"It's interesting. I'll see how long you can hold on to it." Han Fei looked at the corner of his mouth in the rearview mirror and could not help showing a sneer.

It doesn't matter what these people are aiming at, for themselves, or for the inner pill in his pocket, or both.

To Han Fei's surprise, just after arriving at the boundary of the seashore, the black beetle changed its direction in front of the fork. It seemed that it was just a long journey with Han Fei.

When the car drove into the waterfront boundary, the black beetle also completely disappeared, and even Yemo wondered if he was too sensitive.

It's not too late at the moment. It's estimated that Wang Rong is still in Haiya, but Han Fei is not in a hurry because before that, he has a more important thing to deal with.

Han Fei's car finally stopped in front of an abandoned warehouse in the suburbs. It's not accurate to say that it's completely abandoned here. In front of the door of the warehouse, there are two big green trucks with military region license plates on them.

After seeing Han Fei's car arrive at the scene, the scene is also immediately under martial law. A group of young people, either holding a swing stick or a galvanized water pipe in their hands, immediately surround here. When they see that Han Fei is walking out of the door, everyone is immediately relieved and alert for instant contact.

"Brother, you are here. Everything has been moved to the warehouse. Brother Jinlong is taking people to check it." A little brother said.

"There's nothing out there, is there?" Han Fei asked.

"Brother, don't worry. All the people who come here are the most determined brothers. They won't let out any information!" The little brother said, "well, brother, what's in those boxes?"

Han Fei is also slightly surprised. Has Du Jinlong not been asked to open the box for such a long time?

"Let's go and have a look." Han Fei then waved his hand, and the boys on the side were excited to follow him.

The boxes that came down from the car were always heavy, and they couldn't get a forklift temporarily. They carried all the boxes by themselves, and they were curious about what was in them.

When a group of people came to the warehouse, there were twenty or thirty large wooden cases piled up in front of them. It had to be said that the carrying capacity of the green truck was quite amazing.

Du Jinlong, who was still smoking cigarettes and had a tangled face in the face of these big boxes, immediately gathered up after seeing Han Fei: "brother, you've been gone for several days, but you've come back. My sister-in-law didn't ask me how you disappeared for so many days. Are you ok?"

Han Fei said with a smile: "I'm not good. I'll go back there and say to myself. Open these boxes quickly. How can you be so sincere?"

Du Jinlong also said: "brother, you haven't come back yet."

When Du Jinlong finished, he also asked everyone to take the crowbar and hurry to work. When the box was opened, everyone was a little confused. They were shocked by the gun full in it, but what hit them more was the words "movie props" pasted on the plastic paper on the cover, especially the red seal on it. It seemed that there were a lot of things they should have, This makes them a little confused.

Feelings they just tired to death, and finally just moved a pile of useless movie props? Why do they want movie props? No one says they want to change their career to make movies!

After several boxes around were opened, they were all props, but there was a real part on each props gun!

Just take a few simulation guns apart, reorganize the parts inside, and then assemble these parts. This is the equipment that the sword brigade is equipped with in daily operations!

As for the movie props pasted on it, we have to say that Dongfang Dingtian was considerate. Even the two green trucks with military brand were left behind. Even if there were any emergencies in the future, there would not be no response measures.

"Brother, this is..." Du Jinlong asked tentatively.

"You see, everyone. I'll show you how to assemble guns tonight." Han Fei said with a smile.


Tiandu entertainment mall is the largest entertainment mall in Binjiang, where you can enjoy any service you want, whether it's business talks or out for fun, or just enjoy the most comfortable massage and massage. Here you can enjoy the top service like an emperor.

However, compared with Qionglou, the gap between the two is quite different. If Qionglou is a riverside and a golden dragon in the upper class, then Tiandu entertainment city is a local snake in the lower class. Although the backgrounds and groups of the two are different, the essence... Is not much different.

The first floor is the most bustling casino in Binjiang, where tens of millions of funds flow every day. Of course, this is just for the public. As for the Games in VIP emperor's private rooms, I'm afraid that the funds flowing in any private room far exceed the sum of all the gambling tables outside.

Countless black money is laundered here, and it flows into the pockets of some enterprise bosses or politicians. Even if someone comes to check, anyone who comes out of those private rooms is enough to make those people and even their superiors lose their jobs immediately. People are on the table, but who dare to check?

As for the second floor, it's a famous romantic place, but if you want to get in, it's not just money.

If it is clean, it is the third floor of the never night city. The third floor is just a bath center. To put it bluntly, it is a bath and massage. However, there are only a few dozen people who have taken a bath on the third floor over the years. One of them is a Minister of the Publicity Department of Yanjing. I think the identity of the rest of them is absolutely extraordinary.

If you want to operate such a place in Binjiang, you naturally need amazing background, whether it's official or Taoist. As for whether there is any background relationship at a deeper level, no one knows.

And the shopkeeper on the bright side of this entertainment city is the elder brother of the population who has just stepped down from the beetle.

In a luxurious steaming room, four people in black are very quiet. Big sweat drops are falling from them. I don't know whether they are scared or steamed by the high temperature here.

The two red fruit girls didn't seem to notice the other four people in the steam room. They still gave the man on the soft couch the most comfortable body massage with their greasy bodies.

"Come on, you two go down." The man on the soft couch waved, and the two girls with red fruits immediately left the room with the set of tools.

Let two red fruit gorgeous beauty pass by, these four people dare not Piao on the same, uneasily waiting for the man on the bed to speak.

"All four of you have failed?" The man on the soft couch sat up and asked.

"Brother Tian, the brothers are all fighting for their lives, but this time we really have some ideas. We followed the outskirts of the seaside all the way from Yanjing, but we didn't dare to do it after all." The leader's statement is somewhat exaggerated. He just wants to show that it's not a few of them who are too useless. It's just that the other side is too strong.

"It was a failure after all, but I was labeled as dragon group and Guoan. Such a person is not enough for me to fear. OK, you all go down." Tiange on the soft couch made a speech, and those people breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this time, the Tiange added: "after going out, one person left a hand, my hands don't need waste, go away."

For such a result, four people are not reconciled, is ready to say something to explain, but just to God brother that cold and fierce eyes.

The man in black, the leader, swallowed the words that had already come out of his throat, bowed his head and walked out of Tiange's special steaming room with the remaining three brothers.

Just left sweating steam room, a few people legs a moment of weakness, almost fell to the ground, with the day elder brother more than 20 years, every time the day elder brother to kill, is that kind of cold eyes!

For the punishment of brother Tian, although they were not angry, they didn't dare to say anything, so they took a dagger out of their body. The next moment, four screams came from outside the door. Just after these people left, brother Tian turned his head to the void beside him and said, "what's the matter with you?"

As soon as brother Tian's voice fell, a voice that couldn't tell the difference between men and women came from there: "don't worry, our people have found out her general location. Before she disappeared, it's true that Han Fei had contact with her. Maybe we can find more clues from him.

In addition, Han Fei seems to be different from before. Even I feel an extremely dangerous breath in him. I think his skill is far ahead of those of us. Even if we go out together, it may be the result of being killed by the regiment. It's really hard to start for a while. "

Brother Tian was silent for a while. Then he rubbed his temple and said, "I'm surprised that I can break through the vigorous Qi without decades of accumulation.

In other words, besides us, is there a third party involved? Whether the other party is a friend or an enemy, and what is the purpose of aiming at Huaxia? This game is becoming more and more interesting. It seems that the pool of Huaxia will soon become muddy... "

Brother Tian was silent for a while. He didn't know what he was thinking. At last, he slowly said, "anyway, that woman is also the person that the boss calls for. Don't leave any trace when you do things. If you let them know, I'm afraid the boss's life will not be easy."

When my brother said "they" that day, the figure in the dark also shivered, and then carefully said: "don't worry, we will do it clean..."

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