The realm is barren and dead, obscure, and full of gloomy and cold ghost aura.

This is the reincarnation of the earth, the place where the souls of all beings go back and forth to reincarnation, the yin qi is strong, and most human beings will soon die of exhaustion when they come here.

Difu, which belongs to the jurisdiction of Yan Luo, is just a remote and barren small place in Difu, and Nuwa, who is an ancient god, has fallen to a ghost place like hiding in Youdu, which is simply unbearable to look at.

Nuwa, the oldest with the three gods of Fuxi and Shennong, is incarnated by the spirit of Pangu, and has the same status and status, but Fuxi has become the Heavenly Emperor, the highest in the god world.

And Shennong was rumored to have died, not knowing whether it was true or not, while Nuwa was exhausted after the battle between humans and gods, and her divine power dried up and died, leaving only scattered divine souls.

One of the largest divine souls is hiding in the Nether Capital, and the other divine souls are scattered between heaven and earth, perhaps Nuwa is the worst among the three ancient gods.

“This is the Underground Capital?”

Just entered the realm, Hongyu, Longkui, and Yu Xiaolian were full of curiosity, looking at the environment here, dim, barren, and “six zero seven” was full of dead silence.

Even the air is filled with a ghostly aura, cold to the bone, living in this kind of place all year round, mortals will soon hang up, cultivators will regress, and even souls will be directly affected.

“What a weird underground mansion.” Hongyu muttered, feeling very uncomfortable.

Ye Qing didn’t care, but sighed: “Nuwa, I didn’t expect that you fell to this step after the war between the gods and men, and some of the spirits had to hide in this kind of ghost place. ”

“Oh…” Nuwa’s voice came from the blood jade, and she said, “The past events are vividly remembered, and Fuxi has taken pains to rule the six realms. ”

“However, the era of Shenyin is coming.” Nuwa muttered.

Ye Qing didn’t care, Heavenly Emperor Fuxi, he was determined, the task must be completed, killing him was the only way.

Everyone came to the realm, and a huge Nether Ghost Capital in front of them was the Nether Capital.

The Youdu is divided into two parts, the lower part is the place of the Nuwa tribe, and the upper part is the Longyuan clan.

Before coming to the Youdu, he immediately saw a figure waiting in front of him, quietly waiting for Ye Qing and others to arrive.


Ahead, a graceful figure gently saluted Ye Qing and the others.

She is one of the ten witches who protect the god of Nuwa, and is the only female among the ten witches, the witch.

She held a scepter and welcomed Ye Qing and the others into the Nether Capital City.

“Nuwa Niangniang already knows that you are coming, and has been waiting for a long time.” The witch looked at Ye Qing with a strange expression.

Then he looked at the big witch Zhu Han Xiuning and other families guarding the burning silence behind, and bowed his head slightly, which can be regarded as saying hello.

Along the way, everyone saw the scene in the Youdu, the spacious streets, where the Nuwa people lived.

Nuwa people, ancient and simple clothing, like ancient ancestors, simple and kind, wholeheartedly believe in serving Nuwa, no regrets.

Even if they ended up hiding in the dark realm of the Nether Capital, they could not shake their respect for Nuwa.

The witch led everyone in front of her, and from time to time turned back to introduce the situation here.

“This is where our Nuwa clan lives, and in the upper part of the Youdu, it is the Longyuan clan, but the Longyuan clan has a lot of prejudice and resentment against Nuwa.”

The witch said and mentioned the news, but she didn’t say much, and quickly came to the center of the Youdu, the Nuwa Shrine.

Here, this is where Nuwa lives, the hall, is the most sacred place in the Youdu.

“Da Wu Zhu, I will take your people to arrange a stay first, and you will go to the temple to meet Nuwa Niangniang yourself.”

Before coming to the Nuwa Shrine, the witch told everyone to go, and she took Han Xiuning’s people down to arrange accommodation.

“Let’s go, Nuwa is waiting for us inside.”

Ye Qing smiled, stepped directly into the gate of the temple, came to the Nuwa Shrine, and saw the Nuwa who was hiding in the Youdu.

“Here you are.”

A flat voice came into everyone’s ears, and when I followed the prestige, I saw a beautiful young girl standing there.

She is Nuwa, but she is not, Ye Qing can see through at a glance that Nuwa is possessed by Shennian on this girl.

This girl is a spiritual girl who specializes in serving Nuwa, and Nuwa receives everyone, and they are all possessed by the spirit girl with divine thoughts.

Why is this, it is because Nuwa only has a divine soul left, and if she does not possess the spirit girl with divine thoughts, can the divine soul run out?

Just kidding, if you give people that Nuwa only has a divine soul left, then needless to say, whether it is the demon world or the divine world, or the underground government, it will hit the attention of Nuwa’s divine soul.

Whoever makes Nuwa an ancient god is transformed by Pangu’s spirit after death, and swallowing Nuwa’s soul will definitely get endless benefits.

“Meet Nuwa Niangniang!”

Da Wu Zhu, Hongyu, Long Kui, and Yu Xiaolian saluted respectfully, and Nuwa could gain their respect no matter what.

But Ye Qing didn’t, he looked at Nuwa who was possessed by the spirit girl in front of him, and felt strange in his heart.

On the other side, Nuwa had a more strange expression, looking at Ye Qing, sometimes frowning, sometimes wondering, very puzzled.

“You guys go out first, I have something to talk to him about.” Nuwa Lingnu spoke, her tone was flat, with a trace of undoubtedness.

Hongyu and Long Kui looked at each other, took their leave, and left the Nuwa Temple with Yu Xiaolian.

Dawu Zhu looked at Ye Qing with a strange face, and then Shi Li retreated and walked out of the Nuwa Shrine.

Here is left Ye Qing and Nuwa possessed by the spirit girl, the two looked at each other, no one spoke, the atmosphere was a little strange for a while….

“You, don’t have anything to tell me?” Nuwa Kuer said.

Her expression was wonderful, looking at Ye Qing, a little bitter, this, she couldn’t see through, the origin is unknown.

Ye Qing smiled freely, did not speak, but directly took out Nuwa Blood Jade, and suddenly, Nuwa on the opposite side felt something.

“This is, a part of my divine soul, and the divine blood I injected in the past.” Nuwa’s pretty face flashed with surprise.

Then, a hazy figure was found inside the blood jade, which was Nuwa’s divine soul, and as soon as it appeared, the two origin divine souls immediately attracted each other.


The entire temple shook slightly, causing a great repercussion, making the Nuwa people look in the direction of the temple in shock.

And the red jade waiting outside the temple, Long Kui and several people’s expressions changed slightly, looking at the Nuwa Temple that closed the gate, the shock just now was not clear what happened.

“What’s wrong, brother Ye Qing won’t fight with Nuwa Niangniang, right?” Long Kui said with a worried face.

Hearing this, Hongyu couldn’t cry or laugh, and Da Wu Zhu was even more speechless, fighting with Nuwa?

Inside the temple, Nuwa’s spirit suddenly flew out, and the two merged with each other and turned into a whole, which was finally completed.

The complete Nuwa looks even more sacred, with the power of the ancient gods, and the aura is extremely strong.

“Thank you for bringing back half of my soul.” Nuwa’s hazy face couldn’t be seen clearly, but she sincerely thanked her.

She couldn’t go out, because once the road surfaced, it would be tantamount to telling the gods and demons that she Nuwa only had a spirit left.

Ye Qing looked at Nuwa’s divine soul intact and bowed his head: “Xie doesn’t have to, you better use your former 2.9 divine blood as soon as possible to restore your divine body.” ”

“Okay, but it will take me a little time to recover, and besides, it is easy to attract the evil spirits of the earth realm when I restore here, and I can’t move when I reforge the divine body, and I need you to help me support it.” Nuwa looked solemn and said in a serious tone.

In this regard, she trusted Ye Qing very much, because she obtained the other half of Nuwa Divine Soul, which had information and memories about Ye Qing.

After understanding, Nuwa was surprised and had some expectations at the same time, so she asked Ye Qing to stay and protect her.

“Okay, here you go.” Ye Qing did not refuse.

Nuwa suddenly showed a smile and said with a faint smile: “Thank you, you come with me first.” ”

With that, Nuwa took Ye Qing and entered the most core area of the Nuwa Shrine, which is where Nuwa’s spirit is hidden.

The two came here, closed the Nuwa Shrine, and even activated the power of the forbidden seal to lock this place.

“Do you need my help?”

Looking at Nuwa who was solemn, Ye Qing thought about it and asked. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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