The ancient water demon beast, when it encounters water, it is born, immortal and immortal, its strength is shocking, and its eight heads dance in unison, rolling up ten thousand huge waves.

In ancient times, it was sealed by Nuwa, but it could not be killed, and it was repelled by Nuwa’s divine power, but it roared wildly.

The rumbling noise, the flood, and in a blink of an eye, it submerged again, and Nuwa Divine Shadow frowned when she saw it.

After all, she is not in her heyday, just a residual thought and a divine power, and the other party’s water monster is still a little weak.

“Five Spirit Guardian!”

Nuwa drank lightly, and a powerful divine power enveloped it, blocking it before the flood, and then, thunder flashed in the sky, and thunderbolts intertwined.

With a bang, lightning struck the water monster, and the powerful current was full of destruction, causing the ancient water monster to retreat one after another, screaming.

Water demon beast, the only weakness is the fear of thunder and fire, water and fire are incompatible, thunder is yang, with masculine thunder fire can naturally hurt it.


The lightning slashed down and bombarded the head of the water demon beast, causing the flesh and blood to crumble, causing the water demon beast to scream terribly, which was even more ferocious.

The powerful water demon beast has been sealed several times, and after countless years, it still has the strength of the heavenly and human level, and it is worthy of being an ancient monster.

“Go, smash the Demon God Shadow and destroy Dali City.”

Outside the city, the Moon Worship Sect Master stood on top of a wave, raised his hands, and mana poured into the body of the water demon beast.

In an instant, the already violent water monster became more powerful, setting off monstrous waves, and the flood swept in.

Nuwa’s Five Spirits Guardian Power was shaky, and it seemed that it could not be stopped.

“My divine power is exhausted, and I can’t stop it for long, why don’t you make a move?” Nuwa held the Heavenly Snake Battle and said this with difficulty.

She looked at Ye Qing, a little annoyed why he didn’t make a move, and Ye Qing said with an innocent face: “Didn’t you ask me to make a move?” As a god, if you don’t say, how can I arbitrarily meddle in your battle? ”

“You…” Nuwa was so angry that her hazy face turned red.

At the moment when she was distracted, the eight heads of the water demon beast raised in unison, opened its mouth and spewed out eight terrifying forces, slamming on the five spirit guards.

Only to hear the boom, the five spirit guardians collapsed, Nuwa divine shadow fell, the divine power was exhausted, and gradually collapsed.

As the Nuwa divine shadow collapsed, the monstrous flood outside, rumbling up, the terrifying waves, rolling unquenched.


At the moment of extreme crisis, an indifferent voice came, and in an instant, the monstrous flood outside was actually fixed.

Even, even the powerful water monster was frozen, and then, a terrifying scene appeared.

“God finger, broken sky!” I saw Ye Qing step out, a finger lightly tapped in the void, a crisp click, the space shattered and shattered, like a mirror shattering into countless pieces.

The flood was engulfed by the shattered space, and the eight heads of the ancient water demon beast shattered into one place, and then they were strangled into powder by the space and died.

The powerful water demon beast was actually killed by Ye, and it died without even having room to resist, and countless people’s eyes were straight.

“Dead, dead?”

In Dali City, countless people were dumbfounded, looking at the flood that was engulfed and disappeared outside, and the powerful and terrifying water monster beast died like this, turning into ashes, and there was not even a bit of dust left.

Everyone looked at Ye Qing’s eyes, becoming no, shocked, unbelievable, with a trace of surprise.

“The water demon beast is dead?” Nuwa was stunned, staring blankly at the disappearing water monster, really dead.

She couldn’t believe that once, the powerful ancient monster that could not be killed by her and could only be sealed was easily killed by one finger like this.

Nuwa, who was one of the three ancient gods, was a little shocked, not to mention those mortals, it was simply unbelievable.

“Is he?” The Moon Worship Sect Leader’s face was frightened, and he watched Ye Qing appear, as if he knew this person.

Seeing that the water demon beast was killed like this, the Moon Worship Sect Master finally developed fear, and killed the ancient water demon beast with one finger.

It was rumored that the immortal water demon beast was killed by Ye Qingdian, which was too terrifying, and the Moon Worship Sect Leader didn’t want to turn around and speed up, and shot away.

“Still want to run?” Ye Qing sneered, leaned out his hand into the space, and pinched the neck of the Moon Worship Sect Leader.

In the distance, the Moon Worship Sect Leader looked at a hand leaning out of the space and pinching his neck, and his strength was imprisoned.

He couldn’t move, he could only watch as this hand crushed him whole, and with a bang, the powerful Moon Worship Sect Master was directly pinched to death.

“The sect leader is dead!”


With a series of changes, the army of the Black Miao tribe was completely frightened, and saw Nuwa appear, and then the water demon beast was killed by Ye Qingyi’s finger, and the Moon Worship Sect Leader was pinched to death.

At this time, no amount of courage can calm the fear in their hearts at the moment, and without saying a word, they throw away their weapons and turn around and run.

The army of the Black Miao tribe fled, fled rampantly, none of them dared to stay, the water demon beasts were all dead, the Moon Worship Sect Leader was killed, and they still stayed here and waited for death?

A crisis was easily solved like this, which made people stunned, and Ye Qing solved the matter alone.

“It’s still our son-in-law who is powerful.” Ding Xiulan, Lilac Lan said with a smile, her pretty face full of adoration.

“Gongzi is really powerful.” Su Mei squinted her eyes with a smile, looking at Ye Qing’s expression full of charm, flattery, and her heart was tight with joy, this is the strong person she likes.

After killing the Moon Worship Sect Leader, Ye Qing ignored the fleeing Black Miao tribe, but turned around and stepped to the Nuwa Temple and saw Nuwa Remnant.

“You, who are you and why are you so powerful?” Nuwa Yannian looked at Ye Qing with some shock.

Because in her opinion, even in her former heyday, she was not Ye Qing’s opponent, as the three gods of the ancients, the ancient gods incarnated by the gods of Pangu, it was not as powerful as Ye Qing, which was enough to shock her.

Moreover, Nuwa felt a familiar breath on Ye Qing’s body, the breath of Pangu, yes, the breath of Pangu.

“You know where the Heart of Pangu is, right?” Ye Qing did not answer, but asked.

Nuwa was shocked, her hazy face changed, and she exclaimed, “What are you looking for the heart of Pangu for?” ”

“It’s a pity, you only have a residual thought, I can’t revive you.” Ye Qing shook his head regretfully and said.

Nuwa in this world, there is only a residual thought, broken to the core, he does not have the ability to resurrect Nuwa.

“I know myself that I never have the luxury of resurrection, but I am very puzzled, why do you have my breath in you?” Nuwa paused as she spoke, and her pretty face turned red.

Ye Qing shook her head and smiled: “It’s nothing, because my wife is Nuwa, naturally has her breath.” ”

“What?” Nuwa’s face was shocked, and then she came to her senses: “I see, you are not a person in this world, is there another (Li Zhao) outside the other world?” ”

Nuwa said, her face hesitated, and suddenly asked, “That… Can you show me around? ”

“You want to leave this realm?” Ye Qing asked in surprise.

Nuwa Yannian bowed her head lightly and said faintly: “If you haven’t heard it, it’s okay, but now that I know that there are other heavenly worlds, I naturally want to see it.” ”

“Can you take me away?” Nuwa asked softly, looking at Ye Qing.

He thought about it, nodded and smiled: “Of course it’s no problem, since you want to go, then I’ll take you out to have a look.” ”

“Thank you.” Nuwa Yannian looked a little excited, and her body turned into light, turning into a brilliant light and flying into Ye Qing’s hands.

“By the way, part of my essence blood is sealed on the Three Emperors of Shushan, that is Nuwa blood jade, if you can take it, maybe I can be resurrected again.” Nuwa Shennian came with such a sentence, which surprised Ye Qing.

“Okay, I’ll go to Shushan to get Nuwa blood jade for you.” Ye Qing bowed her head and did not refuse, if Nuwa in this world can be resurrected to celebrate.

Two nuwa, isn’t it…_

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