In a mountain forest, a rapid figure suddenly flashed, curling a demonic aura, and looked closely at it was a stone demon.

“Ten thousand swords are one, curse evil!”

Suddenly, a coquettish voice came, and he saw a sword light suddenly falling from the sky, the air was roaring, and the sword qi flew one after another, directly inserted into the body of that stone demon, and pierced it instantly on the spot.

“Ah…” the stone demon screamed, and his body turned into pieces and scattered, and he was killed on the spot.

“Sister, you are one step ahead of me again.”

I saw two graceful figures stepping on the sword light falling, looking at the dead stone demon, one of the girls with a jade sword box on his back pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

The two are the sisters of the Ding family, Ding Xiulan and Lilac Xianglan, the two have been following Ye Qing for a month and have cultivated powerful swordsmanship.

Looking at her sister’s dissatisfied pretty face, Ding Xiulan smiled gently: “Sister, we have been chasing and killing this harmful stone demon for three days, and we only got rid of it today, you were a little slower just now, and the cultivation of sword light and rainbow art is not as good as mine.” ”

“Hmph, I’ll catch up with you soon.” Lilac Lan turned her head with a little grunt.

“Return to the sheath!” Ding Xiulan shook her head helplessly, waved her sword finger, and drank lightly, and saw a 26 jade sword inserted on the ground in front of her fly in an instant, and returned to the sword box behind her with a sonorous sound.

The sword box carried by the two sisters was naturally a set of magic weapons refined by Ye Qing, which was used by their sisters to cultivate swordsmanship.

The two sets of sword boxes are both made of spiritual jade fused with a little divine iron, with powerful mana, and each sword box has a thousand jade swords, which is a powerful magic weapon made by imitating the Nine Heavens Sword Box.

“Go, let’s go back, Gongzi should be in a hurry.”

Ding Xiulan pulled down her sister’s sleeve, and the two took off into the air, disappearing into the woods with a sword light.

Soon, the two drove the sword light to a small cabin and landed, and saw a young man sitting in front of the wooden house leisurely drinking wine.

“Gongzi, we’re back.” As soon as Lilac Lan returned, a bright smile immediately appeared on her face.

She trotted forward, took Ye Qing’s arm, and rested her head on his shoulder, her pretty face was slightly red, but she was full of happiness.

Ding Xiulan was much quieter, sitting gently beside Ye Qing, pouring wine for him, quiet without saying a word, free and elegant temperament.

“The stone demon was killed, who killed it?” Ye Qing asked with a smile.

Ding Xiulan’s beautiful eyes flashed, and she said: “It was my sister who killed it, today I took a step late and didn’t kill it.” ”

“Sister, I didn’t kill it, my sister killed it.” Lilac Lan immediately denied it, her face turned red, and she lowered her head.

Ding Xiulan’s face was also red, she lowered her head, and looked at Ye Qing with some apprehension, in fact, she wanted to give it to her sister.

“You guys.” Ye Qing laughed dumbly, pinched Xiulan’s crystal face, and said: “There is no need to push around, you kill what you kill, you spoil Xianglan like this, it will make her lose the motivation to progress.” ”

“Yes, Childe, I was wrong.” Ding Xiulan lowered her head and immediately understood her mistake.

Ye Qing bowed her head, gently hugged her small waist, and said with a smile: “Follow me, in fact, there is no need for this, just let go of your heart and be yourself, it doesn’t have to be like this, as long as you cultivate seriously.” ”

“Got it Gongzi!”

The two sisters nodded in unison, shyly hugged by Ye Qing, and followed him for a month, and the two sisters were still complete.

Today, the two sisters finally felt something, and sure enough, with Ye Qing smiling, they took the two sisters into the wooden house.

This wooden house, but he built it temporarily, but he taught the two sisters to practice swordsmanship, and there happened to be many little demons here who harmed people, so let the two sisters kill the little demons to sharpen their swordsmanship.

“Please Gongzi have mercy…”

The emotional voices of Ding Xiulan and the Lilac Lan sisters were heard in the wooden house, and then a ray of light enveloped the wooden house, and no sound came out.

This light disappeared after a full three days, and the fourth Ye Qing appeared with Ding Xiulan and Lilac Lan sisters.

The two sisters’ pretty faces became more and more moving, as if carved from beautiful jade, revealing aura, their eyes were bright, and their breath became more and more powerful and sharp.

“You guys have achieved swordsmanship, it’s time to leave here today.”

Ye Qing said, looked back at this cottage, and directly waved his hand to shake into powder, which made Ding Xiulan and Lilac Lan sisters feel a little reluctant in their hearts.

However, the two sisters quickly collected their mood and happily followed Ye Qing out of the woods.


Three figures soared into the air, stepping on the sword light and quickly slashing through the void, like a sword fairy in the world, in fact, it is a sword fairy.

Ye Qing is just to sharpen and teach the Ding Xiulan sisters, otherwise, where can he use sword light to rush away?

He took the two sisters and slashed demons all the way, and gradually, the two sisters’ swordsmanship became more and more sharp, and their sword qi penetrated into the bone, tempering their bodies and turning into powerful sword bodies.

The two sisters’ cultivation finally made a huge breakthrough and successfully cultivated swordsmanship, which made Ye Qing very satisfied.

Ding Xiulan and Lilac Lan sisters have good talents, especially in cultivating swordsmanship, which can be described as a thousand miles a day.

Of course, with Ye Qing’s guidance, coupled with various elixir refining, it naturally grows rapidly, if it can’t grow up, it really has no value in cultivation.

“Gongzi, where are we going?”

In the sky, Ding Xiulan only followed Ye Qing with a sword light, but she couldn’t help but ask.

Along the way, they were all taken by Ye Qing into some demon-infested areas, deep in the mountains and old forests, and in the Nozawa Great Ravine.

Today, I felt that Ye Qing did not mean to let them continue to kill demons, as if they were rushing to somewhere.

“Let’s go to Suzhou City to play.” Ye Qing said, a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Suzhou City, there is nothing fun there, of course, there is nothing fun, but there is a beautiful woman there.

Lin Yueru, this is the second heroine in Sword and Fairy, it’s good to take a look, if you can, it’s not bad to take it.

“Well, I haven’t been to Suzhou City yet.” Lilac Lan was immediately excited when she heard it, and the sword light suddenly became a little faster.

The three of them drove their sword light and blinked to the outside of Suzhou, but stopped when they passed over a wood.

“Gongzi, look at the woods below.”

In the air, Ding Xiulan pointed to the woods below and said in surprise.

Ye Qing looked over and saw that there were two people in the woods who looked like servants of the family and one woman, tied to the trees.

And a young girl of beautiful age was holding a whip, looking angrily at the two servants of the household, a man and a woman.

“You two are unruly and ruin the reputation of Lin Jiabao, I will teach you a good lesson in 120 days today.”

Lin Yueru waved a long whip and was about to teach these two servants who violated the rules of Lin Jiabao.

But at this moment, a sword streak streaked across the sky, breaking the long whip in Lin Yueru’s hand with a click.

“Who?” Lin Yueru’s face changed slightly, and she raised her head and drank sharply.

I saw that there were three people standing in the air, like sword fairies in the world, one man and two women, and Lin Yueru was dumbfounded.

“Xianglan, don’t make random moves, it is natural for people to deal with offenders, it is wrong for you to interfere in other people’s family affairs like this.” Ye Qing said with a hint of dissatisfaction.

Lilac Xianglan bowed her head and chirped, “Gongzi I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have made a move.” ”

“It’s good to know that it’s wrong, pay attention next time.” Ye Qing patted her fragrant shoulder to comfort her apprehensive heart.

Ye Qing looked at Lin Yueru below before saying to Liang Xianglan: “As the master, it is appropriate to teach your own servants, after all, if you make a mistake, you will be punished, and I think this girl has a cold and kind face, but she is actually a good girl with a pure and kind heart, and will not hurt the lives of those two.” ”

Lin Yueru’s heart was full of anger when she said this, and her pretty face was slightly red, a little embarrassed.

“The girl is sorry, how offensive it was just now, I will take my leave first.” After Ye Qing finished speaking, she nodded to Lin Yueru with a smile.


As soon as the words fell, the three of them drove the sword light and disappeared into Lin Yueru’s eyes.

“Hey, wait, wait…”

Lin Yueru came to her senses, and shouted at the distant sword light with an anxious face to catch up, but unfortunately she was destined to not catch up, so she could only stomp her feet in remorse. _

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