Zhang Xue's face turned more red when she heard this, but she did have her own secret.

At the beginning, when she decided to come here to pick a gift, Zhang Xue took a fancy to the collar pin at the first sight, but the price on it embarrassed her.

For her at that time, all the money she could use on hand was still a lot less. As for the collar pin, Zhang Xue hesitated for a long time and gave up those ideas.

After all, it was the first time that she gave him a formal gift. Zhang Xue didn't want to let the original feeling have any flaws. During this period, she would come to the store almost every day to have a look, for fear that if she didn't pay attention to it, she would be bought by others.

Finally, after the end of tutoring last night, the two families paid their half month's salary to themselves, and Zhang Xue barely saved enough money.

After a month's purchase of noodles in the supermarket, Zhang Xue changed all the coins in the savings tank into paper money. After counting, it was just more than 5600 yuan. The rest of the money was unexpected. She could go to the supermarket to buy some eggs to improve her food.

Just after seeing her mother from the hospital, Zhang Xue rushed over with all her savings, for fear that she would be a step late, and the pin would fall into other people's hands.

"Xiaoxue, you are so eager. Your boyfriend should be very handsome. Do you have any pictures for me to help you?" The waitress said and took the box with the collar pin.

Zhang Xuegang wanted to answer, her eyes inadvertently swept on it, and the excitement and joy on her face instantly subsided.

"Fang... Sister Fang, when she came here last evening, it was five thousand six, so it's suddenly up so much today?" Zhang Xue tries to cover up her inner tension and asks.

"Hey, the landlady suddenly lost her nerve. She said that the sales volume this month was too small. She simply took the price instead of the quantity. Anyway, the ones who could afford it didn't care whether there were more than one or two thousand. As for those who couldn't afford it, no matter how low the price was, it was just a look." The waitress said with no care.

Zhang Xue's suddenly silent, tightly grasp the pocket wallet, but the price of 63 is so eye-catching.

Zhang Xue feels aggrieved and wants to cry. For so many days, she has been eating the simplest boiled noodles with salt water, just to save more than one or two hundred yuan.

The tutor didn't finish until 11:00 p.m., so far away, other people would take a taxi to get back to safety, but she was surprised to ride a bicycle back and forth, which day didn't she get home until more than 12:00 p.m?

Hard to pay so much, is to be able to buy this pin in today's hand, this is also the only power to support her teeth.

But now that her hopes are dashed, Zhang Xue feels that the whole world is going to collapse. For the children of rich families, it's just that they don't go out to play at weekends, but for her

The waitress also noticed Zhang Xue's abnormality, looked at her simple clothes, then suddenly said with a smile: "who cares about her! Anyway, the landlady is not here. I'm in charge of the store.

I'll give you this collar pin at the original price. There are so many things in the shop that she can't remember all the prices. If she likes, she can go there directly. "

The waitress said that she was relaxed and happy. Zhang Xue was surprised and asked, "sister Fang, is that true?"

"Of course it's true. I have nothing to do with my spare time. Why are you teasing me?" With that, the waitress tore off the price tag, re labeled it, scanned the code, and then put it in Zhang Xue's hand.

The bulging purse is five thousand and six hundred yuan. In addition, there is only one fifty dollar bill and some small bills left. The waitress sighs in her heart. What a good girl. It's a pity.

These days, the rich people don't have much cash. When they encounter something, they just swipe their cards. Instead, they buy things with so much cash

After all, Zhang Xue's financial condition is here. Even if it's a gift for her boyfriend, she doesn't have to give and sacrifice like a moth to the fire.

Just looking at Zhang Xue excitedly holding the collar pin, tears almost fell down, the waitress is also a little distressed, to the mouth of the words also swallow back.

At present, Zhang Xue got the pin, and her mood gradually recovered. She finally recovered her old optimism and optimism. She subconsciously looked at a corner of the shop and asked, "where is da Bai today, sister Fang?"

The expression on the waitress's face is also quite complex, with a trace of excitement and excitement, as well as a trace of loss and melancholy.

Dabaibai has been with her in this store for many years. It's impossible to say that she has no feelings. But dabaibai's departure helps her to brush up the output of the whole month. Just thinking about the bonus at the end of the month, it's really difficult to describe the conflict between the two feelings.

"Xiaoxue, don't mention it. I was carried away in vain." Said the waitress.

Zhang Xue's face is also slightly lonely. Every time she comes to the store, she can't help hugging dabaibai. Her lovely appearance and gentle touch soothe her heart like an angel.

But it was bought by people after all, the other party must be a very happy girl.

"That girl is very lucky. Her boyfriend is so handsome and rich. The key is that she is willing to spend money on her. If only I had such a boyfriend!" The waitress couldn't help sighing.

Zhang Xue is also reluctant to smile, did not say anything, reluctantly toward the empty container to see a look, this just with Fang elder sister said goodbye to go back.

Looking at Zhang Xue's thin back, the waitress was filled with emotion. No matter her appearance, figure, temperament and knowledge, the girl was impeccable, but she came across such a family

If you give her a better family environment, she should be a noble princess!

Inadvertently, the waitress pieced together Zhang Xue's back and the handsome man who just held Bai Bai. This should be the happy ending of the fairy tale!

With a wry smile and shaking her head, the waitress swipes the bank card that Han Fei gave her before on the machine, gently enters the password, and the payment is completed.

Coincidentally, the balance on that handsome man's card just makes up for the price difference, one point no more, one point no less. If it's really fate

While the waitress is daydreaming, Han Fei has come to the gate of Haibin No.1 middle school.

As the old one of elite education, the new campus opposite has long been out of school, and we have to have another class to get there.

Usually, students don't go home at noon. After lunch in the school canteen, they simply lie on their desks and take a half-hour break in the morning. The rest of the time is a unified math paper of the whole school, which is called small exercises.

A ten minute break after a test paper is finished, and then the normal course in the afternoon.

In addition to special families and special families, there is no saying that they can go back for lunch. Other people don't even think about the school gate before they study in the evening, which directly guarantees the canteen sufficient income.

As for the quality and hygiene of the food, it is said that a parent took a look at the kitchen in the canteen and asked his wife to quit her job and rent a suite near the school to accompany him on the same day, so that his children could eat their own meals three times a day.

Of course, over the years, I have never heard that the canteen of No.1 middle school has killed people. Occasionally, there is a green worm in the vegetable leaf, so I think it is the chef who gives me an extra piece of meat.

Now it's fast from school. Han Fei directly leans the car near the gate. When the security guards inside see that it's a Mercedes Benz, they all go back to the duty room and don't speak. If the grade is lower, they will immediately do business. No parking here.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the bell rang. Han Fei got out of the car and looked at the distant teaching building, just like the scene when he just came to the seaside not long ago.

The difference is that Qingxue Wenwen comes out of the teaching building quietly, her face is fresh and fresh, her smile is like a flower, her clothes are expensive, and she shows self-confidence. What's more, a proud little princess has a little bit of the appearance of a little girl!

Qingxue just took out her mobile phone, and saw Han Fei standing at the school gate waving to herself, and the smile on her face suddenly became more and more brilliant.

"Qingxue, is that man your brother? He's so handsome!" Next to a girl holding a Book asked with a smile.

"Look at your eyes! Do I look like him? Not at all! Today I would like to solemnly introduce him to you. He is my boyfriend, my family's dashai pot. One by one, you can only see it without drooling. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you! "

Qingxue then stretched out her claws, and the girls immediately screamed and covered her chest. The man passing by almost looked out of her glasses.

"Qingxue, you are a hooligan again!" A girl said with shame and indignation, just now there were so many boys around watching, they were already embarrassed.

"Hahaha, come on, don't say it. My husband has a bad temper. He's been waiting for a long time. It's another hang up in the evening. I'll go first!" Qingxue is about to leave, but she is caught by one of the girls.

"What's the matter, princess?" Qingxue doubts.

"Qingxue, we are all students now. Falling in love will affect our studies. The school also resolutely does not allow puppy love. Besides, this person is from the society, so you'd better not associate with him?" The girl hesitated to say.

"Hey, what the school said is a fart. I have to make my own decisions in my life, and I live in a free and unrestrained way. I don't care what grade director he is. Who can control me?" Qingxue said with indifference.

The girl was also a little anxious: "Qingxue, you can't hear good or bad words clearly! Even then, you can't live with him now! How angry your parents are when they know

When hearing the word "Mom and Dad", Qingxue's expression suddenly stiffens, cleverly conceals the past, and then "ferociously" says to the girl: "the chicks all meddle in my business, see how I deal with you!"

"Ah! No When the girl was attacked, she blushed and covered her chest immediately, and several girls around her also suffered.

"Ye Qingxue, you are a rascal!" Cried the girls at the back.

"Ha ha, thank you for your praise. Remember to copy the paper for me later!" Qingxue ran to the school gate without looking back.

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