A few days of dishes and chopsticks were placed on the table. One of the soup bowls was warm. Han Fei laughed. In his impression, Qingxue was not such a girl who didn't know how to do housework.

It doesn't matter if the clothes on the bed are a bit messy, but the kitchen, dining room and kitchen are always cleaned clean. This girl deliberately left such a pile of dirty bowls and didn't clean them up. It shouldn't be the pure reason for being lazy.

At least as soon as he enters the room, he knows if someone has cleaned up the room. Han Fei cleans up all the dishes and chopsticks in the sink and washes them. Looking at the empty room, he suddenly feels a little strange. There is no woman in the room, so it doesn't look like a home

After finishing cleaning up at home and abroad, Han Fei went back to his room to have a look. There were still 800 yuan left under the pillow. Han Fei didn't say anything. He left some emergency money for himself. The rest of the money was put under the pillow. If she wasn't at home in the future, Qingxue could use the money easily.

Anyway, in a few days, the security department will be paid. At that time, we should be able to buy a better notebook for this girl.

That girl's notebook has a small screen and a big body. It's a product that was eliminated many years ago. Which boys and girls don't like to compete these days? Snow mouth does not say, the heart should also want to change a notebook.

Otherwise, when you see the new 6plus, you don't need to change the phone cards in your two mobile phones.

When things at home are finished, Han Fei goes to the intersection and beckons. Like a full-time driver, Huang Mao comes and asks, "brother, where are you going this time?"

"Go to Huarui community." Han Fei said.

"All right." Huang Mao opens his mouth. Just as he is ready to pull the accelerator, Han Fei suddenly changes his mind.

"I'll drive it. Sit behind you." Han Fei said.

Huang Mao was a little surprised, and then he had some expectation in his heart. As he knew more about Han Fei, Huang Mao felt that Han Fei was more mysterious, and even had a blind worship of Han Fei.

Since Han Fei wants to drive, he sits in the back, looking forward to seeing Han Fei's amazing driving skills.

Han Fei's speed is not fast, driving is also very stable, but yellow boy is like a roller coaster as exciting, from time to time the ghost called repeatedly.

There is no reason for him. Since he ran three or two red lights, a police motorcycle followed him, but Han Fei always hung him behind him.

One after another, the two trucks suddenly turned and changed lanes. When they saw the gap between them, they would plug in. Although the speed was not fast, the police motorcycle couldn't catch up with them for a long time.

Every time he saw that the other side had come over, Han Fei always changed his way coldly. The latter stopped with a sudden brake. In this way, Han Fei played with the other side more than ten times.

"Stop! Driving a motorcycle without a helmet and running a red light is a joke about yourself and other people's lives Zhao Xiaoge's angry voice came from behind.

Han Fei turns a deaf ear, and even slows down the car. Zhao Xiaoge gets angry in a moment, steps on the accelerator and rushes up. Unexpectedly, just as he is about to catch up, Han Fei suddenly changes the lane and passes in front of a car.

Zhao Xiaoge is angry. He used the same trick more than ten times. Do you really think I'm a fool!

Zhao Xiaoge didn't even think about it. He just learned from Han Fei's change of lane and rushed to the road. Then, with a bang, the police motorcycle directly hit the guardrail on the side of the road. Zhao Xiaoge was stunned in an instant

"Cool! Brother, your driving skills are really amazing! How did you get up the narrow steps over there? " The Yellow haired boy is so excited that he doesn't show the mountain and the water. This is the real God of breaking the cart!

Just now, if the situation changed for him, he could only scream and hit the guardrail, but Han feileng was in such a narrow space with the emergency brake and tail flick, and the speed was so fast that he didn't even know what was going on. The motorcycle was safely driving on the curb in front of the guardrail.

This is not, they just bypassed two cars parked on the side of the road back to the road, and then "bang", the traffic police behind the comrades hit!

In the case of a sudden lane change, the speed is not fast enough, and there is still a little reaction time. Even if you hit it, it doesn't matter, but you can't get rid of it.

Han Fei smiles and pulls the accelerator to the end to drive towards Huarui community.

Along the way, Huang Mao boy admired Han Fei's superb driving skills.

If you want to talk about the Yellow haired boy himself, it's like playing with some big stones on his chest and looking at bluffing people, but there's not much technical content. Han Fei seems to be quiet, and he just lightly grinds a diamond between his two fingers. This is a low-key connotative expert!

"Brother, who are the traffic police?" On the way, Huang Mao asked.

"A grandson." Han Fei said without expression.

Yellow boy smell speech, the corner of the mouth can't help twitching twice, think or don't go on.

After a while, Han Fei appeared at the door of the security room. Seeing that it was full of strange faces, Han Fei immediately laughed.

"Well, you fat man, I've only been away for a few days, and you've given me another moth!" Without saying a word, Han Fei walked directly to the kitchen not far away.

In the backyard of the kitchen, Li Bo is playing with a bunch of things that look like chips. These things are old things that have been used for many years. I don't know where Li Bo got these things.

If you want to talk about abacus, there may be a few young people who can know it, but it's a little more ancient than abacus. I'm afraid Zheng Hua may not know it.

"Come out?" Li Bo looked up at Han Fei and said, quietly smoothed out the things painted on the sand.

Han Fei didn't care. He joked: "Li Bo, I haven't seen you for a few days. You are more energetic than some time ago. If you go to the park tomorrow and find another aunt, you'll be old enough to have company. You can make a couple of square dances."

"Screw you, don't make fun of me. Come to borrow the kitchen knife, right? Take it from the kitchen. Don't forget to return it if you don't look back. " Li Bo said with a smile.

At this time, Han Fei was surprised: "Li Bo, your calculation is really accurate. In fact, we always think that if you set up a stall on the overpass, you will surely earn much more than now."

Li Bo laughs and scolds, but Han Fei doesn't care. He goes to the kitchen, picks up a kitchen knife and pins it on his back. When passing by the door of Li Bo's room, Han Fei accidentally sees three big jars under a chopping board, which looks a little strange.

At this time, Han Fei inadvertently turned back and found that Li Bo had appeared behind him.

Han Fei was a little surprised. When did he not even notice that other people came behind him? But in front of him, Li Bo is an ordinary old man who can't be an ordinary chef any more!

Han Fei shakes his head. It seems that his heart is still a little upset during this period of time. He has become a little suspicious.

"Li Bo, what are the contents of the three big jars under your chopping board? It seems that these jars are rare. They are not old objects left over from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, are they?" Han Fei asked casually.

Li Bowei was stunned, and then he said, "Hey, what old thing? If it's really something left over from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, how can I be a cook here?"

Han Fei smiles and doesn't say anything. He glances at the jar curiously. It's not that Han Fei's curiosity is too heavy, but that the shape of the jar is a little strange.

Generally speaking, a jar has a mouth and a lid, but Li Bo's jar even has something like a handle on both sides. Some strange patterns are engraved on the jar, which is old. So Han Fei directly asked if it is an old object left over from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

If this is the case, a casual jar here would be equivalent to a Rolls Royce phantom.

"Hey, you child, if there were any good things, it would be your turn to study them. I would have taken them out and sold them in an antique market. These three are the jars for pickles in my hometown. One is cucumber, the other is bean sprouts, and the other is garlic. Wait a minute. I'll grab some and you can take them back to have a taste. " Li Bo said enthusiastically, and then walked into the room.

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