Looking at the photos in hand, Han Fei's mood is not calm.

"Is this your last concern? Well, I promise you, as long as I live, I won't let her suffer any harm! "

Han Fei pinches out the cigarette end in his hand, looks at the ruins behind him, and walks toward the cave, leaving a bloody footprint.

It was a yellowing old picture of a 13-year-old or 4-year-old girl. She was innocent and smiling. Although her face was still slightly immature, she was a real beauty.

There are only these words at the back of the photo: ye Qingxue, Haibin No.1 Middle School

In the early morning, the gray sky was dotted with stars. Han Fei walked out of the railway station, swept the left and right with the remaining light, and made sure there was nothing unusual. Then he walked into the lane at the intersection.

In the green dustbin, Han Fei turned out a tightly wrapped black plastic bag. Except for the new second-generation ID card, Han Fei didn't look at any other documents. He took out a lighter and set it on fire.

"For those who go to X county, 30 yuan per person, and then wait for another person to leave!" The taxi drivers at the intersection were shouting, and many private car owners were involved. Hearing the familiar seaside accent, Han Fei was not calm.

Half an hour later, Han Fei stopped in front of a dilapidated lane. There was an old-fashioned green dustbin at the entrance of the lane. The cracked bottom was constantly flowing with yellow rancid water, emitting a bad smell.

The old-fashioned cement poles are inserted askew to one side. Everything around shows the dilapidation here.

In fact, this is the seaside slum. To sum up, it is dirty, messy and poor. Due to the problems left over by history, it has not been demolished. Anyone with a little family background has already bought a house outside.

Only those families who are really poor will continue to live here.

Han Fei looks at the scene in front of him. He feels that his nose is sour. Subconsciously, he takes out a packet of cigarettes from his pocket and is about to draw out a fulcrum. Unexpectedly, a man suddenly rushes out of the corner and bumps into Han Fei. The packet of big Su, which has no beginning, falls directly into the yellow brown sour water.

The man didn't look back, but ran directly to the white van at the intersection, and was in a hurry to start the engine.

Han Fei eyebrows pick, this dog day enough crazy ah, then slowly walked over, knocked on the window.

"What are you doing?" The man was startled.

"Man, you hit my big sue on the ground. It's eleven bags." Han Fei said with a smile, then stretched out a hand.

"Go away! Paralyzed The man roared and started the car without looking.

At this time, Han Fei knocked on the window again and said, "man, I have 81 bags of Dasu. You don't give me a dime. It's a bit unreasonable, isn't it?"

"You're looking for cigarettes, aren't you! The wrong person is wrong to Laozi. If you don't want to die, get out of here The man took out a spring knife and threatened.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned his head, the door pulled down and the man was scared to pee.

"Man, it's said that harmony makes money. If you are so crazy again, I can't talk so well." Han Fei said reluctantly.

"Damn it, make you crazy! Now even if you want to go, you can't go! " The man got angry and got out of the car and hit Han Fei with a fist.

Just haven't waited for his fist to lean on Han Fei, a fist shadow hit his lower abdomen with faster speed.


The man screamed and curled up on the ground in pain. He felt that his viscera were broken by the blow.

Han Fei took back his fist, looked at the man on the ground and said, "it was OK to pay for cigarettes, but now it's OK. Ten thousand yuan is private."

The man was really afraid. He didn't expect that he was a trainer. It seemed that he had kicked the iron plate in the legend!

"Hey, say you, don't think it's OK to lie there pretending to be dead." Han Fei said to kick two feet up, immediately pain of that man squeak teeth grin.

"Brother, stop fighting! I lose money! Lose money The man was about to cry and quickly handed over the lady's bag in his hand.

"It's too early to be so simple. You have to get tens of thousands of yuan for things that can be done privately. You can't be so willful even if you have money." Han Fei said with a smile.

In addition to a few pieces of cosmetics and a bunch of keys, there was a neat hundred yuan bill in the bag, which seemed to be about 30000 yuan.

At this time, a young woman came out of the tunnel. She looked in her early twenties, her figure was protruding, her face was exquisite to the extreme, and a tall ponytail was cocked behind her head, giving people a wild beauty of unrestrained movement.

Especially when this woman is running, the waves in front of her chest are shaking. That's a surge! The impact of the powerful waves ignited Han Fei's universe in an instant! Han Fei's eyes lit up in an instant!

"Great! If anyone marries her, they won't have to buy milk powder. How much money can they save? "

Han Fei is so excited that he seems to have not seen such a woman for a long time!

Han Fei's creed is that food can be avoided and wine can be avoided, but beauty can't be missed. There's plenty of time right now. Han Fei doesn't mind having dinner with this beauty, having a chat, and having a good discussion about outlook on life, world outlook and values.

Of course, if this beautiful woman is in a mess and has to discuss physiological problems with herself, Han Fei doesn't mind any more.

Han Fei cleared his throat and was about to say hello. Unexpectedly, the beauty spoke first.

"Stop, you scum The beauty yells angrily toward this side.

"It must have been a beautiful woman, who was so good at scolding people, at that time! I'll give you a 98 for this wave

Han Fei rubbed his chin and tasted. He suddenly realized that there was something wrong with what the beauty said just now. Two scum, didn't they count themselves in? There seems to be a big misunderstanding!

As soon as the robber saw the woman, he was scared and got into the car in three or two steps. Before he left, he didn't forget to shout to Han Fei: "big brother! This woman is hard to deal with. You must be careful. I'll see you in the same place! "

Han Fei face a black, this dog day, before leaving still don't forget to frame himself, now is yellow mud fell into the crotch, not that what is also what.

"Son of a bitch! Stop When the woman ran to the alley, the van had already run away, and then turned her anger to Han Fei.

Although I don't know why he didn't get on the bus together, it's not difficult to judge from the guy's words that this man and the robber are in a group!

Han Fei quietly looked at the beauty's chest, and could not help sighing: "it's so big!"

The woman's eyes immediately cold down, feel Han Fei's naked eyes, the woman instantly gave birth to a group of angry, lift leg is a heavy leg head-on hit.

"To die!"

But the next second, the woman's expression was stunned, her calf was easily caught by the man in front of her!

The woman was so angry that she tried hard to pull her legs back, but she didn't expect that the other side was still. They kept such an ambiguous posture. If they were seen by outsiders, they would think that it was a bold couple here.

A gust of breeze blowing, thighs from the cool sou feeling, women instantly realized that they are wearing a skirt today!

"White! How white Han Fei sighed, then changed his tone: "safety pants? Bad comment

"What are you talking about?" The woman's face was full of shame and anger. She kicked Han Fei's chest with a more violent side kick.

Han Fei sidestepped to avoid for a while, once again firmly grasped the woman's leg, looking at the long white leg like jade lotus root, Han Fei could not help holding out his hand to touch it, that kind of warm and greasy feeling is amazing!

A group of anger burst out in the woman's eyes and burst into flames. Unexpectedly, she was not only robbed of her bag today, but also insulted by the robbers!

"Shameless thief! I'm going to kill you today! "

Beauty to get angry, this is not for fun, Han Fei immediately jumped out of the battle circle and said: "beauty, stop, stop, if you come again, don't blame me for my hard work."

"If you have the ability, you can try it!" Women are angry and decisive.

Han Fei had some accidents. He didn't care about it just now. Now when he gets serious, he finds out that this woman has practiced. Her skill is pretty good, but a woman should go shopping and do spa. It's not good for her to shout and kill.

Two people tangled for a while, Han Fei will also find out the woman's foundation, this woman's figure and appearance are the best, but the temper is a little too aggressive, Han Fei smile, also don't want to make trouble.

"Beauty, my brother has something else to do, so I won't play with you. They all say that he has a big chest and no brain. This is true at all. Next time, use his brain before you start. Don't treat good people as bad people. Fortunately, you met me today, or you will be busy paying for medical expenses for the rest of your life."

Han Fei said and stretched out his fingers, in the woman's waist gently, the woman suddenly all over a numb, can't move.

"Thief, you'd better let me go, or I'll make you die!" A woman's eyes are bursting with fire. If her eyes could kill people, Han Fei would have died 10000 times now.

"Beauty, it seems that you still don't know the situation. Now you are in my hands. Alas, you dare to threaten me in my hands. Should I say you have big breasts and no brains, or big breasts and no brains? But I'm very soft hearted. Why don't you ask me to have a try? " Han Fei said with a smile.

Biting her feminine silver teeth, she wanted to put the disgusting face under her feet and trample on it: "you'd better pray now and never fall into my hands in the future, or I will make you feel worse than death!"

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "Oh, I don't know. I have a big temper, but I'm much more gentle than you. If you fall into my hands, I will only..."

Han Fei said, stretching out his hands, step by step toward the woman, the woman instantly widened her eyes, from anger to panic.

First there was a crackle, and then there was a surge of waves. Han Fei rubbed his fingertips as if he was still savoring the intoxicating greasiness.

"It feels good. By the way, I suggest you try Olay shower gel. After taking a bath, your body will become more silky." Han Fei said, raised his hand and walked away.

Feel the pain on the buttock, the woman's eyes are full of killing, especially the finger in his chest at the end of the play, she now want to bite Han Fei alive!

"Ah - asshole! I'll kill you The Empty Roadway echoed the screams of women's anger.

"Sneeze! Who's talking about me? "

At the same time, Han Fei couldn't help sneezing. He looked up and saw that Haibin No.1 middle school was already in front of him.

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