Zhao Yu had a premonition that he was struggling violently.

"You can't! That's the village head! Everyone in our village has to listen to him! Don't take you to play like this Zhao Yu's voice was fierce, but no matter how loud his voice was, he didn't wait to stop the rising iron bar.

The next second, a cold awn fell mercilessly. Zhao Yu's scream made the rest of the Zhao family feel cold in the heart. Other people just ignored it, but they took special care of Yu's brother.

The angles of the three edged stick are directly aimed at his knee. Even if he is sent to the big hospital in the city, he can't get it back. For the rest of his life, he can only be paralyzed in bed like his father!

"Stupid thing, it's your village head, who has a wool relationship with us. It's not you who make a noise that you want to get punished!" The little brother left the three edged stick, and then walked behind with everyone.

The rest of the Zhao family were also looking at each other. Did the other party let go of themselves?

These guys don't know. Han Fei has already told them before that if they are under 20 years old, they will open up the net. After all, they are here to solve the contradiction. If they make the situation bigger, the nature of the matter will change.

At the moment, Wang Fugui is clamoring for the idea of home and everything. Fox village is a big family. Whether it's the Zhao family, the Li family or the Wang Er Mazi family, we are not brothers. There is no inextricable hatred.

Today, the responsibility lies in his village head, who failed to find out and adjust the contradictions between the two sides in time. He has also made profound introspection and self-criticism.

But now things have been like this, so don't let the mistake continue to expand. Everyone apologizes and shakes hands. In the future, he will be a good brother in the village.

Wang Fugui said that the taste is dry, but the villagers around are indifferent to each other. Wang Fugui's heart suddenly panicked, and the expected scene did not appear. Wang Fugui also felt that something was rapidly peeling off from him.

In the past, no matter what he said, the villagers were in high spirits and supported with both hands. Since when, they have

At this time, a big hand suddenly from the back to his shoulder, Wang Fugui cold was scared, panic turned to look, in front of this smoking boy is not Li Xiaoer know that what big brother!

This is a ruthless man. Just now, so many people were put by him alone, and no one else could touch him. If he gave him a punch, his life would be over!

"Who are you! What do you want? " Wang Fugui asked nervously.

Han Fei sprayed a mouthful of smoke on Wang Fugui's face and said with a smile, "are you village head Wang?"

Although Wang Fugui was afraid in his heart, he didn't dare to show his timidity in front of so many villagers. Moreover, he didn't believe that the young man really dared to face so many people and do it himself.

"How about me!" Wang Fugui exclaimed.

Han Fei laughs, then comes to Wang Fugui's ear and whispers, "no, just to wake you up. People are doing it, and the sky is watching it. There are too many immoral things to do. Are you really not afraid of someone knocking at the door in the middle of the night?"

Wang Fugui's face turned to one side for a moment. He was not sure what Han Fei's words meant. He did a lot of disgraceful things when he was young, and he never believed in the theory of karma.

Wang Fugui was not sure whether this young man meant something or said something unintentionally. Then he insisted: "what nonsense! I, Wang, have been doing well for decades. I sit upright and ask myself what I am afraid of

If you said that before, there would be thunderous applause around you. But today, it's surprisingly quiet around you. There's something in everyone's direct eyes.

Wang Fugui's heart suddenly cools up. Even if he is not willing to accept this reality, he has to admit that his days in fox village are over!

Han Fei said with a smile: "since village head Wang is worthy of heaven and earth, let me say more. Jinlong, tell the brothers to get ready to go back."

Du Jinlong answered, and then asked the younger brothers to clean the battlefield. When the villagers heard this, they were ready to leave one after another.

Wang Fugui saw all this in his eyes, and his heart was dripping blood. This scene threw him a loud slap in the face. His village head has become the yellow flower of yesterday, and the outsider talent is the focus of attention!

no That's not the truth! Absolutely not! I, Wang Fugui, am the head of hushou village! Everyone can only turn around me, you are a young man outside!

The loss of power made Wang Fugui fall into madness. He didn't know where the courage came from and yelled at Han Fei: "stop! You are not allowed to go

Han Fei looks back at Wang Fugui and smiles. Then he waves his hand and walks towards Li Rui's family. As for those villagers, they are more and more scattered. People who have nothing to do with Li's family in ordinary days also go to be polite to the old man.

At present, everyone's heart is the same as the mirror. When something like this happens, the village head of hushou village should be replaced. The village head is a person who is highly respected and elected by everyone. If you want to say who can be called highly respected in the village, only the old man of the Li family can do it!

The old man has been teaching and educating all his life, not to mention all over the world. But almost everyone has studied in his school. He is a good man all his life. He has a lot of books. Who is more suitable for the position of village head than him?

"You can't go! I have dozens of workers on the battlefield! They're coming! You are not allowed to leave Wang Fugui growled.

Looking at Wang Fugui who fell into madness, there was a trace of pity in everyone's eyes. I knew it was the beginning!

In the past, a bowl of water was unfair. After all, it was a matter within the village. But later, the villagers bullied us. You, the village head, didn't say a word. Now you stand up and be cruel. Who will pay you?

At present, most of the villagers have been scattered one after another, and Du Jinlong's younger brothers have almost cleaned up the scene. Wang Fugui is alone in the sun, but he still can't wait for the people who come to the battlefield.

The workers did follow his instructions to come here, but when they saw more than a dozen vans parked on the side of the road from a distance, they realized that the situation was serious and they were not good.

Just as some villagers passed by, they asked anyone about the situation. They scolded Wang Fugui half dead on the spot. It's strange that we should come here for such a terrible thing!

Every time Han arrived at the scene, a group of people scattered in a hurry. Poor Wang Fugui, who had been basking in the sun for so long, fell down in the heat.

"Come on! Wang Village... Wang Fugui is dizzy! " A villager saw this scene and cried out.

"Maybe it's heatstroke. Find someone to take him home." A middle-aged man said.

As soon as the voice fell, a silk of exclamation came from the distance: "this is XiuXiu mother! Who did this! Come on! Hurry to the hospital

The finishing work is still going on, and the rest is left to Du Jinlong and they can handle it. Han Fei is eager to return at the moment. He greets the people, and then drives Du Jinlong's Mercedes to the beach.

I haven't seen Lin Keke for a few days. Han Fei missed it. He contacted her in the car and found out that she was on vacation today. The two girls were not at home at school. She was also idle. She went to the cafe opened by a former transferred sister to pass the time.

"Feifei, where are you? Do you want me to wait for you?" Asked Lin coco.

"No, coco. I have a car. I'll see you in two hours." Han Fei said.

"Feifei, would it be too much trouble for you to come here for a long distance?" Lin Keke hesitated.

"It's no trouble to meet a beautiful woman, hehe." Han Fei smiles, and Lin Coco's face suddenly rises two pieces of red halo, but Han Fei can't help but agree.

As soon as Lin Keke hung up the phone, a strange voice came from one side: "coco, you're so happy on the phone. It's not that you've just met a little boyfriend. There are a lot of cheats these days. You must be careful."

Lin coco heard this, the smile on his face instantly faded a bit: "sister Rong, this is my friend on the phone, he is still very good."

"That can't be wrong. These days, cheaters pick up acquaintances. Coco, it's not sister Rong who says you. You college graduates just can't tell the good from the bad. You say that my cousin is young and promising, and he has a car. Why don't you think about it again?" Sister Rong said with a smile.

"Sister Rong, you don't have to worry about this. I don't want others to interfere too much in my own affairs." Lin cocoa's face gradually cold down, Rong elder sister has more than once want to match himself and her cousin, this let Lin cocoa very disgusted.

"Coco, if you think about it again, my cousin is 23 years old now, and he gets more than 8000 yuan a month. We women don't want to be rich in our life, as long as we can live in peace?" Rong elder sister continues to be wordy, sees Lin Keke not to be moved at all, threw out a heavy bomb again.

"Coco, my cousin is very appreciated by the big boss. He will be in charge of a department in a few days. You must seize the opportunity." Rong elder sister is not reconciled to say.

Rongjie's family is not very good, and her prosperous cousin is not very close, when her new store opened, Rongjie still let his cousin come to hold the show.

I didn't expect that her cousin would be shocked when he saw Lin coco. Especially after he knew that Lin coco was still single, he immediately launched a crazy love offensive against Lin coco. It's a pity that Lin coco didn't care about him at all.

The goddess didn't feel for herself. The successful cousin had to ask for help from elder sister Rong, and promised that once she caught up with Lin Keke, she would have a red envelope of 20000 yuan. For this, elder sister Rong spared no effort.

At this time, a sound of brake stops at the door of the store. Lin Keke thinks that Han Fei has arrived. He still doubts how he came so fast. Didn't he say for two hours just now? Is he going to surprise himself?

The door of the coffee shop was pushed open, and a large handful of roses almost came in close to the door, blocking the people behind.

Lin Keke's heart is like a deer bumping. He didn't expect that Han Fei should be so direct and buy so many roses all at once. It's not obvious to tell others the relationship between them!

In front of this Rong elder sister's face, Lin Keke still doesn't want to announce their relationship, otherwise she will break her mouth and lose her good mood in the afternoon.

"Feifei really is. How much money will it cost to buy so many roses? It's good to stay for a honeymoon!"

Lin Keke trotted to meet him, and his face was full of happiness. Unexpectedly, at this time, the main man behind the rose showed his face, and Lin Keke's expression was instantly stiff.

"Coco, listen to my cousin say you like flowers, so I went to the florist to buy some. Do you like it?" Tang Jun said with a smile.

There are many lovers in the coffee shop. When they see so many roses, the girls keep their eyes straight and coax them one by one: "marry him! Marry him

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