In the unknown place, in front of the eternal barrier, Taichu was carrying the transcendent ancient temple, and the two supreme treasures of the eternal light wheel broke through the eternal barrier and were about to transcend.


The Eternal Barrier was pierced through a hole, and from there surged out of the infinite calamity, and the power of the transcendent calamity came mightily, flooding the beginning.

However, this transcendent catastrophe was temporarily blocked by two supreme treasures, the transcendent ancient hall, and the two supreme treasures of the eternal light wheel blocked the transcendent robbery.

“I am detached, and I will lead you out again.”

Taichu shouted, and the strength of his whole body exploded, breaking through the rolling robbery force, and wanted to fight out the unknown transcendence beyond the eternal barrier.

Seeing this, the powerhouses of the major eras, without exception, all looked at it in shock, and suddenly had a feeling that he could successfully fight out.

“In the beginning, can you really succeed in detachment?”

“The Transcendent Ancient Hall was originally built by the former one, but…”

“It seems that in the beginning, there is the ability to detach.”

One after another terrifying thoughts surged in, watching the primeval rampage, killing the huge hole of the eternal barrier, wanting to fight out and successfully detach.

If he can really fight out, he may really be called the first transcendent person, making many great lords a little unable to sit still.

They saw the hope of detachment, and they were naturally excited, thinking, did they take this opportunity to break the eternal barrier of transcendence in one fell swoop?


In front of the Eternal Barrier, Taichu roared madly, killing with strength and invincibility, bombarding the rolling robbery and breaking into the misty unknown.

Seeing that he was about to be able to fight out and succeed in transcendence, Taichu couldn’t help but feel a touch of excitement, and finally succeeded.

“Hahahaha, detachment is at hand.”

Taichu struggled to kill before the cave, looking at the unknown fog outside, he couldn’t help laughing, detachment was in front of him.

He raised his foot and was about to step into it, but suddenly sensed a crisis coming, and before he could think about it, his body moved sideways and evaded a catastrophe.


Although he reacted quickly, he was still shocked by a powerful force and flew out, only to find that a figure was blocking the road of detachment.

The person who came looked cold, his eyes showed cold killing intent, looked at Taichu, and then looked at the ancient hall and the wheel of light not far away.

“Want to be detached?” Ye Qing showed a sneer, looking at the beginning, beyond the ancient hall, the eternal light wheel three, killing intent.

“It’s you?”

Taichu was shocked, looked at the comer, recognized Ye Qing’s origin, and naturally knew his origin and intentions.

In the past, Taichu was one of the people who participated in destroying Ye Qing’s detachment, but now he wanted to detach himself, but he was blocked by Ye Qing.

“You dare to stop Honza?” Taichu roared angrily, looking very angry.

However, Ye Qing shook his head and said disdainfully: “Have you forgotten who came to stop me from transcendence in the past, you let me transcendence fail and fall, and now you blame me.” ”

As soon as these words came out, Taichu was silent, and his face changed, obviously what Ye Qing said was the truth, and it was a fact that they blocked Ye Qing from detachment in the past.

“And you, beyond the ancient temple, the betrayal of the past, today it is time to liquidate.” Ye Qing’s eyes turned and stared at the quaint hall.

It is the Transcendent Ancient Temple, which was built in the past for transcendence, and I never thought that it would directly betray and be unwilling to block the catastrophe.

“You, or back…”

There was silence for a long time, and on the detached ancient hall, the hazy shadow made a whisper, as if sighing.

At this moment, in the major eras, one after another terrifying thoughts boiled, and everyone was shocked when they saw Ye Qing’s appearance.

Especially the other great masters of the first era, all changed their faces because of Ye Qing’s appearance, watching this strong man who was blocked by them in the past return again.

“He’s back…”

“Nine epochs of years cannot erase his will, and it is another variable.”

“Variables, can’t you kill?”

Those great masters from the first era trembled in their hearts one by one, and after seeing Ye Qing appear, they couldn’t help but be frightened.

Because Ye Qing came back again, fell for nine eras, and now came back again, becoming an even more terrifying variable, who can not be afraid?


At this moment, on the eternal barrier behind Ye Qing, endless transcendent power gushed out from the pierced hole, rolling mighty and submerged.

Ye Qing bore the brunt of the attack, overwhelmed by the transcendent robbery power, and was about to erase this creature that dared to challenge the taboo in an instant.

However, the next scene made the great masters of the major eras can’t help but be afraid, and I saw that Ye Qing’s body was filled with gray mist.


The transcendent catastrophe rushed in, but it was blocked by this gray mist, and the two forces collided and struck each other, emitting a dull sonorous sound.

Ye Qing stood there, letting the transcendent catastrophe continue to sweep and wash, but he still didn’t feel a little in his hand.


Taichu’s face was full of fear, looking at Ye Qing, who was not afraid of transcendent power in front of him, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

Not only him, but the two greatest treasures of the Transcendent Ancient Hall and the Eternal Light Wheel were shocked, looking at the figure bathed in the power of transcendence, he could no longer remain calm.

“Without fear of the power of the great calamity, how did he do it?”

“Why is that?”

“Hey, is this the scary thing about variables?”

The strong people on all sides, one by one, were moved, looking at such a scene, even those masters in the first era couldn’t help but feel cold.

Ye Qing is too strong, giving them too much pressure, can’t such a person be able to detach at all times?

“Nothing is impossible, today, your path of detachment is over.”

Ye Qing finished saying one word at a time, as soon as the words fell, the whole person disappeared, but it was crushed down with a bang.

Taichu’s eyes widened, a flash of fear flashed, and he shouted: “Transcend the ancient hall, eternal light wheel, work together to block the great calamity, and fight out together.” ”


The ancient hall shook, the wheel of light swirled, and the two worked together with Taichu to break the transcendent catastrophe that came from the mighty.

Just as they wanted to rush out, Ye Qing, who had disappeared, suddenly appeared above the transcendent ancient hall, looking down at this ancient hall built in the past.

“Unfortunately, you have embarked on a dead end.” Ye Qing’s muttering voice came, which made the Transcendent Ancient Hall buzz.

I saw that the ancient hall of transcendence bloomed with immeasurable light, and there was a trace of detachment in the eternal brilliance.

The ancient hall hummed and burst out with supreme power, wanting to resist Ye Qing, the terrifying former master.


Ye Qing raised his hand and slapped it, and with a bang, the transcendent ancient hall was shaken endlessly, and a powerful and matchless palm directly shattered a corner of this ancient hall that claimed to be able to transcend.

“If you go the wrong way, you have to pay.”

Ye Qing’s face was expressionless, and he walked down step by step, raised his hand and pressed down with a palm cover, and a primordial chaotic power condensed above his palm.

It was the power of chaos, from the chaotic era he opened, converged, slapped in the palm of his hand, and with a bang, the entire transcendent ancient hall directly collapsed and disintegrated.


A scream came, accompanied by the transcendent ancient hall being torn apart, and the eternal artifact spirit inside was directly submerged by the great calamity and completely disappeared.

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