“Bastard, what do you want me to do?”

In the room, Saint Gu Lihua brought rain, lying beside Ye Qing and sobbing softly, looking at her like this, Ye Qing was a little crying and laughing.

He gently hugged the holy aunt and comforted: “Okay, what to cry, it’s not beautiful to cry again, look, it’s all wrinkled.” ”

“Wrinkled?” The holy aunt was stunned, instinctively touched the corner of his forehead, and immediately reacted, shyly punching him ~.

“Just know to bully me.” The holy girl gave him a charming white look, and suddenly sighed softly: “You and I are like this, what should Zi Xuan do, – how can I be worthy of her?” ”

“Still crying, if you really want to cry, I’ll send you to Nuwa to cry enough.” Ye Qing said a little helplessly.

Shenggu was stunned, looked up at Ye Qing, and said in shock: “Nuwa Niangniang? Have you seen Nuwa Niangniang? ”

“Seen, besides, she’s right here with me, do you want to meet her?” Ye Qing asked with a smile.

Sheng Gu’s eyes widened, and she couldn’t be shy, so she directly got up and grabbed Ye Qing’s arms, looking very excited.

“Is Nuwa Niangniang really still there?” The holy gu still didn’t believe it and looked at Ye Qing suspiciously.

Seeing that she didn’t believe it, Ye Qing smiled and kissed her before laughing: “Since you don’t believe it, then dress neatly, I’ll send you to see her.” ”

“Wait, you wait first, I have to dress up well, how can I go to see Nuwa Niangniang like this, it’s disrespectful.” Shenggu panicked, and immediately got up and dressed neatly, dressed up, and even changed clothes in the bath and bath.

After working for half an hour, she finally got it, looking at Ye Qing with anticipation and apprehension.

“Okay, then you go to meet Nuwa, stay there in the future, Zixuan you don’t have to worry.” Ye Qing stepped forward with a smile.

“Don’t, I’m going to see Nuwa Niangniang…” As soon as the Holy Gu saw Ye Qing, she knew that she was about to be rejected, but how could she escape?

Ye Qing kissed fiercely for a while, causing Shenggu to roll her eyes, and scolded with a smile: “Bastard, what should I do when Nuwa Niangniang blames me?” ”

“Will she blame you for this?” Ye Qing looked at her with a smile and pinched her pretty face, and only then sent her into the inner heaven and earth and came directly to Nuwa Blood Jade.

As for Sheng Gu telling Nuwa, this is not Ye Qing’s concern, because Zixuan has already returned from outside.

“Oh… Brother Ye? ”

As soon as she came back, Zi Xuan saw a person walking out, it was Ye Qing, she was stunned for a moment, and looked around carefully.

Seeing her so cautious, Ye Qing laughed dumbly, stepped forward and hugged her and smiled: “Xuanxuan, don’t look at it, the Holy Gu is not there, we, isn’t it…”

When Zi Xuan heard this, her earlobes turned red, she bowed her head shyly, and snorted softly, obviously agreeing.

Seeing this, Ye Qing was overjoyed, hugged Zixuan and turned around and came to her boudoir.

Nuwa Temple, the night passed like this.

The next morning, the sun shone down, revealing Zi Xuan’s delicate, red and pretty face, which looked particularly sacred.

She woke up faintly, looked at the people beside her, and a happy smile curled up at the corner of her mouth.” Awake? Ye Qing looked at her with a smile

“Hmm…” Zi Xuan snorted softly, snuggling into his arms with a grin. Without words, my heart is filled with happiness.

But soon she panicked and exclaimed: “Not good, forget the time, the Holy Gu will be miserable when she comes back, hurry up, Brother Ye, you leave quickly.” Zi Xuan’s panicked appearance made Ye Qing laugh dumbly, pinched her pretty face and said: “It’s okay, Shenggu didn’t come back, I’ll send you to see her later, and meet Nuwa by the way.” ”

“What?” Zi Xuan was stunned and did not react.

However, Ye Qing still took her into the inner heaven and earth, and saw Shenggu and Nuwa, and only then did she understand in a trance.

“You…” Seeing Ye Qing come back with Zixuan, but when she saw it, well, she had eaten and wiped it clean, Nuwa couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

Ye Qing smiled and did not speak, patted the ignorant Zixuan, and said with a smile: “This is Nuwa, you talk.” ”

“Wait, Qing’er has been completely reborn, you take her away.” Nuwa called out to Ye Qing and said these words.

Ye Qing was surprised, and when she looked back, she saw Lin Qing’er walking out of a divine light beautifully, looking sacred and solemn, pure and flawless.

Looking at it, Ye Qing’s face became strange, looking at Nuwa strangely, and secretly said in her heart that I would go away.

Lin Qing’er, reforged by Nuwa, the bloodline is more pure and flawless, even, the original remnant has become divine and perfect, yes, Lin Qing’er was reborn.


Lin Qing’er was dumbfounded, looking at Zi Xuan, her mind was like five thunders, and her face turned red in shock.

Who she saw, it turned out to be her mother, Zixuan, which made Lin Qing’er extremely excited.

However, Zi Xuan was embarrassed, because she didn’t have a daughter, she just handed it over to Ye Qing today, where could Lin Qing’er be such a big daughter?

········· Ask for flowers…

“Hey, hey!” Ye Qing laughed a few times in his heart.

Nuwa looked at Ye Qing with a strange face, and said coquettishly: “You guy, do you want to move the entire Nuwa clan in?” ”

“Not really.” Ye Qing smiled, not feeling any shame at all, making Nuwa want to hit him twice with the Heavenly Snake Battle.

“Okay, Qing’er, you go see Ling’er first, and I’ll explain it to you later.” Nuwa said this, relieving Zixuan’s embarrassment.

“Okay, then you take me to see Ling’er.” Lin Qing’er’s pretty face was complicated, with a hint of blush, and came to Ye Qing to plead.

Ye Qing looked at her strangely, nodded and didn’t say much, took her little hand and left here in a flash, leaving Zixuan and Shenggu talking here in Nuwa, and really saw Nuwa Buddha.


As for Ye Qing, she took Lin Qinger to Zhao Linger, and as soon as she appeared, Zhao Linger ran up with excitement on her face.

“Mom!” Zhao Linger threw herself into Lin Qinger’s arms with an excited face.

Watching the mother and daughter reunite, Ye Qing looked at them strangely, and suddenly remembered Zixuan, isn’t it Lin Qinger’s mother?

Thinking of this, Ye Qing shook her head, turned around and ran directly, and did not stay at all, this matter, let Nuwa have a headache.

“This bastard, run quite fast.” Nuwa saw Ye Qing running away and immediately laughed and scolded.

Zi Xuan looked confused, she didn’t know why, she only knew that Lin Qing’er felt very cordial to her, but it was a little strange, and the cordiality was the induction of Nuwa’s bloodline.

In this regard, Ye Qing didn’t care, went out of the inner heaven and earth, looked at the empty Nuwa Temple, and casually took away all the things of Zixuan and Shenggu.

After doing this, he was satisfied and left the Nanzhao Kingdom.

“Recently, the Kunlun Qionghua faction is very famous.”

In the sky, Ye Qing walked in the clouds, talking to herself as she walked.

The Qionghua faction he said is a large immortal cultivator sect that has recently risen, and its power can be described as comparable to the Shushan faction.

Recently, the Qionghua faction has been in the limelight, Ye Qing thought about it and felt that she should go and take a look, not to see the Qionghua faction, but to see the illusion world.

The lord of the Illusion Realm, Chan You, can be described as a generation of demon lords, peerless in style, leading the people of the Illusion Realm against the Qionghua faction.

Ye Qing was very curious about her, such a strong woman, no, a banshee, how could she not go and see, such a powerful banshee with ability, strength, and mental means is exactly what Ye Qing likes. _

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