I don't know how long later, a beam of sunlight came in through the porthole. Han Fei subconsciously reached out to block it. Then there was a cry of surprise, followed by the sound of opening and closing the door. It should be that the left behind personnel went out to call people.

Some of them tried to open their eyes. On the bright yellow wooden board wall, there was an old nautical chart. The symbols and patterns on it were blurred. Beside it, there was a decorative fish gun.

Judging from the overall layout of the house, the atmosphere inside is clean. At least there is no stench like that on the peddler's boat. But after all, it's a fishing boat operating on the sea, and the fishy smell can't be avoided.

The space on the ship is much more valuable. The crew members are not treated like this. Maybe it's the captain's private lounge.

Although he hasn't met yet, Han Fei has a certain liking for the captain. He sits up from the bed and feels very thirsty.

Looking at the thermos on the table, there should be some water in it. Han Fei just got out of bed, and three men had already pushed the door in.

The leader was a strong middle-aged man, who looked like he was in his forties. He was very tall and bulky. He was wearing a pair of black rubber shoes on his feet, and his chin was covered with stubble.

The first feeling is warm and friendly, and there is no lack of the dignity of the leader, is a good team leader.

When he saw Han Fei, the middle-aged man immediately said something enthusiastically. Han Fei just laughed awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry, I can't understand what you said."

Looking at the expression on Han Fei's face, the middle-aged man suddenly realized what he said to the young man beside him. The latter cleared his throat and tried to communicate with Han Fei in several languages.

What's more, Han Fei was surprised that this young man spent some time in China in his early years, and he also dabbled in Chinese. Although his pronunciation was not standard, Han Fei could still understand what he said. After a brief exchange, both sides understood each other.

The middle-aged man named Powell, the captain of the fishing boat, took himself in last night and gave up the rest room to himself.

The reason for the dispute is also very simple. The pile of dollars makes them panic. Normal people don't carry so much cash with them. Apart from drug dealers and arms dealers, they can't imagine Han Fei's identity.

Powell frankly said his worries, if not in Han Fei coma confirmed that he was not carrying weapons, Han Fei now may still be soaking in the cold water.

Han Fei said with a smile, "what do you mean by that? It's all understandable. Let's open the window and tell the truth. I'm not a drug dealer or an arms dealer. As for those dollars, maybe we can make a deal."

Han Fei's understatement, the young man in charge of translation is anxious and sweating, and then as simple as possible to express Han Fei's meaning.

"Sorry, we won't deal with you rashly until we confirm your identity." Said the young man.

Han Fei is just smiling. Although what he said seems to be like that, the greed in Powell's eyes has exposed his true thoughts.

They are all men who fight with the wind and waves all the year round. What they lack most is courage and adventurous spirit. Otherwise, they would not have saved themselves last night.

"Tell him that all those bags of dollars belong to him. In return, I need enough water and plenty of food, plus a satellite phone." Han Fei said directly to the young man.

Sure enough, after listening to Han Fei's request, Powell also showed a smile on his face, then extended his hand and said in broken Chinese: "deal!"

As soon as the two big hands were clasped, Powell looked at Han Fei and went out with a bright smile.

In a short time, a sumptuous meal was brought in, including red wine, milk and black pepper steak, a can of wheat porridge stewed mellow and waxy soft, and eggs and ham were open to the public.

It's no match for the restaurant on the shore, but it's the best thing the ship can offer.

Han Fei's body is like a dried sponge, greedily absorbing the nutrients in the food. After more than half an hour's rest, his empty body also recovered a bit of strength, and then he walked towards the deck.

Powell has a great authority on this ship. Although many people saw the exposed US dollars last night, those crew members also laughed and did not show any different emotions when they saw Han Fei.

There are several young crew to see Han Fei, eager to greet Han Fei, although the language barrier, can feel each other's expression of goodwill.

After walking around the deck, Han Fei had four or five more cigarettes in his pocket, and even received two cigars.

It seems that Powell doesn't eat alone. Everyone on board has a share. As for the allocation rule, it's natural for him to eat meat as the captain, and other people are satisfied to chew two bones in soup.

When he entered the cockpit, Powell had been waiting in it for a long time, and an 80% new satellite phone was on the desk.

After a few words of simple communication, Han Fei picked up the satellite phone and went to the deck.

Seaside, suburban villa.

Boss Tang has just finished a set of health boxing, and is sitting under the sun umbrella on the terrace drinking oatmeal porridge. At this time, Zhao Tianlong hurried over with his mobile phone.

"Brother Tang, there's a little trouble with the international call." Zhao Tianlong said.

Boss Tang's face changed slightly. Besides himself and boss, only Han Fei knew the number.

Boss Tang is also a little strange. A while ago, Han Fei said he was going abroad to do some private work. Now he should be with a group of special forces. If there is any trouble, he can't help now!

What's more, his identity was inconvenient to be exposed to the sun. Even if he could step in to help, his mind was a bit awkward.

"Hey, brother, what's the trouble?" The serious voice of boss Tang came from the phone. Han Fei finally breathed a long sigh of relief. At the key time, it's brother Tang who is reliable!

Mr. Tang has a wide road. Maybe he can have friends in places with global turmoil. Han Fei's only hope now is him. Simply speaking, Mr. Tang is full of consternation.

"Why does it sound so bad? I'm not on the wrong bus, am I?" Boss Tang suddenly has a strange idea, but if Han Fei is such a smart man, he should have found out something wrong, and he didn't mention it now.

"Brother, it's up to you whether I'm going or staying. I only know a general direction now. Please see if there are any friends nearby who can help me arrange it." Han Fei said.

The coordinates are still asked through an interpreter. Boss Tang is no stranger to the place. He even went there twice a year ago, but he always thinks that the risk of Han Fei is too great, and he wants Han Fei to come back directly.

Although Han Fei can say a pair of indifferent appearance, the attitude has been expressed in the language is very clear, hesitated again and again, Tang boss or mouth should be under this matter.

They've been friends for decades. Those friends have great influence in the local area. They take care of them. Even if there is any real trouble on the road, they will disappear in the embryonic stage.

"My brother, after listening to my brother's advice, I broke up with your military friend. Military people are always unreliable. Maybe your friend is OK, but I'm not sure there's something wrong with him.

Elder brother, you're dozens of years old. You've seen a lot of similar things. If you were someone else, you would have died dozens of times. " Tang warned.

Han Fei said with a noncommittal smile: "well, I'll listen to you next time, but after all, are your friends reliable? Don't you think there will be a second peddler at that time?"

With a hearty smile, boss Tang said, "my brother, as long as I, Tang Guobin, live in this world for one day, my promise to you will not go wrong at all.

Those are all my old relationships for decades. Business contacts have never been broken, and personal relations are quite good. Even if the military can't get through, it's sure to let you go smoothly. It's a trip abroad. "

Han Fei is dumb. This is powerful enough, but it's also nonsense. What can stop the military is powerful local forces, either drug lords or anti groups.

To some extent, both of them are brothers who eat in a big pot, or they have a relationship of prosperity and loss.

In essence, they drive around in their own garden in a small car. Who will set up their own road card when they are in pain?

"Brother, thank you very much." Han Fei was just about to hang up. He suddenly thought of Fang Yu. When he spoke again, the phone had hung up and he didn't call back.

I think boss Tang is now in contact with his relationship abroad. Fang Yu's business should wait until he returns to the seaside.

Millions of dollars made Han Fei a guest of honor to Powell. At the moment, he was also idle. Powell warmly took Han Fei to visit his fishing boat. Although the whole body was relatively shabby, Powell was still very excited when he was introduced.

According to the translation, the ship was bought by Powell in his early years. The details are a slightly long story. Han Fei didn't listen carefully, and he laughed.

After visiting the fishing boat, Powell invited Han Fei to fish sharks together. It can be seen that Powell's interest at the moment is very high. After all, the millions of dollars are enough to make him never have to go to sea again for the rest of his life, or to explore deeper into the endless ocean with a bigger and stronger ship.

Either way, it has a huge attraction for those who spend half their lives at sea.

When they were playing with the fish gun on the deck, there was a sudden exclamation from behind. The young man who acted as the temporary interpreter ran over and muttered something. Powell changed his face and trotted to the back of the boat.

"The net has come up. Fish, a lot of fish, and a big egg. It's very strange, baby. Maybe it's a baby." Said the young man, gesticulating.

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