The fierce attack of shantu made the enemy confused. Although there were not many bullets in total, the momentum was quite bluffing.

In particular, each bullet is a shot to take away the other's life, coupled with the high explosive grenade from time to time, these people are also reluctant.

Before that bold shot became the focus of care object of the magic knife, a grenade just fell at his feet, when he reacted, "bang" explosion instantly devoured him.

In a short period of time, more than half of the 40 or 50 leading troops had fallen. They didn't have the consciousness to fight to the end. The rest of them ran away when they saw that the situation was not right.

The scattered fleeing of the enemy undoubtedly provides us with an excellent opportunity to fight. With all kinds of daggers, we can get rid of several people at the back of the hall.

Han Fei is not idle here. When they get rid of the guy in their hands and run towards this side, they feel a pungent smell of blood coming from afar.

The ground was full of the corpses of the mercenaries. They were also shocked by the shock of the scene. They thought that they had cleaned up some of them, and the rest of them were even left out. Unexpectedly, all the fish who missed the net ended here!

"Brother... Brother, you did all this?" The hare asked in disbelief.

"How can I do it alone? Your captain has made great efforts." Han Fei said with a smile.

Shantu looked at the team leader sitting on one side in amazement. The mud footprints on the ground broke without taking a few steps. At most, the remote output fired a few shots. The remaining dozens of people were all finished by Han Fei with a dagger.

"Why do you think our brother is much better than the three of us tied together?" The old ghost couldn't help muttering.

They have at least more than 30 bullets and several grenades. Even so, the mercenaries solved by the three are not as good as Han Fei's. They usually regard themselves as elites. At present, there is no attack in their hearts. That's impossible.

"Don't be surprised. I'm not sure when I'll meet the second group of people. Let's supply them now." Han Fei said.

Mountain rabbit several people then four down search for some, the other side is after all pursuit is not ambush, mountain rabbit looked for a circle did not see a sniper gun.

However, AK and weichong are very abundant. Everyone is fully armed. Except for the necessary things, they are all covered with bullets. If they are properly armed, how can they look like a big country special forces?

"It's almost time to go, but should we do something before we leave?" It's a pity for shantu to look at the equipment full of ground. Apart from other things, if so many grenades are used properly, they can also cause a lot of casualties to each other!

Laogui is a good hand in this field. The origin of his code name is that he can lay a hand of thunder.

Booby trap is a kind of mine made of high explosive materials, which is laid in unexpected places of the enemy, and detonated by camouflage, temptation, deception and other tricks, so that the enemy will be hurt without defense.

There are many kinds of deceptive mines. Sometimes, the miners make mines into various forms, which makes the enemy careless and detonate them; Sometimes, the temptation is skillfully set up to lure or enrage the enemy, so that the enemy can touch the lure and detonate the mine.

Because the layout form of the mine is often unexpected, making it difficult to guard against, so the mine can effectively kill the target.

For example, in World War II, according to the characteristics of German soldiers' love of books, the Soviet army created a book mine, which would explode as soon as it was opened.

In the battlefield full of blood and fire, soldiers who are physically and mentally tired often drink as much as they want to. Taking advantage of this psychology, the German and Japanese troops once placed wine bottles containing liquid explosives between scattered food and empty bottles disguised as just having a meal in World War II.

When the enemy is unprepared to open the bottle cap, there will be an instant tragedy. Sometimes it can kill dozens of people in a single blast, which is really overwhelming.

All qualified special forces are familiar with the detonating device, and Laogui is the best among them. In a short time, those grenades were arranged by him as a piece of thunder scattered around.

Han Fei smiles. Although he doesn't think it's meaningful to do this, he has to admire the old ghost's way of layout. If it's not for the limited materials on hand, he should be able to make the surrounding layout more perfect. It's not difficult to easily kill the mercenary No. 100.

"Brother, you look like you have a lot of research on thunder?" The old ghost looked at Han Fei and said that there was a little pride in his words.

During this period of time, their individual combat ability, which they should be proud of, has been crushed by Han Fei in all directions. Although they are already brothers, they feel that they are oppressed by others.

This hand thunder layout can be regarded as an old ghost's unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box. Now it's also a bit ostentatious to take stubble with Han Fei.

"It's a good layout." Han Fei light mouth way.

The old ghost's face changed a little when he heard that he was expert at watching the door. Compared with the mountain rabbit, the Han Fei brothers were also experts in the same field. At a glance, they could see that the thunder above him was empty, and the real thing below him was the one that killed him.

"Brother, you are so good! Then you can help me to see if there is anything to improve The old ghost said.

Shantu several people can't help leaning over. Speaking of the layout of guilei, the old ghost thinks that God is the first and he is the second. He has never paid attention to so many military region elites. Now he sincerely asks for advice from Han Fei brothers. It can be imagined that this is a competition between the tip of the needle and Mai mang!

"This is already very good, and it's of little significance to change it again. However, the use of deceptive mines is still separated and combined. If it's pursued by small elites, the role of deceptive mines can be maximized." Han Fei said with a smile.

The old ghosts feel the same about this. They are all mercenaries of common goods. The most direct way is to throw a row of grenades directly. It's not too much to blow up one or two people like this, and it's not too much to pit a hundred or ten people. After all, if you die, you can get a lot of them with a little money.

But if Li Guoshun is a military God, whether he is assassinated in front of the battlefield or behind the scenes, I'm afraid the damaged killers will send waves after waves, and Li Guoshun will not be damaged at all.

But if it's the carefully arranged thunder, it may have an unexpected effect.

Han Fei used deceptive thunder to solve a group of powerful enemies in those years. They were all equal opponents. Cold and hot weapons had already reached the peak to make art. He was the king of iron and blood in the battlefield, the master of close combat, and even his internal skill had reached a new level.

In the case of one-on-one pursuit and anti pursuit, no one can do anything for three days and three nights, but Han Fei is the result of the other side to bring the No. 100 younger brother.

But after the stalemate, the other side also moved a real fire, regardless of the cost of the transfer of 30 such super elite formed a hunting team.

Under the accumulation of absolute strength, the identity of the hunter and the prey can no longer be changed. Han Fei keeps on strategic transfer, and eventually fails to get rid of the abnormal pursuit.

The final ending is also very simple. On a tree trunk surrounded by ten people, the radical words of condolence to the female relatives of their family are engraved in English askew.

Coupled with the intermittent attack and harassment that lasted for three months, one of them couldn't bear it. He was strong enough to split gold and jade and kicked directly at the tree trunk.

In a flash, there was a loud bang, and the old forest with a radius of several hundred meters was in a sea of fire in Huacheng. The fire burned for a whole month before it was put out. As for the abnormal elites, they were vaporized at the moment of explosion, and there were no bones left.

"Brother, you are so good! Then what happened? " The mountain rabbit is also enthusiastic.

Han Fei's terror is what they have seen with their own eyes. They blow up 30 guys of the same level all of a sudden. Even he, an outsider, has an inexplicable sense of achievement.

Han Fei laughs and doesn't answer. All of a sudden, he destroys all the children of the younger generation of these seed level. The old directors have gone away in a rage, and he has to sleep in the coffin for a long time.

If it wasn't for the old demon's intervention in the end, it's hard to say whether he could come out of the forbidden area alive.

However, there are too many sensitive issues involved in this, so there is no need to elaborate on them now.

"Brother, I've always wondered how you hollowed out the trunk overnight, and where did you get a ton of dynamite?" The old ghost couldn't help asking.

He knew how much time it would take to prepare for this kind of work. The situation Han Fei faced at that time was much more dangerous than before. They didn't even have time to rest and supply. How did Han Fei create this miracle?

Han Fei laughs but does not speak. He once again evades this sensitive topic. However, he can't help thinking about the graceful body with long hair and buttocks. That night's bone erosion is really unforgettable, but the price of madness is a little, tut tut

"Don't talk about it. Go on the road quickly. When you are made dumplings, you will cry." Han Fei said.

As a matter of fact, everyone's steps have never stopped for a moment. At this moment, we have walked out for several miles. At this moment, there is a faint sound of explosion behind us. It is obvious that the mouse chased us and accidentally fell into the trap set by the old ghost.

"Blow up the kids! See if they have the courage to keep up The old ghost said maliciously, dozens of grenades exploded together, and gently loosened and took away dozens of heads.

The rest of them are still worried even if they continue to search, and their speed will drop a lot, which is in disguise to buy them more time.

"It seems that the speed of the enemy has not slowed down. This time, it should be the local armed forces or the kind of people who have been ordered to die by the upper authorities." Han Fei said.

Shantu's face also changed slightly. They would rather meet mercenaries than deal with the local armed forces.

Mercenaries are purely for money and cherish their lives. When the situation is unclear, they will not easily risk their own lives, but these local armed forces are different!

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