When the woman looks at Le Xiaotian, a sneer appears in the corner of her mouth. She doesn't know whether it's self mockery or something.

"Now what's the use of these things? If anyone dares to touch these things at that time, the whole family will be criticized, and everything related to these things in the family will be smashed.

My grandfather is because two liang fennel beans help people calculate a hexagram, and then he becomes a god of ghosts and snakes. He was pulled out to fight. Originally, he could fight in the yard in winter wearing a single clothes, and he was directly killed. His family was also... Forget it. What's the matter with him in the past? "

When the woman said this, her eyes were red. It was a painful memory.

Le Xiaotian smiles. He doesn't know how to comfort this woman. Han Fei is also silent at the moment. There's no meaning to say who's right and who's wrong about that particular historical event.

For this family or this woman, the harm has been caused and suffered for so many years. Now it is no doubt a second harm to go back to this memory.

Han Fei immediately put Fang Yu on the table and said what he had just said. After listening to this, the woman said, "if you like, take it."

The scene was silent for a moment. Han Fei was playing with that piece of Fang Yu. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. The woman's cheerfulness made him feel helpless.

The woman then said, "if it wasn't for these things, our family would not be like today. If you like it, I'll give it to you as my thanks."

Seeing Han Fei's indecision, Le Xiaotian kept winking. Seeing that Han Fei was unmoved, he finally couldn't help saying, "brother, since this elder sister has said this, you can take it if you like!

In the future, they should take more care of their mothers. Otherwise, even if this thing can be replaced by a golden mountain, they will not be able to use it now. You don't know the reason why they should bear the blame. "

When the woman hears this, she looks at Le Xiaotian gratefully. Han Fei takes this jade away.

"In that case, I'll take it. No matter what difficulties you encounter in the seaside, you can come to me." Han Fei left his number. With his current financial resources and relationship network, taking care of the mother and daughter is just a matter of lifting a finger.

What Le Xiaotian said just now is also true. It may be a disaster to leave this jade to them. It's better to accept it than to fall into other people's hands and suffer with their mother and daughter.

Although there is selfishness in it, they can make up for it as much as possible in life, or at least have a clear conscience.

When the problem of Fang Yu's ownership is solved, the next topic is relatively relaxed. Han Fei also asks some sensitive topics. The woman hesitates a little. After all, she doesn't hide anything from Han Fei.

Originally, a woman's family was quite good. To be exact, she was quite rich in several surrounding villages and towns. At that time, she had the ability to cure diseases. Besides, her ancestors had some Taoist or metaphysical skills.

His grandfather's generation is catching up with a great movement in China, followed by the breaking of the four traditions. Many of the cultural heritages that have been handed down through the ages have been smashed. When Taoist temples see them, they will be smashed.

As for those who are engaged in related business, they are also labeled as ghosts and gods. Therefore, there are not a few people whose families are ruined. Women's families can still keep this incense until now, and they don't know whether it is lucky or unfortunate.

According to the woman's description, my grandfather was taken out to criticize every two days. Originally, there were only 180 people who couldn't get close to him. But considering the family's reasons, he couldn't fight back.

What makes people collapse most is that even their descendants have to stand under the stage and fight against their grandfather with those people, otherwise the consequences of waiting for them are unimaginable.

All the things in the house were smashed, and all the things that could be used were taken away. The things that could not be used were burned directly. The bronze coins and swords, the five emperors' money, the Yin Yang Eight Trigram fish, and those that could be named were basically destroyed. As for the pots and pans that had nothing to do with it, even the poultry and livestock to the rations were swept away.

As for those comic books, they were spared because they had no practical value, and that piece of Fangyu could not be found because the old man was careful.

The censer looks ordinary, but the base is with a hollow sandwich. This square jade was sandwiched in the middle at that time and burned with the censer as a whole. If you don't break the censer, you don't know there is another mystery in it.

It has to be said that "long live Chairman Mao" is written in the red paint on the stove. Who dares to smash it!

This jade has been preserved for several decades. If it wasn't for today's accident, I don't know how many years it would have been silent to be born!

If you think about it carefully, it seems that there is an invisible line connecting all these things. If any link is broken, this ancient jade will not have any intersection with Han Fei.

"Elder sister, I don't mean anything else when I ask. Since everything has been rehabilitated later, your family still hasn't improved at all. As long as you work hard, you won't fall into today's field." Yue Xiaotian doubts.

The woman's face is full of misery. This is another story. After listening to it, Le Xiaotian is also worried about the woman's miserable life.

The topic finally turns to the husband of the woman. The son-in-law recruited by the family is a man of responsibility and is willing to work hard. The life of the family is getting better day by day.

It's just that there was an unexpected situation. That year, I started to build roads with the production team. I told them that the explosives exploded ahead of time and died on the spot. It was an accident. I just lost some money.

Since then, the family has become worse and worse day by day. In addition, the bad neighbors around have come to borrow things every so often, which is commonly known as "rich widows" by the countrymen. The family wealth that they had saved is also scattered.

As for the chickens and ducks that were poisoned later, they had no choice but to say nothing.

"Elder sister, I don't understand. Your husband died... Well, I mean he died unexpectedly. This kind of thing should pay a lot of money.

Since people around you are not friendly to you, why don't you take your daughter to another place to settle down again? No matter what, it should be much better than you are now? " Le Xiaotian hesitated and asked.

The woman then said with a wry smile: "how much can we have? We have lost 5000 yuan in total. In addition to catering, a group of people eat and drink at home. Not only has no money left, but the family has also put in more than 3000 yuan."

Yue Xiaotian was angry when he heard this, and then he patted the table and cried: "one person's life only pays 5000. Are you kidding! It is clear that someone has given the indemnity to greedy ink! "

Even Han Fei was angry when he heard this. The dead people were greedy for money and bullied the orphans and widows. This kind of people's conscience was eaten by the dogs!

Even if we push forward for more than ten years, the money was still quite valuable at that time, and the injured people would have to pay at least 300000 or 400000. Even if there were fewer people in this remote area, 200000 or 300000 would have to go.

If at that time this money a lot of hand over to the woman, how she will not be reduced to today's situation!

It can be said that all the sins she suffered for so many years were given by those black hearted people!

Two or three hundred thousand yuan of compensation was given to five thousand, which is obviously forcing people to die! In addition to those rich widows, women have not been hit by suicide, but so many years of humiliation to pull women into adults, Han Fei's heart also followed the chaos.

"Who was responsible for giving out the pension in the village?" Han Fei asked coldly.

When the woman heard this, she guessed something. Her body trembled slightly, her eyes were red, and she said excitedly, "it's village head Wang Fugui!"

The woman said, the door has sounded the siren, needless to say also know is Zhang team with people to collect those bastards.

The woman dried her tears and went out with Han Feile and Xiaotian. An unknown emotion was ignited in her heart. It was the old debt more than ten years ago. In front of her, will these two little brothers really get justice for their family!

"Team Zhang, it's hard for you to take people for a trip. Have a cigarette." Han Fei smiles and walks over to the Zhang team with a bitter face, then takes out a big Su.

Team Zhang took the cigarette and took a look at Han Fei, also followed by a long sigh.

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