In Anlu County, a man and a woman walked into the city, and the people who came were Ye Qing and Long Kui.

“Brother Ye Qing, I feel a sword spirit breath in front of me.”

As he was walking, Long Kui suddenly spoke and said this induction.

Ye Qing was surprised, she didn’t expect that she also sensed it, and she was relieved to think about it, as a dragon kui of the Demon Sword Spirit, she could naturally sense the breath of the same kind of sword spirit.

In fact, Ye Qing also sensed a sword spirit breath before coming here.

“Xiao Aoi, you sense correctly, there is an ancient sword here.” Ye Qing smiled and bowed his head, the two talked and laughed, and walked in the ancient city of Anlu.

While walking, Ye Qing sensed it, and soon came to a stop in front of an old mansion along the breath.

He looked at this old mansion, and the feeling in his heart was inside, thinking that there was an ancient sword stored here, hiding the sword spirit.

“This young master, who are you looking for?”

Just as I was about to go in, I saw a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl walking out with a smile on her face, and there was a trace of doubt in her eyes after seeing Ye Qing and Long Kui.

Ye Qing was surprised, looking at the girl in front of him, his eyes showed a ray of essence, and he could see through at a glance that there was a monster hidden in the girl’s body.

“Girl, whose old house belongs here?” Ye Qing asked with a polite smile.

This little girl was curious, blinked her big eyes, and said crisply: “Gongzi, this old house is my family.” ”

“Oh, so it is.” Ye Qing suddenly, without saying more, nodded with a smile and left with the dragon sunflower.

“Brother Ye Qing, why don’t you go in?” Dragon Aoi asked curiously.

Ye Qing thought for a while and said with a smile: “Didn’t you find that that little girl has a monster hidden in her body?” ”

“Monsters?” Dragon Aoi frowned, faintly aware.

At this time, the two secretly followed the little girl to a large mansion in the city and stopped.

“Ji family?” Ye Qing muttered to herself, looking at this mansion.

Ye Qing did not hesitate, directly stepped forward and said a word to the two, and saw that the two guards were surprised, but hurriedly ran in to report.

Not long after, I saw a middle-aged man hurriedly running out, saw Ye Qing carrying a purple ancient sword, with an extraordinary temperament, and immediately realized that it was a master.

“Immortal chief, Ji Gang is polite, please inside…” The middle-aged man was Ji Gang, the head of the Ji family, with a smile on his face, respectfully invited Ye Qing into the house.

On the way, Ye Qing said with a smile: “I occasionally heard that there is a thousand-year-old sword hidden here, or a sword spirit, so I came to see what happened, and I took the liberty of visiting, but this seat was abrupt.” ”

“Where is the immortal chief, it’s good that the immortal chief you are swimming here, otherwise, I really…” Ji Gang said with a palpitating look.

Ji Gang hesitated and said, “There is a reluctant request below, and I hope that the immortal chief will agree.” ”

“But it doesn’t hurt!” Ye Qing smiled and nodded.

I only heard Ji Gang say: “Recently, there has been a haunted thing in the Ji mansion, and I asked the immortal chief to help us lower the demon and catch the ghost and protect my Ji family.” ”

“Xiaolian, you go to the old mansion, please take out the ancient sword, let this one.” Ji Gang said to a girl who happened to be coming.

She was the little girl Ye Qing saw before, named Yu Xiaolian.

“Uncle, Xiaolian will go and get it.” Xiaolian was reluctant in her heart, but she still obediently went out.

Before leaving, Yu Xiaolian, the little girl, also glanced at Ye Qing, opened the Ji Mansion, and went to the old mansion.

“Immortal Chief, please wait a moment, the ancient sword will be invited immediately, and ask the Immortal Chief to help us lower the demon and remove the demon and catch the ghost.” Ji Gang pleaded respectfully.

He called the maid to serve tea to Ye Qing, drinking the tea, Ye Qing smiled and said: “I haven’t seen the ghosts, but there is indeed a monster in your mansion, and if you are not careful, your family will be ruined and killed.” ”

“What?” Ji Gang was frightened, and his face turned pale.

He knelt down in fear: “Please Immortal Chief, you must save our Ji family.” ”

“Get up and talk.” Ye Qing waved a force to support Ji Gang, making him ecstatic in his heart, and the secret path was indeed an immortal chief.

Now he was relieved, with Ye Qing, the immortal, then there would be no problem, as for the ancient sword.

Ji Gang thought for a while, gritted his teeth and decided: “Immortal Chief, as long as you help our Ji family get rid of that monster, the ancient sword will be offered with both hands.” ”

“Well said, well said.” Ye Qing smiled and bowed her head, did not say more, and quietly waited for the little girl to return.


“Xiaolian, why are you back again?”

In the old mansion of the Yu family, Yu Xiaolian walked in with a sad face, and heard a crisp voice coming.

Looking up, I saw a graceful woman in a fiery red dress, beautiful and charming, like a flame, with a strange red mark on her forehead.

The woman looked at Yu Xiaolian and asked, “Your face is not right, did those young masters of the Ji family bully you?” ”

“Sister Hongyu, no… No, it was the uncle’s family who came to visit, seeing that the uncle was respectful to him, and also called the fairy chief, saying that he wanted Xiaolian to come and invite the ancient sword. Yu Xiaolian explained softly.

Hongyu frowned: “Can you see clearly, what kind of person is it?” ”

Yu Xiaolian recalled, and suddenly said: “By the way, I met once outside the old mansion before, and asked me whose house this house belongs to.” ”

“Except for Sister Yu, I’ve never seen someone born so good-looking.” Yu Xiaolian said, her little face was a little novel, and her eyes were shining.

Hongyu looked at the crying and laughing, and suddenly said: “I want to see who has such great ability to invite the ancient sword Hongyu.” ”

“Sister Yu, are you angry?” Yu Xiaolian looked at Hongyu carefully. She said: “I know that the box, which has not been opened since my father died, cannot be moved casually. ”

Her face was very entangled, and she said, “However, my father said again, let me listen to my uncle.” ”

“Otherwise, if we don’t go, let the uncle scold a few words at most, and it’s nothing to embarrass him.” Yu Xiaolian said carefully.

I saw Hongyu laugh and said, “Silly girl, if you are not happy, you are not happy, but your sister Yu is so stingy?” ”

Hongyu smiled and said, “You, at a young age, don’t think about these troubles, go to the house to get the sword, let’s go and take a look.” ”

Yu Xiaolian said with a bitter face: “Sister Yu, do you really want to take the sword to the Ji family?” This is Sister Yu your…”

“Okay, no need to say much, everything has me, I want to see, who is so big that he calls himself an immortal leader?” Hongyu Pretty face flashed frost and snorted coldly.

“Well, then I’ll go get the sword.” Yu Xiaolian nodded lightly, trotted in, and took a quaint sword box.

Hongyu looked at her coming out holding the sword box and said with a smile: “Go, (Nuomo Zhao) go to the Ji family, I will meet this so-called immortal chief, and see if it is a charlatan who cheats food and drink.” ”

“I don’t look like a liar.” Yu Xiaolian muttered quietly, holding the sword box, and followed Hongyu to the Ji family.

The two soon came to Ji’s house and walked into the mansion, as soon as they entered, Hongyu’s pretty face suddenly changed, her whole body breathed suddenly, and she looked at the direction of the living room in shock.

There, there was a powerful aura, full of demonic ferocity, which surprised her greatly, it was the breath of a demon sword.

“Such a strong fierce demonic qi, is there a Geshi Demon Sword in it?” As a sword spirit, Hongyu has a strong sense of the sword itself, and immediately catches a strong fierce sword intent in the living room.


Also a sword spirit, Long Kui sensed a sword spirit breath outside, with a trace of sharpness and ferocity.

Both sensed each other, Ye Qing and Long Kui both looked out of the living room, and saw Yu Xiaolian walking in holding a simple sword box, followed by a charming woman wearing a fiery red dress. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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