"My sister is very beautiful! How do you think of meddling in my brother's business? Do you want to play with me? " Hu Shao said, and then he wandered up. He did not forget to learn Jackson's little crotch dance, and the little friends beside him also laughed.

"Show me some respect!" The woman scolded.

"Oh, respect? Did you hear just now that a chicken maker asked me to respect her? If I respect her, she would be hungry and have no food to eat? " Hu Shao was the first to laugh.

As for Yuan Lin at the end of the story, no matter whether he is exaggerating his acting skills or showing his true feelings, in short, he laughs with tears.

"Keep your mouth clean for me!" That woman's popular chest fluctuates violently. She reminds me that she has been scolded as a chicken. Even a clay figurine is full of anger at this time!

This Hu Shao would stop if he saw the good at this time, but he bravely and persistently made a big step forward on the road of death. Suddenly, he pointed to the woman's chest in surprise as if he had discovered the new world and cried, "look at it! This woman is so big! It's been growing up! "

"I can't see it. Maybe it's filled with silica gel." Said another.

"No matter whether she takes hormone or silica gel, just go up and touch it?" Hu Shao said that with a flash of lightning, he broke the thin belt around the woman's neck. Then he suddenly pulled out a piece of black cloth on his hand.

The woman screamed and hurriedly blocked her body, but if she held the top, the bottom would fall. The woman gave Hu Shao a fierce look and ran away with tears.

"Ha ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha, ha Hu Shao said that he smelled the cloth under his nose, and then became more excited like chicken blood!

"After walking a little hoof, it's time to talk about what happened between us." Hu Shao then stuffed the rag into his pocket and directly picked up the wine bottle on the table and pointed to Han Fei.

"Boy, if you don't want to die, please give me a definite word. I don't dare to say anything else. There's no one I can't stir up on the seashore. If you don't know your face today, I have at least ten million ways to kill you!" Hu Shao yelled.

Han Fei laughs. It's so simple. From a distance, Han Fei sees that the woman is wearing a coat and leading a group of strong men to come here.

The man in the head was a tough, muscular, bald man with a size of more than 1.85 meters. Along the direction of the woman's fingers, the big man picked up an empty wine bottle from the table and came here.

Hu Shao and his friends don't have eyes on the back of their heads, and Han Fei won't kindly remind him to let him do it for a while.

"What the hell are you laughing at! Didn't you hear Hu Shao asking you? " The skinny man roared again. At the moment, the bald muscular man was less than 10 meters away from here!

"Hu Shao, right? I don't know what you think of that woman just now. Maybe she is also a man with a boyfriend. Why don't you just move her Han Fei said kindly.

Hu Shao immediately laughed wildly when he heard this, took out the piece of cloth directly, shook it in the wind, and said triumphantly: "that woman is a bitch, I don't care whose woman she is! Don't show up in front of me, or as long as she doesn't die! I'll kill her

At the moment, the bald man had already stood behind Hu Shao. When he heard this, the bald man's Qi and blood were in full swing. He didn't want the prologue. The wine bottle in his hand was directly raised high!

Han Fei laughs. Other people are pretending to be forced to die occasionally. Hu Shao is playing with his life. He grabs the beer bottle on the table and respects it.

Hu Shao was in a moment of consternation, and an explosion was like the collapse of heaven and earth, and the whole world was suddenly red with blood.

"Blood..." Hu Shao touched his forehead, then he didn't have it, and then he was paralyzed on the ground like a dead dog.

"The malagobi! what's that! Lao Tzu's women dare to move! " The bald man didn't seem to get rid of his anger. Before the group of friends could react, he flew up and kicked Hu Shao's legs. It was a kind of sadness

"Damn it! I want to die

"Hu Shao! Are you all right? "

"Call an ambulance now!"


The friends who died finally responded, leaving one to call, and the rest directly picked up the bottle and rushed up.

Courage is good, but the ending is very tragic. How can a group of rich children who have been hollowed out by wine and sex be the opponents of these professional thugs? In a short time, they all hold their heads and scream.

At this time, Lin Keke and Zhao Fang also came out of the bathroom. When they saw the posture here, Zhao Fang was at a loss. Instead, Lin Keke ran to Han Fei with a nervous face.

At the moment, the group of friends are dying to resist, but waiting for them is the beer bottle clang to the back and the old waist, in a moment, a group of people fell asleep.

"What's the matter? Are you ok?" Lin Keke bypasses the crowd and comes to Han Fei nervously.

Han Fei poured a glass of wine for himself: "what can a child do for a small fight?"

Lin Keke is a nurse, covered with blood. It's not uncommon to send her to first aid. So she doesn't have stage fright when she sees this scene. She's just a little uncomfortable. Anyway, with Han Fei sitting beside her, she's not afraid no matter where she is!

"I'm sure there will be a good play later. Would you like to watch it again?" Han Fei said.

Lin Coco's face is a little unnatural: "forget it. If I knew that, I would not come to the bar to play."

Lin Keke's attitude is Han Fei's attitude. Since she doesn't like it, let's go to another place. It's bloody and a group of animals howl. It's not a good place for dating.

"You two are not allowed to leave! You are with them Said a ruffian youth in the group.

It's OK to fight these idiots, but if someone doesn't open his eyes to provoke him, Han Fei won't have such a good temper.

In particular, the man looked at Lin coco unconsciously, and then subconsciously looked at the woman wrapped in the coat. It seems that there is another fearless young man on the way to death!

"It's none of our business. You're not the police. Why don't you let us go?" Lin Keke said.

Originally, Lin coco didn't feel much, but when he saw that the other party was staring at them, he shivered subconsciously.

"The elder brothers are almost OK. They all said that it has nothing to do with us. We'll take it when it's good. Don't make trouble for ourselves." Han Fei made a speech at this time and stood directly in front of Lin Keke.

Looking at the mountain like figure in front of her, Lin Keke immediately feels at ease. She has a sense of security for Han Fei. Especially, she has a very detailed understanding of Han Fei's deeds. She knows that he is a fierce man who can defeat the enemy with one move. Even the fierce human traffickers don't know his opponent. In front of her, these little gangsters must be nothing to say.

What Lin coco doesn't know is that these professional thugs are much better than human traffickers. However, in the face of Han Fei's absolute force value, whether the combat effectiveness is 30 or 30, they are just dregs.

"Big brother, this woman is not bad. Sister Hua suffered a little loss just now. How can she get back from this woman?"

A flowing hitter opened his mouth.

As it turns out, this kind of behavior of death often appears in pieces. The bald man who used to do it now comes back and looks at Lin Keke, but his eyes can't move.

"Brother, if you still want that pair of moves now, move your eyes away from me, or don't say that your brother didn't give you a chance." Han Fei light mouth way.

Before the bald man spoke, one of his younger brothers began to blow up his hair: "what the hell! Believe it or not, a bottle of wine will break your head! "

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