Once again came to ye Qingxue's home, Han Fei slightly hesitated.

"And the mad woman?" Han Fei said.

Ye Qingxue seems to know the grudge between them. She says vaguely, "I won't come back this time. You can rest assured. Even if I come back, it doesn't matter. Anyway, my mother's name is written on the house property certificate."

Han Fei has some accidents. Her mother's name is written on the house property certificate. This girl is domineering! It seems that the woman of Ye Qiao can't show the dignity of her elders in front of Ye Qingxue.

Ye Qingxue tells Han Fei a few more words, and then he yawns back to his room. In summer, he doesn't even take a bath?

Han Fei shrugs, grabs a towel and goes to the bathroom. The bathroom is very small. After deducting things like the washing basin, the rest of the room can only be used for one person's activities. Han Fei flushes happily, wipes the soap and washes his head, and then the water doesn't come out.

Han Fei had no choice but to add some cold water to wash the foam on her body. No wonder she didn't see the girl's bath.

It's no wonder that ye Qingxue is used to living alone on weekdays. Filling her with water once is enough for her to wash for more than a week. Naturally, she won't fill the water all the time.

Han Fei is thinking, the bathroom door suddenly opened a seam, a na na voice along the door came in: "handsome, do you want to help rub back?"

Ye Qingxue finished this sentence and quickly ran back to the room with a red face. "Pa" closed the door, and her heart kept beating.

"My God! What was on my mind just now Ye Qingxue touched the scalding cheek. She was frightened and regretted. She just had a brain pumping. How could she do such a mindless thing!

Han Fei at the moment is also a face of muddle force, this wench, should not brain smoke?

Han Fei didn't think much about it. He dried the water and walked into the room. The mat, quilt and pillow on the bed had been placed, and there was a touch of Gardenia fragrance in the room. An electric mosquito repellent liquid had been inserted in the row at the head of the bed, and even a cup of warm water had been put on the bedside table.

This girl has a heart.

Han Fei didn't think much about it. He just lay in bed and fell asleep. It was ye Qingxue who was worried about gain and loss in the middle of the night. He didn't fall asleep until after midnight.

Mysterious island, dark underground cave, chilling, even if the flashlight is on, the visibility is only about one meter. Suddenly, the whole world is scarlet. With the weak red light, you can see a deep cliff ahead.

People were in a panic. Just now, they couldn't see the black. How could the whole underground cave be illuminated by scarlet light?

People stare at the huge scarlet in front of them, which is so strange. It seems that as long as you look at it, you can't extricate your soul from it.

The huge scarlet turned for a moment. A black vertical line divided the whole scarlet into two. At first, it was a thin line that could not be traced. But in a twinkling of an eye, the vertical line expanded rapidly. In a flash, it turned into a black ball covering most of the scarlet. The demonic fluorescence flashed by, like the pupil of a cat in the dark.

Han Fei was the first to realize that it was wrong, but when he spoke, it was too late!

"All go!"

Han Fei roars and wakes up from his sleep. He is already wet with cold sweat. When he looks up, the wall clock doesn't go until 3:30 at night, but he can't sleep for the rest of the night.

Gently open the door of Ye Qingxue's room, the little girl is lying in bed and sleeping. She doesn't know what she saw in her dream. The girl smiles in her sleep. Looking at the quiet smile on her face, Han Fei's mood finally calms down.

Walking slowly to ye Qingxue's bed, Han Fei squats down to touch her hair. A child who has lost her parents, she has suffered a lot in recent years.

Han Fei knows that the ostensible publicity is just to cover up the inner frailty. When he first sees ye Qingxue's little sister dressed up, Han Fei has only heartache in his heart.

Although Ye Qiao is taking care of her in life, she obviously can't give her enough company, otherwise she won't come together with those bastards.

The dead is gone. What Han Fei can do is to make up for Qingxue, so that she can have a happy life in the future, no worries and no worries.

Then, Han Fei takes off the pendant on his neck and gently puts it in the palm of Ye Qingxue's hand. This is a piece of jade that is half missing. Han Fei has been wearing it since he was a child, which is of extraordinary significance to him.

Han Fei left and gently put the door on. Ye Qingxue opened her eyes at the same time and looked at Gu Yu in her hands.

In the dark, this piece of jade is suffused with a milky light, and a stream of heat flows into the four limbs and bones along the palm of the hand, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Ye Qingxue feels that the whole person is sober, but the warmth of her palm doesn't mean to stop at all. She is warm all over and seems to be bathed in the mild sunshine. But when she puts down the jade, the warm current disappears out of thin air, and the jade is no different from ordinary jade.

But when she held the jade in her palm again, the warm current flowed all over her body again.

Ye Qingxue's brain is a little confused. No matter how nervous she is, she also knows that this jade in her hand is absolutely a treasure. He gives such a valuable thing to herself?

The rest of the night, ye Qingxue also difficult to sleep, but the jade piece in hand, ye Qingxue did not feel the slightest tired, the whole person's mental state is very good.

First, he came to the door on purpose, then he stood up for himself, and later he gave him 2000 yuan of pocket money without any cover up. He said that he was her daughter, but at first glance, outsiders would treat them as brothers and sisters.

Before, ye Qingxue still had a little uneasiness and doubt in her heart, but with the warmth of warm jade nourishing her whole body, the last trace of mustard in her heart has melted into this warm current

The next morning, at dawn, Han Fei went into the kitchen to help ye Qingxue make breakfast. After cleaning the kitchen, Han Fei went out to work.

Although the seaside economy is relatively prosperous, the TV constantly preaches that the per capita GDP of the seaside has exceeded how much, but no matter how rich the place is, there will be poor people, and no matter how dazzling the stage is, there will be dark corners invisible to ordinary people.

Ye Qingxue lives in one of the few slums on the seashore, surrounded by small earth buildings built at random. The power poles are crooked in the alleys. I don't know how many wires have been connected privately. The walls on both sides are covered with advertisements for treating sexually transmitted diseases or looking for younger sisters.

This place is really not an ideal living environment. If you can, Han Fei wants to change the living environment for this girl now. It's hard to say that she has a princess like life. At least she should become a Bai Fumei who doesn't have stage fright.

But all this is inseparable from money. If the balance in his account is not the dazzling three ninety-eight yuan, Han Fei can now buy more than ten sets of seaside villas, let ye Qingxue live one set a day, and don't bring a duplicate one for a week. It's no problem to ask a group of nannies to wait on her.

But the problem is that the money in his account has been transferred. Han Fei can even guess who did it, but what can it do?

Han Fei has made up his mind to say goodbye to everything in the past. He can't play without the money on the card.

However, Han Fei is not the kind of unrealistic person. He still has to be his security guard.

When Han Fei went to the gate of the community, the scene in front of him was extremely unexpected.

Zheng Hua and his grandchildren squat on the ground in a circle. Wang pangzi is blushing and cursing at them. Then he laughs at a young lady who is still angry.

"Sister Liu, I've scolded you for looking at people. We'll try our best to help you get things back. Do you think we should forget about it today? It's very inconvenient for other owners to go to work because it's blocked at the door in the early morning, and the impact is not very good." Wang pangzi, who has just become a grandson, is careful not to accompany a woman.

"Forget it? What you say is better than what you sing! Do you know how many things have been lost in my house! Do you know how much those things are worth! Keeping a dog knows how to keep the door open. What's the use of keeping you security guards! Not even a dog! Go home and eat shit The woman burst out.

"Yes, yes! What you said, sister Liu, is that I will teach them a good lesson later and let them have a deep review. However, sister Liu, you see, it's not the way to go on making trouble like this. The door has been blocked all the time, and other owners will have opinions in their hearts. " Wang pangzi said with a careful smile.

"Oh! I'm funny. Now I know how the owners feel! When we lost things one after another in the residential area, how many times have we owners reflected that every time you strengthen patrol, but in the end who didn't lose tens of thousands of yuan! Now you know the impact is bad? It's too late The woman didn't mean to discuss it at all. Wang pangzi's anxious face turned pig liver color.

Although he is a security team leader, he usually drives a car to drink wine, and he can take one or two women to work in the office when nothing happens. However, once there is any problem in the community, he is the security team leader who will bear the brunt.

Huarui residential area is one of the few high-end residential areas in the seaside. The residents in it are rich or expensive. Although Wang pangzi brushes his superiority in front of Zheng Hua, he can't afford to offend any of them.

Now this woman doesn't mean to stop at all. If she continues to make such a noise, the bad influence will be visible. At that time, he, the security captain, will never want to do it again.

"Sister Liu, brother, I beg you. Please raise your hand and let us have a way out. We are all living together. If you go on making trouble like this, we will lose our jobs." Wang pangzi begged.

The woman looked at Wang Pang, who was just like a fat pig, with disgust in her eyes: "it's not necessary to talk about it. Anyway, I've already called the police. Since you security guards can't give us an explanation, let the police solve it!"

The power of this woman's storm is not built. Wang pangzi is even more scared at the moment. No matter how good his relationship with manager Huang is, once things develop to the point that even the police are involved, he, the security captain, can only walk away.

As for Zheng Hua, they are in a bad mood at the moment. Even fat Wang has to leave, not to mention them. If there is no miracle, they will each get an extra month's salary this afternoon.

"Oh, it's not sister Liu. How can she be so angry in the early morning? Who has provoked you? Do you want me to help you clean up?" Han Fei walked up with a smile.

A moment ago, the woman's face was as cold as ice. When Han Fei was seen, the woman's expression suddenly became brilliant.

"It turned out to be a little handsome guy. I said how I didn't see you this morning. I just made you laugh. In fact, my sister is not like this. The reason why she is so angry is because..." the woman twisted her waist and walked over. The guards at the door were shocked. Even fat Wang was a ghost.

"I'll go! We can be brothers! It's so easy. It's done with this woman! You can eat by your face, but you have to rely on your talent. I really don't know what to say about him! Talent The guards sighed heartily.

Not far away, the charming young woman smiles and shakes. She beats Han Fei's chest with her hand from time to time. All the ambiguous blind people can see clearly!

It's said that 360 lines lead to the champion. They are also security guards. How can there be such a big gap between people!

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