Several people's faces suddenly changed. They all came from the elite of special operations. They were very familiar with this voice. They even drove this thing.

Through the sparse branches, a few people clearly saw three helicopters whistling through the sky. This is not a tool for local tyrants to walk. The heavy machine gun placed below is not a decoration.

"Shit! How come even armed helicopters are here! " Bunny couldn't help scolding.

It's good to have been lurking in the rain forest, but once they come out in the wilderness without any cover, they are living targets!

The other side doesn't even need to aim deliberately, so they can send them back to the West.

A helicopter is beyond their tolerance, but now there are three helicopters in a row, which makes people feel like husky.

It's not that they are humble, but people who are a little rational will not send out helicopters for the sake of a few fleeing fish. After all, their original task is to ensure the safety of trading personnel, not a military action of extermination.

At this moment, shantu's face is as deep as water. Now think about the military mission, there are a large number of mercenaries. Maybe the other party is really aiming at them!

At this time, the helicopters whistling past, a number of heavy bombs tilt down, at the same time, the heavy machine guns on the plane are also raindrops of bullets.

The scene of the three armed helicopters firing regardless of the cost is very spectacular. From a distance, it looks like a small meteor shower, covering the rainforest several times.

A few people instantly felt a bitter chill. The area that had just suffered a devastating blow was the place where they had a rest last night. They had suffered a devastating blow for several miles!

The originally lush rainforest has turned into a sea of fire. If it's not light, they will march immediately, even if it's a little slower for half an hour, and the sea of fire behind them will be their burial place.

How much does an airdrop bomb cost? We all have a clear idea. Just now, so many airdrop bombs have been dropped regardless of cost, which is far beyond the scope of an overseas operation,

Shantu several people at the moment is also clear about one thing, the transaction may only be one of the things, as for another group of people have a special task, that is regardless of the cost to let them die!

"I'm fucked! I'm killing you, family or something! It's the rhythm of war! " Mountain rabbit can't help but break big scold a way, the eye is also red fierce.

Before that, the route was exposed, and more than 20 brothers died miserably. Now the other party has sent out helicopters to bomb them. This kind of capital and energy investment has already explained too much!

"Captain, are we really sold?" The hare was silent for a long time, and suddenly asked.

Wu Jiaxi's face was also ugly. When he saw his brother, he was surprised.

Most of the brothers, parents and grandparents present were powerful military factions. This formation is definitely not a coincidence. It should be intentional.

Originally, he only thought that it was the intention of the leader to gild these high-ranking children. Although he was a little uncomfortable and could not stand this kind of style, he still kept in his heart and went on the road together.

Until the enemy ambush was beyond imagination, and many years of brothers fell down one after another, Wu Jiaxi only had a little doubt in his heart.

After all, the battlefield was changing rapidly and uncontrollable, but after several days of fierce ambush, he was shaken and finally decided to change a route temporarily.

But now the iron truth was in front of them. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he had to accept it.

Those brothers did not die in the charge of defending their country, but were completely destroyed in the machinations of careerists. They were abandoned like abandoned children.

Wu Jiaxi suddenly remembered what he had said before, and now he understood what he wanted to say!

However, the reality does not give these men more time. On the horizon in the distance, the modern armed forces are slowly advancing here. Especially when they see the main battle tanks under the high-power telescope, shantu is ready to die.

"I'm fucked! No way to live! It's a top secret operation! The logistics department is not on record! It's not that the other party is hiding too much manpower and material resources!

Who can tell me what's going on! Armed helicopters turn overhead, a large number of troops in front of the border, and a few main battle tanks open the way. This clearly highlights the rhythm of war!

Our reinforcements! Where's our plane cannon! With these guns of us, we'll be blasted face to face without any residue left!

This is a top secret operation! Top secret operation! Even if I die here, no one knows! Looking back, I got a body that fell into the mountain and was cremated directly. My parents were so blind that they didn't know it was not me in the urn! " The hare could not help roaring.

Conspiracy! The plot of chiguoguo!

The other side even sent out the army. How could it be that they didn't receive any information about such a big matter!

"Mountain rabbit! Calm down! It's not what you think it is Wu Jiaxi hugged shantu, who was out of control, and yelled.

"Calm down! How the hell am I supposed to calm down! This is clearly pushing us into the fire pit! Let's jump to death!

There are so many brothers in the team. I wonder how I temporarily recruited Sanya for vacation. As soon as I got on the bus, I collected my mobile phone. I can't even contact my family. Top secret operation. I'll go to your mother's top secret! "

Mountain rabbit said picked up AK to put a shuttle into the sky, mood also followed the yellow orange cartridge case to get vent.

But before long, the whole person of shantu was a little confused. The three helicopters that originally circled in the far distance flew towards them!

"I'll go... I didn't lead the helicopter here..." shantu's angry breath disintegrated instantly, and his voice was also a little empty.

Han Fei is also a Japanese Husky's expression. Although he knows that the gunfire can't attract the helicopter, the other side accidentally returns to the sea. It's inevitable that he will be found after passing this area. In addition, the group of slowly advancing modern army in the distance is really a rhythm of human life!

"Don't stand there! Go Han Fei opened his mouth to a few people and ran quickly in one direction. Shantu followed them closely. The helicopter overhead or the army slowly advancing in the rear put too much pressure on them!

At present, the most dangerous place is the safest place. Just after the helicopter's heavy bombardment, the forest has turned into a volcano. There will be no living things. The other party will not go back for a few more waves. As for the troops behind, they will not stop outside the sea of fire for the first time.

Only by sticking to the outer edge of the sea of fire as far as possible, can we avoid the enemy's search to the greatest extent and win them a little precious time.

Now all the way running, far away from the feeling of the heat wave, even breathing has become a little difficult, breath down, feel the nose and trachea are burning the same pain, after a while already sweating.

In the distance, the sea of fire blocks the sky and the sun, and the power of the individual is extremely small in front of the nature. At present, there is no time for people to sigh, so they can only entrust their lives to Han Fei. No matter where he changes direction, he is firmly following.

To tell you the truth, in this absolute embarrassing situation, they don't think they can survive. It's just that the Han Fei brothers are still driving on the wall regardless of their life and death. What's the reason for them to stop.

Waiting to die is never their share. At present, they can only follow Han Fei all the way, even if they are too weak to fall down. As long as one of the brothers can survive, it's worth it!

Even if the wound cracked again, the clothes were soaked with blood and dried by the heat wave, everyone was silent. After running like this for more than 40 minutes, the heat wave finally faded away, and the lush forest appeared in front of people's eyes.

Compared with the rainforest before, there are undoubtedly more traces of human activities here. There are even a few thick stumps on the open space in front of us. Judging from the color, it is obvious that they were cut down not long ago.

It's more reassuring to see signs of human activities in a desperate situation than to continue to wander in the rainforest. Even if the original environment is still undeveloped, at least you don't have to worry about the poisonous snakes and insects that will come out at any time.

After Han Fei ran in, everyone got in without hesitation and soon disappeared in the tall and dense forest.

One advantage of the forest is that you don't have to worry about the threat of high-altitude helicopters, and you don't have to worry about people finding their whereabouts from the sky. The only thing you worry about is the unknown danger ahead.

After entering the forest, Han Fei slowed down and said to everyone, "when you get here, you don't have to be too nervous. Just keep up and don't fall behind."

Looking at the leisurely walking Han Fei, there is even a taste of walking in his own back garden. Everyone is surprised, but at the same time, they are all convinced and happy, and their worries are completely put down.

There are familiar people leading the way in the front, bold guns and weapons in hand, and the pursuers behind have nothing to worry about at all.

As soon as I left for a while, I heard a cry coming from behind. It was obvious that the enemy was catching up with me. Many people came to listen to the voice. Although it was an ordinary army, which was a few grades lower than the special soldiers, it was a thorny problem that the heroes couldn't stand the large number of people and the tigers couldn't stand the wolves.

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