Minister Cao subconsciously took a look at the security personnel in the hall. They were all selected by Haiya, and their Kung Fu was affirmed by everyone.

Even in the face of hundreds of social gangsters, with this group of elite escorts, we can get everyone in and out safely. If we want to have another layer of insurance, it is the retired special forces recruited at a high price. Minister Cao saw with his own eyes their fierce ability to chop red bricks with one hand, so he took 10000 yuan a day to temporarily requisition them.

Compared with this group of fierce people, Cao's head looks down on Han Fei a little, but because of Wang Rong's face, it's hard to say anything. It's estimated that he and someone in the group are relatives, and they want to transfer their work internally, but they don't want to find Wang Rong's relationship, and they want to rub some experience in the team?

"It's another one who's going through the back door!" Mr. Cao disdained to say that maybe the working life of the doers did not go smoothly after all. Mr. Cao looked down on such people from the bottom of his heart.

After rolling up Han Fei's materials and throwing them into the dustbin, Minister Cao started the mobilization before departure, and then went upstairs to deal with some other matters.

Before long, Han Fei came to the front door of the head office. From a distance, he saw so many people standing in the hall. He watched them either playing with stun sticks or rubbing their fingers. It seemed that he was afraid that others would not know that they were fierce. He thought that he was the security personnel accompanying him this time.

Han Fei didn't want to comment on them either. Wang Rong said that she arrived at eight o'clock, half an hour ahead of time. As soon as she pushed the door in, she saw a row of credit card machines in front of her, which made her feel embarrassed.

He a community security which has any card, not to mention the daily clock sign in, even to and from work time is to see their own mood.

Even if he became a foreman a few days ago, his salary just went up a little. In essence, he was no different from those of Lao ma. If it wasn't for Wang Rong's special invitation, he would not be qualified to enter the head office.

There's a separate passage by the card machine, but there's an old man reading a newspaper. Han Fei just walked out there, but he stopped him.

"It's only by credit card." The old man said without any doubt.

"I forgot my card." Han Fei said.

"Then register your job number." Then the old man took out a thick register book and continued to look at the newspaper in his hand.

Han Fei smiles and changes a few numbers according to the above work number. As for the position, he writes the word vice president. He closes the book and goes inside.

The last time he came to the company to pick up Ye Qiao, Han Fei didn't even go up the stage. Now it's his first time to walk into the office building of Haiya head office.

As the face of the company, the decoration of the hall emphasizes high-end atmosphere. A dozen thick columns stand scattered in the hall, with the same color of marble pavement. There is a huge mosaic in the center, especially the huge high-definition curved screen hanging in the atrium.

Wang Rong was not seen in the hall, and no person in charge was seen at the scene. That group of security personnel gathered together to brag, and each one had a loud voice as if he had a loudspeaker.

Each of these guys has a cigarette in his mouth, and a pile of cigarette ends are scattered on the ground. The smoke looks like a group of God sticks cultivating immortals from a distance.

Next to a cleaning aunt with a broom dustpan waiting at the side, but these guys did not give people the slightest sense of trouble, one by one cigarette ends do not want money to step on the ground, Han Fei can not help but shake his head, in contrast, or the security room of the group of brothers to come lovely.

Han Fei originally wanted to call Wang Rong, but he was afraid that she had something else to deal with at this point, so he sat on the seat and waited.

Take out a bag of big Su, Han Fei unconsciously smoked half a bag, conveniently put out the cigarette ends in the next garbage can.

If you look at those soldiers who have been in the army for half an hour, Han Fei really admires them. After smoking so many cigarettes, he doesn't drink a mouthful of water. Now they are all so energetic. It's very good to find an old teahouse to talk about storytelling. As for bodyguards, Han Fei really doesn't think much of them.

"Damn, after talking for so long, my mouth is a little dry. Where can I drink water near here?" One of the men finally said.

Some of them are the security guards of the head office. Then they point to the tea room on one side of the hall. The man is blowing like a bull. How can he pour the water himself? At a glance, he just sees Han Fei sitting not far away.

"Hey, the one sitting over there, pour us some water!" The man cried to Hanfei.

Seeing that Han Fei was not moved at all, and seemed not to hear clearly, he repeated: "the one on the chair, the one smoking next to the dustbin, said you! Pour us two glasses of water! "

Han Fei just looked at the man and said, "I'm sorry, I don't have time."

That man a listen to this words to hair, this guy drags of have no edge, let him pour two glasses of water also aggrieve him not to become!

"Boy, what's wrong with a glass of water! Are you going or not? " The man roared.

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone turned their eyes to Han Fei, looking at them with their backs full of recklessness. They were not so much security personnel as hooligans and soldiers.

Han Fei is too lazy to pay attention to these kids. If it wasn't for Wang Rong's face, he wouldn't want to step on the muddy water.

Those who had been soldiers didn't look them in the eye. They were angry one by one. Even when they were in the army, they were a bully walking sideways. When were they so despised?

"I think you're a drag boy. Do you think you're awesome? If you want to be really good, come here and practice. Come on, damn it!" The man then walked over to Han Fei. The cleaning aunt was frightened when she saw the situation. She immediately left her things and ran upstairs.

Han Fei didn't care. He snuffed out his cigarette butts and looked at the man who strode by. There was a trace of disdain in his eyes. Now these boys are arrogant with their own two skills.

If Han Fei leads the team, the first thing is to get rid of them. Otherwise, I don't know what will happen on the road.

The rest of them didn't mean to stop them. They put their hands in their pockets to watch. Han Fei suddenly felt that the discipline of Chen Hu's younger brothers was much better than that of these so-called elites.

Seeing that the conflict was about to take place, at this moment, a male voice full of dignity came from the stairs: "stop it! Are you going to rebel? "

It was Minister Cao who came after hearing the news. When he saw that the cleaning aunt came in without knocking, he was very uncomfortable. When he heard that someone was making trouble downstairs, he was even more flustered.

Rushed to the hall, just saw the scene of the conflict, immediately began to scold.

The man's face was uncertain. Looking at Han Fei's face with a bit of banter, he could not smash his fist.

After all, it's not the army here. If anyone is upset, he can solve the problem directly with his fist. Now Minister Cao has already said that if he smashes his fist, he will lose his job.

It's hard to find a 10000 yuan job these days. It's said that when this event comes to a successful end, all of them will be employed by Haiya with a high salary, with a monthly basic salary of 7000 yuan plus five insurances and one gold. As long as they don't violate the company's hard and fast rules, they will be a golden rice bowl. Once they pass the village, they won't have this shop!

"Boy! You're lucky today! Don't let me see you again next time! Oh, spit The big man rationally chose to stop and spit on the ground before he left.

This kind of soldier ruffian can also enter the security team grandly. Han Fei doesn't have much hope for this action. Even the basic staffing has such a big loophole. What else can he do to compete with other companies?

At this time, the Minister Cao also came here from the stairwell. When he saw that the person who was "causing trouble" was Han Fei, who came from the relationship, his face became gloomy.

"What was the matter just now?" Cao asked coldly.

This word is clearly aimed at Han Fei said, the man scornfully aimed at Han Fei put up a middle finger, look at Han Fei can have how much ability!

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