Han Lingsha screamed in fright, his body fell freely, fell into the cliff, and saw that he was about to smash to death here, and his heart was suddenly sad.

Just as she closed her eyes and waited for death, a gentle force lifted her up and flew to the cliff.

“You haven’t left in three days.” A lazy voice came, causing Han Lingsha to suddenly open her eyes, only to find herself on the top of the cliff.

“Immortal, please take me as an apprentice!”

Han Lingsha knelt down directly, with a sincere face, a wisp of firmness in his eyes, and he was even more determined to worship Ye Qing as a teacher.

For three days, she did not drink water, did not eat or drink, and almost collapsed, but still persevered.

She thought that this was the test Ye Qing gave her, and sure enough, she rescued her when she fell into the cliff.

It is indeed a test, if she does not persist, or gives up on the first day, Ye Qing will turn around and leave without hesitation.

People without perseverance, he naturally can’t look at “seven one three”, so seeing Han Lingsha actually persist, this is enough.

“Get up, I’ll take you.” Ye Qing got up, smiled lightly and waved to help Han Lingsha.

Looking at her weak and pale face, he smiled and said, “Eat a fruit first, recover your strength, and then I will pass on your practice method.” ”

“Since you are determined to worship me as a teacher, then I will reluctantly accept you.” After Ye Qing finished speaking, she threw a thousand-year spirit fruit to her.

Han Lingsha looked excited and thanked him: “Thank you Master, thank you Master.” ”

After speaking, she held the thousand-year-old spirit peach and ate it, and soon, after eating this spirit peach, her strength gradually recovered, and the hunger and weakness of her body disappeared.

“Master…” Han Lingsha came up cautiously and glanced at Ye Qing.

I saw that Ye Qing slowly opened his eyes and asked: “After eating, once your strength is restored, then do it well, and teach you the way of cultivation for the teacher.” ”

“Yes, Master.” Han Lingsha was ecstatic, and immediately sat cross-kneeled in front of Ye Qing, listening carefully.

Next, Ye Qing slowly explained some basic knowledge of the way of cultivation and talked about the various realms of cultivation.

Even, told her about some of the immortal cultivator sects in this world, as well as various monsters, etc., listening to Han Lingsha’s eyes lit up, and her heart fluctuated.

This is a day, and it is strange that Han Lingsha does not feel hungry, perhaps the spiritual power of that spirit peach makes her feel hungry.

“Master, it turns out that there is still so much attention to cultivation.” In the evening, under the setting sun, Han Lingsha said with emotion.

After listening to Ye Qing’s story, she understood the difficulty and danger of cultivation, but she was not afraid, but she felt very excited, and finally could cultivate immortals and ask.

Ye Qing saw her excited look and said with a smile: “If you want to cultivate immortals, it is almost impossible to get rid of your karma, because once you cultivate, it will cause a natural calamity to come and destroy you.” ”

“You have too much karma on you.” Ye Qing’s indifferent tone made Han Lingsha’s heart cold, and she couldn’t help but shudder.

She turned pale and asked, “So… Master, can’t I really get rid of this fate? ”

“Of course not, since the master has accepted you, the law will help you break this fate.” Ye Qing’s tone exuded strong confidence.

Seeing this, Han Lingsha’s eyes were joyful, and she only heard Ye Qing smile and said: “If you do a good job, I will pass on to you a supreme technique, and cultivation can transform your karma and form a powerful force for you to drive.” ”

“Thank you, Master!”

Han Lingsha thanked him in surprise, sat quietly, and waited for the teaching.

Ye Qing closed her eyes, raised a finger, and condensed a brilliant golden light, which faintly revealed a trace of strange redness.

A dot was in the center of Han Lingsha’s eyebrows, a wisp of golden light flickered, and a memory light poured in, imprinted in Han Lingsha’s sea of knowledge.

Gradually, an ancient and profound text appeared in her sea of knowledge, flashing brilliant red one by one.

“Red Lotus Karma Fire Technique!”

A few big words flickered, and Han Lingsha immediately understood the meaning of it, which was the Red Lotus Industry Fire Technique.

This is a supreme great technique from the immeasurable Buddhist scriptures, specializing in cultivating the red lotus karmic fire, igniting it with endless karma, turning it into a red lotus karmic fire, and burning the heavens.

Red Lotus Karmic Fire, that is an extremely terrifying flame, weird and unpredictable, extremely terrifying.

“Ignite karma, condense karmic fire!”

With a light drink, it shook her in the sea of knowledge, and the bright red ancient characters glowed, and one ancient character after another merged into Han Lingsha’s soul.

In an instant, endless red clouds suddenly gushed out from Han Lingsha’s soul knowledge, constantly tumbling, wrapping around her soul.

It was karma, endless karma, with a hint of reddish-black light, wrapped around Han Lingsha’s soul.


A wisp of sparks permeated, coming out of Han Lingsha’s soul power, and in an instant, little by little sparks splashed out.

The spark ignited the plain, instantly turned into a flame, floating in Han Lingsha’s soul, and instantly blended into it.

“Ah…” Han Lingsha screamed suddenly, her body slammed to the ground, and a strange flame filled her body.

This flame is extremely terrifying, burning the flesh and the soul, just as the so-called red lotus karma fire burns the soul, and can never be born beyond life………..

Those who are burned by the fire of the red lotus karma sink their souls and are burned by the karmic fire and cannot be reincarnated.

Once burned by the Red Lotus Karma Fire, the body immediately collapsed, and even turned into blood mud and dissipated, and the soul could not escape.

“Master, save me…” Han Lingsha rolled to the ground, burning with a raging fire, a strange flame, the more it burned, the more victorious.

Her clothes burned out, and endless red flames continued to gush out from the pores of her body, as if blood was burning.

This is the Red Lotus Karmic Fire!

Ye Qing frowned and watched, did not intervene, but allowed Han Lingsha to be burned by this red lotus fire, suffering great pain.

This is not only the burning pain of the body, but also the burning pain from the soul, which is extremely intense.

“Master…” Han Lingsha hissed, and the sad and helpless voice made Ye Qing’s heart twitch.

He sighed helplessly, stepped forward, gently picked her up, and comforted: “Lingsha, if you want to get rid of fate, this is your only chance to withstand the burning of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire, then you can transform all your powerful karma into the Red Lotus Karmic Fire.” ”

“Ryosha, hold back these pains, you can do it.” Ye Qing’s tone indifferently entered her mind, making Han Lingsha, who was about to collapse, like grasping a life-saving straw.

Han Lingsha’s soul burned, and a terrifying flame shrouded outside his body, the red lotus industry fire, but it did not hurt Ye Qing.

Because he had no karma on his body, and his physical body was strong, it was not at all what the red lotus karmic fire that permeated Han Lingsha’s body could burn him.

Gradually, Han Lingsha felt that the pain was weakening, and she instinctively grabbed Ye Qing, biting 3.4 to bear this pain of burning her soul.

Finally, a cool feeling came from the depths of her soul, and the Red Lotus Karmic Fire successfully fused her soul, completely becoming a kind of innate ability for her.

Cultivating the Red Lotus Karmic Fire Technique is to turn one’s own karma into a talent karmic fire and become a powerful means of manipulating the Red Lotus Karmic Fire.

“Master, have I succeeded?”

For a long time, Han Lingsha slowly opened her eyes, and her dazed gaze seemed to have not yet been liberated from the endless pain before.

When she came to her senses, her pretty face turned red, because she was hugging Ye Qing without a wisp.

“Master, I… I…” Han Lingsha was so ashamed that she hugged Ye Qing nakedly.

“Put it on.” Ye Qing laughed dumbly, turned around and dropped a set of dresses for her.

Han Lingsha grabbed her dress with a red face, put it on in a panic and shyly, and almost found a seam to get into, it was too shameful. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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