"Damn it, it was sold after all." Han Fei sneered at himself and looked at the crew. There was a trace of pity in his eyes.

"Don't dawdle, it's your turn!" At this time, a crew member pushed Han Fei in the back. Before he continued to kick, he was stopped by the boss.

Han Fei, the crew member, knows that every day he goes to the cabin to deliver meals to the stowaways.

At the beginning, women's crying came from below, and then they screamed. Two days later, several female corpses were thrown into the sea, and there were few complete bones all over them.

When the crew was wondering, the boss came over with a fake smile, took out a small half of the cigarettes from his arms and threw them at Hanfei.

The status of cigarettes on the sea is no worse than that of instant noodles in prison. Several crew members around watch this scene with some emotion. Because of the presence of the boss, they didn't make trouble.

Now we all know that this small packet of cigarettes has been regarded as the compensation given to Han Fei by the shipowner's "Conscience Discovery".

"Can you tell me what you mean?" Han Fei looks at the boatman and jokes.

Looking at Han Fei's indifferent face, the boatman felt a little guilty and said to Han Fei with an embarrassed smile: "my friend, please allow me to apologize for my recklessness.

Secondly, I'll inform you formally that you have to transship now. We'll go back the same way for the next order, and they'll go on the road to take you to your destination. "

Han Fei said with a smile, "this is not the attitude you should have in business."

The boatman also grinned and said, "what I was doing was not a serious business. You are still lucky. At least you can set foot on the land alive. As for the next wave of people, they are not as lucky as you. They have to feed the fish in two days at most."

When the boatman said this, the smile on his face was disgusting. Han Fei also said with a smile: "when you get on the boat, don't you still say that I'm special, and you can go back and forth for several months alone?

Even if it's to take care of the old customers' face, it doesn't matter if you sell them. By the way, it's not kind of you to take care of me, is it? "

The smile on the boatman's face is also a little chilly. He just said a few words on the surface, but the boy really put his nose on his face. Can't he understand his situation up to now!

The old boatman laughed and said, "you are a Chinese, and you are no stranger to this. This is not the second peddler business that you Chinese like to do most.

Don't be too resentful. At least they are all hungry and can't walk any more. You eat three meals a day just like us. Think about the beer and canned beef at noon. Compared with them, your treatment is heaven. I can count on you. "

"It seems that it's true. OK, I'll ask you, is this your personal arrangement or the itinerary that has been decided before?" Han Fei said.

If the original schedule is like this, it doesn't matter. It's just a transfer in the middle. If this guy changes his mind, the established schedule will be completely interrupted.

Even with the cheekiness of the boatman, it's a bit unnatural to hear this. Han Fei knows for a moment that he scolds Li Guoshun to death. Who can do this.

Although the previous links are a little wordy, they can also ensure the absolute insurance of the task. But this link has gone wrong, even if he arranges more links in front of him, it's nothing.

Han Fei sighed a little and thought of what the woman said to him before she left. Sure enough, after she left, the only people she could trust were herself and the guy in her hand!

"Well, you're a bull, your boss. You can't bend your arm over your thigh. You win this time." Han Fei smiles and walks directly along the board to another ship.

The boatman was also surprised by Han Fei's attitude. It's impossible to say that Han Fei is making a lot of noise now. After all, he is surrounded by black guns, but he should at least show some anger, right?

Han Fei's calmness makes him confused, but he can't think of anything wrong. When he wants to stop Han Fei, Han Fei has been on the deck of another ship with the attention of gun muzzle.

Different from these traffickers, they are all real murderers. Apart from business contacts, they don't want to have any contact with each other. If they want to go to the opposite deck and ask Han Fei again, think about it or forget it.

I'm afraid that the other party will get into trouble. Once I accidentally get on their boat, I will never come back. Anyway, the money I should get has arrived. It's also a lot of extra money to sell the surviving ones to them. It's better to do this.

When the boatman was suspicious, Han Fei was looking at the situation on the boat. This boat was either a nigger or a hairy boy. There were several orangutans who were not fully evolved. Their mouths protruded from their cheeks for a certain distance. They could see the exposed gums with their strong bodies like iron towers and the slight rush of their hands. They were the main killers.

When the rest of the stowaways got on the boat one after another, the plank was also pulled back, and the two boats were slowly separated with the water behind the boat.

The stowaways looked at the darkening sea in the distance, but their faces showed the same happy smile of pilgrimage. It seemed that in front of them was the paradise they were searching for.

"A bunch of goons." Han Fei smiles. He's not a saint. What's more, these people don't regard themselves as human beings. He doesn't have to care about the life and death of others.

The crew also came over one after another. Others were shabby, yellow and skinny, but Han Fei was the only one who went sightseeing and self driving. They even clearly saw that the other party had given Han Fei half a pack of cigarettes, and now they looked at Han Fei more.

Even so, Han Fei is no different from those humanoid animals in their eyes. The preferential treatment he received a few days ago was over from the moment he stepped on the ship.

The next thing was very common. The iron door of the cabin was opened, and the stowaways went in consciously without being called. A few of them had their brains filled up for a happy life in the future, and they roared at the sea with excitement.

With the bang of a gun, one guy fell to the ground with his head blown off, while the others fainted and were thrown into the sea like a dead dog.

There was a little excited crowd immediately calmed down and walked towards the cabin in an orderly way. As for the end of the line, there was a black man with a gun scanning all this coldly.

Han Fei sighed, silently expressed his sympathy to Li Guoshun's female relatives, and then walked toward the cabin with the black gun.

"Li Guoshun, Li Guoshun, what the hell are you doing?" Han Fei murmured. The moment he stepped into the cabin, the iron door slammed.

Although he was uncomfortable, Han Fei had to admit the reality in front of him. He wanted to drive the helicopter in a rough and direct way, but he didn't expect to go around. He actually lived the life of a field mouse like these stowaways.

"Ma Dan, if something goes wrong in the future, you can go directly back to the seaside regardless of your tasks. As for that piece of Fangyu, I'll take it as the reward for these days." Han Fei said to himself.

For a while, military missions, for a while, bandits run rampant, and hundreds of millions of them are often smashed, but these have nothing to do with his own Mao. In addition, Li Guoshun is so unreliable that he leads him to a dead end, so it is reasonable to blackmail him.

The big deal is to sink the sea or how to drop it. Anyway, there are so many accidents, and there is no one around. Is it what you say?

But now I really have to work hard on this road. Otherwise, following this boat will not be the destination. It may be a mine or a drug plantation.

At present, we don't know the location of the vast sea. There are a group of armed men who have seen blood on the ship. After the latter has found out their law of action, it's not a problem. It's difficult to distinguish the lethal location of the sea.

Han Fei quickly went through it in his mind. Now the people who can help him are really mysterious.

That is to say, Mr. Tang has a broad road, but it's hard to say whether his relationship circle can cover here. He can only go out and ask with a try attitude. In case the blind cat can't meet the dead mouse, he will be a real tragedy!

Once again, he asked Li Guoshun, and then Han Fei sat down in a relatively clean corner and closed his eyes. However, the bad smell could not be dispelled.

There was only a dim incandescent light bulb in the cabin, so it was not impossible to reach out without seeing five fingers. It was indistinct that a large number of people were crowded inside, and they were numb, and there seemed to be no sound of living people in their eyes.

Half asleep and half awake, Han Fei seems to feel that there are countless eyes in the dark are staring at himself, not much longer, a few guys came to this side together.

A simple dagger made of tin can hasn't been stretched out yet. Han Fei went up with one foot and let the owner of the dagger break his arm and fly out upside down.

Although the other few people are yellow and thin, like escaping from famine, they all show a trace of ruthlessness in their eyes. They greet Han Fei with all kinds of "weapons" they can find.

There was a sharpened plastic toothbrush handle, an empty glass jar, and even a rag wrapped fist and rushed towards Han Fei.

However, the three melons and two dates of a few rotten vegetables where is Han Fei's opponent, directly broke a few ribs, humming fell to the ground.

Originally, these stowaways regarded themselves as livestock, but Han Fei couldn't manage them. Now, it's a fuckin 'fate to stay in the same cabin. It's best to be safe with each other.

But now that they have decided on themselves, they can't blame others for their own death. They have established Han Fei's absolute supremacy in the cabin with three fists and two feet. No one dares to make a mistake now.

"You boy, come here and tell me what happened." Han Fei pointed to the crowd.

Unfortunately, none of them could understand Chinese. Fortunately, Han Fei was also proficient in several foreign languages. After changing for the third time twice, a skinny guy finally came to this side trembling.

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