“What the hell do you want to do?”

After regaining her freedom, Lin Qing’er suppressed her anger and stared at Ye Qing viciously, and Zhao Linger was fooled into going out to play.

In the room, there were only Ye Qing and Lin Qing’er left, looking at him, Lin Qing’er was angry from the heart, and several times she wanted to make a move but found that she couldn’t move.

“I didn’t do anything, I just came to take you away, after all, Ling’er misses you very much.” Ye Qingmans said methodically, picking up the teapot on the table and drinking it to himself.

Lin Qing’er’s pretty face changed, sitting opposite him, staring at him with dead eyes.

“What do you just say, what do you want to do, I warn you, it’s best not to hurt my daughter, otherwise I will die with you.” Lin Qing’er threatened resolutely.

Ye Qing shook her head and sighed: “Why are the descendants of Nuwa so stubborn, they will die together at every turn, no wonder they are all miserable in their lives, is it inherited from you Nuwa.” ”

Speaking, Ye Qing waved his hand and released Nuwa Blood Jade, and a wave of energy enveloped the entire room, isolating the aura here.

“Nuwa Niangniang?” Lin Qing’er was startled, looking at a figure that appeared in the blood jade in front of her, it was Nuwa.

Nuwa looked hazy, but looked at Ye Qing strangely and asked, “You care about my descendants?” ”

Ye Qing rolled her eyes and complained in her heart: “If it is not required by the task, I will not bother to pay attention to it, just take Zhao Linger.” ”

“Yes, naturally I care, otherwise, how could I travel thousands of miles through time and space to ten years ago?” Ye Qing shook her head bitterly and sighed.

Nuwa looked at Lin Qing’er and sighed, “Unexpectedly, my people have withered to this point, Fuxi, this is what you want to see?” ”

In Nuwa’s heart, she hated Heavenly Emperor Fuxi extremely much, because the battle between human gods and gods was provoked by Heavenly Emperor Fuxi.

She fell in that battle, leaving only the Nuwa clan to inherit it, and the fate of the Nuwa clan was extremely tragic, and the end was tragic from generation to generation.

“Nuwa Niangniang, is it really you?” Lin Qing’er was excited and knelt in front of her.

Nuwa, that is the most respected ancestor of the Nuwa tribe, is the only belief and inheritance of the entire Nuwa tribe.

“Silly boy, get up, this one is teasing you.” Nuwa chuckled and helped Lin Qing’er.

These words made Lin Qing’er blush, and secretly cursed in her heart, she provoked this person, and she actually came to find her happy?

“What are you going to do?” Nuwa asked softly.

Ye Qing asked rhetorically: “Don’t you think that wouldn’t it be better if I brought your descendants back one by one so that you would not be lonely?” ”

“Uh…” Nuwa was silent, and Lin Qing’er was dumbfounded.

I only heard Nuwa laugh and said: “Let it be, anyway, there is nothing in this world that I cherish, my people are the only ones I can’t put down, then you can bring it to me.” ”

“Okay, Lin Qing’er will send you there, adjust it well, teach, so as not to look like you want to fight and kill when you see me.” Ye Qing shook her head and looked at Lin Qing’er depressedly.

As soon as these words came out, Nuwa almost gave him a white eye, what is tune, teach?

“Qing’er, you come with me, I will re-re-cultivate the Nuwa bloodline for you.” Nuwa said and sprinkled a divine light, enveloping Lin Qinger.

Then, her body suddenly collapsed and turned into a ray of spiritual light pouring into Nuwa Blood Jade.

After doing this, Nuwa smiled at Ye Qing’s head and said, “I’ll help you transform her, you can rest assured.” ”

After speaking, she returned to the blood jade, and flew into Ye Qing’s hand with a whizz, making his face strange.

“Makeover?” Ye Qing cried and laughed, shook her head and didn’t care, and put away Nuwa Blood Jade.

Coming here is to take Lin Qing’er away, one is, the other is that Zhao Linger misses her at present, and Ye Qing still has to do this.

“Queen Wu, the evening meal is ready…”

At this moment, a young and beautiful maid came outside the door and walked in with food.

As a result, she came in and was stunned, there was no child in the room, only Ye Qing, a young and strange young man.

Seeing this, her face changed slightly, and she was about to scold, but Ye Qing flashed in front of her, frightening her and couldn’t help but scream.

“Suigetsu…?” Ye Qing was surprised, and when she saw the person coming, it was the palace master of Shuiyue Palace, Lin Qing’er’s personal maid.

Shuiyue Qiao’s face panicked and asked, “You, who are you, why are you in the room of the witch queen?” ”

“Me? I’m your man. Ye Qing smiled and hugged her small waist.

With a bang, the food was scattered on the ground, and Shuiyue looked panicked, waiting to cry for help, but she was speechless.

“Don’t shout, shout what?” Ye Qing was depressed, took Shuiyue into the room, and closed the door.

He came to Shuiyue, looked at the beautiful girl who was full of flowers, and said with a smile: “Shuiyue, Lin Qing’er has promised you to me, and you will be my person in the future.” ”

“What?” Shuiyue was dumbfounded and confused.

Her brain was buzzing, completely shocked by this news, and only this sentence echoed in her heart, was she promised Ye Qing by Lin Qinger?

Shuiyue’s pretty face changed, shy and anxious, but the order of the queen of witches, could she resist?

As a maid, her fate has never been controllable, and I can’t help but feel sad when I think of this.

“Why, don’t want to?” Ye Qing asked in surprise.

He gently attached to Shuiyue’s ear and said, “Actually, you don’t want me to force you. ”

“Oh, eat this, I’ll give you ten years to think about it, if you are willing in ten years, tell me clearly, otherwise I don’t want you when you are old in ten years, if you don’t want it in ten years, you don’t need to tell me.”

Ye Qing smiled and took out a spirit peach, ate it directly to her, and finally thought about it, condensed a thought into a memory, and handed it to Shuiyue.

He smiled and said: “This is my memory, ten years later, I may not remember you, if you see that I don’t know you, give this memory to him…”

“Uh… This…” Shuiyue was confused, completely unaware of what was going on.

Seeing Ye Qing, he said: “Okay, you go and take Ling’er to leave quickly, go to the Shenmu Forest, there is a phoenix waiting for you, it will take you away.” ”

“Queen Wu, I have picked it up, so hurry up.” Ye Qing urged, unlocking the restrictions of Shuiyue.

She left in a daze, found Zhao Linger, who was playing in the flower and garden, did not speak, and took her to the Shenmu Forest.


At this time, in the center of the Shenmu Forest, a phoenix roar came, and I saw a golden light coming across the sky, bombarding a figure that suddenly appeared.


Ye Qing crushed this golden light, looked at the golden-winged phoenix flying in front of him, and couldn’t help but smile.

“Who are you?” The golden-winged phoenix was shocked, and opened her mouth to say a crisp word, looking as if it was a young girl of wonderful age.

The golden-winged phoenix, a fire phoenix, was looking at Ye Qing vigilantly, this person was very powerful and mysterious.

“So you’re ready for nirvana.” Ye Qing smiled and looked at the inner heaven and earth curiously, there was a golden phoenix egg inside.

It is the golden-winged phoenix that is formed after nirvana, and if nirvana succeeds, it can be reborn and become stronger, and the failure of nirvana is equivalent to ashes.

“Later, two people will come here, you take them to the fairy spirit island, and I will give you the method of nirvana.” Ye Qing thought about it and suddenly smiled.

When the golden-winged phoenix heard this, he was shocked, but soon felt a ray of light penetrating his sea of knowledge, and he couldn’t even react.

Looking at this memory, the golden-winged phoenix was pleasantly surprised that it was the complete method of nirvana of the phoenix clan, which Qin Tiange obtained from the heaven-covering world divine phoenix clan killing an ancient emperor-level phoenix.

“Thank you.” The golden-winged phoenix’s eyes lit up and said 1.7 thank you.

Ye Qing nodded, smiled and turned around and disappeared, coming to the Qilin Cave.


The fire qilin was much more grumpy, and the fire spirit bead stuck in his throat made it grumpy, but it soon became honest and was beaten honestly by Ye Qingsan twice.

In the end, Ye Qing stayed in the Qilin Cave for a short time and left, leaving a Fire Qilin lying embarrassed on the magma, covered in blackness, almost crying.

“Oh my God, it’s terrible, who the hell am I provoking?”

The Fire Qilin wanted to cry without tears, was beaten up by Ye Qing, and then said that he could take it out of this world, let him prepare to pick it up in ten years, and then left inexplicably.

“Done, it’s time to continue to break through time and space.”

Coming out of the Qilin Cave, Ye Qing stood on a mountain peak, talking to himself, and soon, his eyes burst out with two beams of silver and black, and suddenly his hands tore into the void.

With a click, the void in front of him was torn open by him, which was a space-time crack.

Ye Qing tore open the crack in time and space, stepped into it one step, and disappeared. _

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