess, you should have suffered a lot of trauma, and now you are not in your prime, otherwise you don’t have to hide behind the system.” ”

“Even if I don’t recover, it’s enough to erase you.” The creature drank loudly, stepped forward, and instantly appeared in front of Ye Qing, punching him.

The booming explosion sounded throughout the space-time tunnel, crushing the turbulence in all directions, and the powerful power suppressed Ye Qing’s Yuan Shen a little shaken.

“Time stands still!” Suddenly, Ye Qing pointed out, and endless silver rays erupted, and nothing stood still.

In front, the creature was stilled, but quickly broke away and threw a punch, but unfortunately Ye Qing had disappeared and dodged.

“No need to waste your efforts, the power of time, I will do the same, it’s a pity that you are such a good puppet, kill and find another one.” The creature flashed with a sinister smile.

Ye Qingyuanshen kept dodging, using the power of time and space to avoid the opponent’s attacks again and again.

Gradually, Ye Qing figured out the other party’s ability, in fact, the other party could not use the power of the system at all.

In other words, in fact, he can manipulate the system, but he cannot use the power of the system to kill Ye Qing.

“It turns out that you have taken away most of my gains with this ability, you must be used to restore your soul, and the strength is actually the 100,000 yuan treasure I just left to recover, right?” Ye Qing made a guess with a sneer while dodging.

Hearing this, the eyes of the person on the opposite side flickered, a trace of cold murder appeared on his face, and he looked at Ye Qing fiercely.

“I can’t leave you!” The man roared fiercely, and his whole body burst out, but unfortunately, most of the power of the heavens was in Ye Qing’s body.

And his body is being suppressed on Mars at the moment, and it is impossible for him to control it at all, because the head has been cut off.

“Hide what you hide, since you have not recovered, then die.” Ye Qing finally broke out.

He was originally taking a risk, since he guessed the secret behind the system, he had to solve it as soon as possible, and directly kill it while the other party may not have recovered.

Otherwise, once the other party uses him to gain enough benefits, he will not have that chance to solve it after recovering.

“Time and space forbidden domain, extinction millstone, town killing!”

With a loud gulp, Ye Qingyuanshen burst out an immeasurable divine light, and the power belonging to time and space was suddenly released, turning into a desperate realm.

Then, in the space-time tunnel, the chaotic forces of time and space suddenly converged, turning into a terrifying grinding disc and rumbling down.

“Damn, you actually comprehended the time-space extinction millstone? How is it possible, why don’t I know? When the man saw this, his complexion immediately changed greatly. _

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