
Lin Yueru struck the dragon with a blow, with a strong energy, but was blocked by a jade sword of Lilac Lan.

The two competed vigorously, and with a bang, Lin Yueru was shocked and retreated repeatedly, and her pretty face changed slightly.


Just as she wanted to continue her attack, a sharp edge pressed down her throat, and the sword light faintly swallowed, causing her to freeze there.

“You lose.” Lilac Lan looked at her with a grin.

Lin Yueru’s expression changed, and suddenly put down the Yue Nu sword and admitted that she had lost.

“I lost, take me to meet your son.” Lin Yueru said in a calm tone.


Lin Tiannan came up with a bitter smile: “This fairy, I don’t know if I can invite your son-in-law to come to the mansion to talk?” ”

He can be regarded as having seen Lilac Lan’s swordsmanship, which is definitely a sword fairy, and his heart is faintly shaken, because he knows a Shushan sword fairy.

“Sorry, my sister is naughty and ignorant, and I hope that Lord Haihan of Limburg.”

At this time, Ding Xiulan flew over, stood beside Lilac Xianglan, glared at her fiercely before smiling and saying.

She said: “My sister was just stubborn and destroyed the competition of the lord of Limburg to recruit relatives, my sister privately went on stage to challenge the broken rules, I will go back and ask my son to punish her, and I hope that the lord of Limburg will forgive me.” ”

“Miss Yueru, just now my sister was offended, please forgive me.” Ding Xiulan was elegant and decent, and after speaking, she glared at Lilac Lan.

“Lord Limburg, Miss Yueru, I will take my sister back to let Gongzi punish her and take my leave.” Ding Xiulan said, grabbed her sister’s arm and soared into the air, 813, blinking and disappearing into a sword.

“Hey, you guys stop, come when you say, go when you say, what do you mean?”

Lin Yueru was angry, and she directly caught up with her with a light skill, seeing Lin Tiannan with a bitter smile, what is this called?

He was about to catch up, worried that his beloved daughter would suffer a loss, but after thinking about it, he didn’t go in the end, because these two female sword fairies seemed to be the maids of some young man.

Even the maid is a sword fairy, so what is his identity? Lin Tiannan was shocked, thought about it, looking at the Ding Xiulan sisters did not look like bad people, perhaps, it would be a good thing to let Yueru contact this mysterious sword fairy?

“Oh, forget it, the woman is not allowed to stay, since she doesn’t want to marry, then let her go.” Lin Tiannan sighed and turned back.

As for the competition to recruit relatives, it is already completely useless when you get here, and you are troubled by Lilac Lan, and the result is no need to compare.


At the inn, Ye Qing looked at the returning sisters Ding Xiulan and Lilac Lan, and the two stood in front of them with their heads down, looking apprehensive, like children who had done something wrong.

“Let’s talk about it, what happened to this expression?” Ye Qing’s faint tone made the Ding Xiulan sisters tremble in their hearts, and their pretty faces changed.

Ding Xiulan gritted her teeth and knelt down: “Please Gongzi punish.” ”

“Get up, you haven’t made it clear what you did, what will I (CGFF) fine?” Ye Qing couldn’t cry and laugh, and helped Ding Xiulan up.

I saw that Ding Xiulan said softly: “Gongzi, yes, my sister took the initiative without authorization and pretended to be Gongzi to compete on stage.” ”

She slowly explained what happened, Ye Qing listened speechless in her heart, looked at Lilac Lan who bowed her head and did not speak, did not know what to say.

“Pandan is that so?” Ye Qing looked at Lilac Lan and asked in a calm tone.

Lilac Lan’s body trembled, and she slowly knelt down, “Yes Gongzi, Xianglan used the name of Gongzi to compete on stage.” ”

“Please Gongzi punish!”

The two sisters, Ding Xiulan and Lilac Xianglan, knelt in front of them, looked at Ye Qing, who was expressionless, with some apprehension, regretting in their hearts, and began to worry.

Ye Qing looked at the two sisters and said lightly: “I asked you to go shopping and buy things to relax, but I didn’t let you participate in any competition to recruit relatives, and in my name, talk about it, how do I punish you?” ”

“Xianglan knows the mistake, and punishes it by Gongzi alone.” Lilac Lan’s face turned white, but she lowered her head and was willing to be punished.

“I am also at fault, I did not stop my sister, please Gongzi to punish.” Ding Xiulan was also willing to be punished.

She regretted in her heart, she should prevent her sister from going up, isn’t this foolishness, and said that it was to go up instead of Ye Qing, it would be a bit too much.

“Your sisters are stubborn and steal my reputation, seriously, it is to abolish your sisters’ cultivation and then drive them away.” Ye Qing said word by word.

These words frightened the two Ding Xiulan sisters with panic on their faces, and begged for mercy one after another.

“But…” Ye Qing’s voice changed and said, “Thinking of your first offense, I will start from the light hair, seal you to cultivate for a month, and go to reflect on yourself.” ”

Speaking, Ye Qing waved his hand and shot out a mana, directly sealing the cultivation of the two Ding Xiulan sisters, and even, even the sword box that originally belonged to the two was taken away.

“Remember, don’t make your own decisions in the future.” Ye Qing looked at the two seriously.

“Yes, Gongzi, Xiulan, Xianglan knows the mistake.”

Ding Xiulan, Lilac Lan’s face was pale, her expression was a little flustered, obviously frightened, but fortunately she was not driven away by the abolition of cultivation.

“Get up.” Ye Qing bowed his head slightly and said with a smile: “I hope you can remember this, some things can’t be used indiscriminately, especially my reputation.” ”

“Yes, Childe, we remembered.” Ding Xiulan and Lilac Lan bowed their heads in unison to indicate that they remembered.

In fact, Ye Qing was not angry, but, with his current status, if he really ran to talk to a mortal to call him true, he would really laugh out of his big teeth compared to what martial arts.

“Well, chased after you?” Ye Qing’s face suddenly moved, and he looked outside the inn and a girl came.

She was Lin Yueru, who had caught up all the way, and as soon as she came in, she directly saw Ye Qing in the corner position, as well as the sisters Ding Xiulan and Lilac Xianglan standing behind him, standing with their heads down and making mistakes.

“Miss Lin, meet again.” Ye Qing smiled and bowed her head, asking her to sit down.

Lin Yueru originally chased after him angrily, but when she saw the main lord Ye Qing, she didn’t know what to say, and she was embarrassed for a while.

Ding Xiulan came up and poured a glass of water for Lin Yueru, only to hear Ye Qing smile and said, “Miss Lin, my two maids ran to sabotage your contest to recruit relatives, I’m really sorry, I have already punished them.” ”

“Why, do you want to admit it?” When Lin Yueru heard the fire, she stood up and glared at Ye Qing with a pretty face.

She huffed and said, “You are great sword immortals, you can play with mortals at will?” ”

“Your maid said to represent you in the competition, and if you win, you will say jokes, just a lesson, then what about my innocence and my reputation?” Lin Yueru looked angry, feeling as if she was looked down upon.

Ye Qing looked at her angry look, laughed dumbly, and asked, “Then, Yiyue Ru girl’s meaning, how should this matter be solved?” ”

“I…” Lin Yueru’s eyes turned and said with a smile: “You let me follow you, and this matter will pass.” ”

“Follow me?” Ye Qing was funny, looked at her and said: “Why do you want to follow me, you know that we sleep on the streets every day, live in the wilderness, and are often attacked by demons and beasts, are you sure you want to follow me?” ”

“Yes, anyway, if you destroy my contest to recruit relatives, no one will dare to marry me in this Jiangnan land.” Lin Yueru said exaggeratedly.

“Is it necessary?” Ye Qing shook her head dumbly.

He said, “I think, Miss Yueru better go back, it’s not appropriate for you to follow us.” ”

“Xiulan, Xianglan, let’s go.”

Ye Qing said and got up, took Ding Xiulan and Lilac Lan and left directly, making Lin Yueru’s face red with anger, she didn’t want to paste it upside down, doesn’t it mean that she is not beautiful enough?


Lin Yueru caught up with her in a huff, regardless of it, and was about to follow Ye Qing, but saw the three of them turn into sword light and disappear into the sky.

“Bastard, bastard, I don’t believe I can’t catch up with you.”

Lin Yueru stomped her feet in anger, but she quickly rushed out of Suzhou City with light skill, chasing towards that sword light_

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