Outside Xianling Island, a figure walked out of the black hole and looked at the surrounding scenery.


“Mission distribution: Main quest: Get the heart of Pangu and reward 500,000 yuan treasure.”

“Side mission one: Kill the Divine Realm Heavenly Emperor Fuxi and reward 200,000 yuan treasure.”

“Side mission two: Kill the demon clan of the demon world, and reward 200,000 yuan treasure.”

“Side mission three: get the favor of Nuwa’s descendants, and, take it out of the world, and reward 100,000 yuan treasure.”

The system task prompt came, making Ye Qing fall into thought, the main task is to obtain the heart of Pangu, this world legend is that Pangu’s body is too large and collapsed after the birth of chaos.

The Heart of Pangu hangs between heaven and earth to become a link between heaven and earth, and connects with the land where the heavenly qi is clear, and the divine tree is born due to the turbidity and the convergence of the heavens, becoming the source of life in the heavenly world.

If you want the Heart of Pangu, you must kill the God Realm, and the side mission is to kill the Heavenly Emperor Fuxi, which has to be done.

Ye Qing is thinking, which part of the fairy sword is the current time period “five five zero”?

“Huh? This is Fairy Island? Ye Qing raised her head and suddenly saw an island in front of her that was filled with clouds and mist, and the fairy light was faint.

He guessed that this might be the place where Zhao Linger avoided pursuit, Xianling Island, thinking of this, Ye Qing couldn’t help but smile.

Isn’t there a descendant of Nuwa here? It just so happened that when I went to Xianling Island to see, Zhao Linger was abducted by the protagonist, if not, it was just right, if there was one, she would directly kill the protagonist.


The figure flashed, Ye Qing came to the fairy spirit island, and walked into the foggy and poisonous snake everywhere on the fairy spirit island.

Ye Qing’s mind sensed, and he quickly found a pure breath, and his figure appeared nearby in a flash.

As soon as I came, I was surprised to find that there was a clear pool in front, and the sound of water was heard inside, and through the faint mist, Ye Qing saw such a scene.

In the water, a young girl of wonderful age, as pure and flawless as a snow lotus in a pool, pure and pleasant, pure and beautiful, like a fairy in the world.

“Zhao Linger?” Ye Qing’s eyes flickered, looking at the girl in the pool, who was washing white, she was Zhao Linger.

Unexpectedly, when I came here, the first person I met was Zhao Linger, and she was still washing white, which was embarrassing.

Ye Qing did not have a penchant for peeping at people’s whitewashing, and directly turned around and retreated, which is an indecent act.

As a strong person, if you like it, you will pursue it openly, there is no need to sit on that voyeuristic thing, it is too cheap.

“Who?” Just when Ye Qing wanted to quietly retreat, it caused the girl in the pool to wake up, snorted, and quickly grabbed the clothes and dressed neatly.

Ye Qing was embarrassed, secretly curious in her heart, but she hid her breath, and did not even alarm a flower and grass here, how was it discovered?

Zhao Linger, found him, which made Ye Qing very surprised, standing in place, looking at Zhao Linger who was neatly dressed over there, directly condensed a stream of water balls to hit over.


The water ball exploded, the fog dispersed, and the figure of Lu Yeqing, the two looked at each other face to face.

The moment Zhao Linger saw Ye Qing, her originally angry face froze, and then her eyes flashed a surprise.

“Brother Ye Qing?” Zhao Ling’er called out, full of surprise, and ran up and grabbed Ye Qing’s arm.

“Uh…” Ye Qing was confused, looking at Zhao Linger, she seemed to have met her for the first time, and she seemed to know herself.

Immediately he thought of something, and his heart moved, could it be that he could not travel to Nanzhao Kingdom ten years ago to save her?

Not to mention, Ye Qing thought of this and asked with a smile: “Girl, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to offend just now, and, do you know me?” ”

If you don’t know, you don’t know, Ye Qing naturally won’t pretend to know, so that Zhao Linger’s pretty face flashed a look of loss.

“Brother Ye Qing, you really don’t recognize me?” A trace of loss flashed on Zhao Linger’s face, and she was in a bad mood.

The surrounding plants suddenly bent down and shrugged there, as if they withered with her displeasure, and Ye Qing was surprised to see it.

Worthy of being a descendant of Nuwa, this ability is really peculiar, looking at her lost appearance, Ye Qing couldn’t bear it in her heart.

“My name is Ye Qing, dare to ask the girl’s name?” Ye Qing’s gentle tone woke up Zhao Linger.

A bright smile appeared on her pretty face and said, “It’s okay, Brother Ye Qing doesn’t know Ling’er anymore, Ling’er can let Brother Ye Qing get to know Ling’er again.” ”

“Brother Ye Qing, my name is Zhao Linger.” Zhao Linger said with a sweet smile.

She held Ye Qing’s arm, as if she was afraid that he was gone, which made Ye Qing more certain that she had been there ten years ago.

“Go, Ling’er will take you to see grandma, she misses you very much like Ling’er.” Zhao Linger said something that almost broke Ye Qing.

What? Zhao Linger’s grandmother, miss Ye Qing very much? Hearing this, Ye Qing said, himself Alexander, what is this with?

Even if she knew Zhao Linger, why did her grandmother run out?

Ye Qing was full of questions, allowing Zhao Linger to take his hand, and walked quickly to the center of Xianling Island, where Zhao Linger lived.

“Grandma, grandma come out quickly, you quickly see who is coming.”

As Zhao Linger walked, she shouted at the front, alarming a beautiful woman who was cultivating inside.

I saw that the figure flashed, and a beautiful woman in a white dress instantly appeared and came to Ye Qing…….

“Childe?” The face of the person was excited, and when he saw Ye Qing appear, his face couldn’t help but hold up a blush.

She is Zhao Linger’s mother, Qing’er’s maid, and Zhao Linger calls her grandmother.

Ye Qing looked strange, looking at the gorgeous woman in front of him, there was a wisp of his familiar breath on her body, which was his own breath.

Weird, your sister, I just came here, right? Why does this woman have his breath on her?

“System, what’s going on?” Ye Qing asked.

Only listen to the system explain: “Master, once you travel through the past or future time period of this world, it will inevitably cause the timeline to divert and become another independent world.” ”

“That is, I travel through the past, and at that time period, which timeline will separate and form another connected but different world?” Ye Qing suddenly understood that her understanding of time and space was deeper.

His eyes flickered, and he suddenly understood that the woman in front of him was Qing’er’s maid, who knew herself, proving that he had been to Nanzhao Kingdom ten years ago.

“Gongzi, you really don’t remember, this is what you gave to the slave back then, let the slave transfer it to you after seeing Gongzi again.” Grandma, that is, the woman who was full of flowers, gave Ye Qing something.

In this thing, there is a hidden memory, which makes Ye Qing’s face become strange after reading it.

“System, what if I take the current Zhao Linger into the inner heaven and earth, and then travel back ten years ago, what will happen to the two Zhao Linger meeting?” Ye Qing directly asked the system secretly.

And the system gave the answer: “0.9 master, two Zhao Linger cannot exist at the same time, once they meet, one must disappear, just like the previous master you crossed the parallel world and directly integrated yourself in that world.” ”

“Got it!” Ye Qing nodded, looked at Zhao Linger with a smile, and pinched her pink little face, surprising Zhao Linger’s eyes.

“Brother Ye Qing, do you remember?” Zhao Linger asked expectantly.

Ye Qing nodded with a smile, making Zhao Linger immediately happy, holding him and saying: “Then, what Brother Ye Qing promised Ling’er ten years ago, should it be fulfilled?” ”

“Huh? A promise from ten years ago? Ye Qing was stunned, thought about it carefully, found the reason from that memory, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Seeing Zhao Ling’er looking at him with an expectant face, Ye Qing smiled and nodded: “Of course, what I promised will naturally not be forgotten.” ”

“Really? Then Brother Ye Qing, let’s go to the church and get married. Zhao Linger said in surprise and pulled Ye Qing anxiously to go to the church to get married. _

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