After driving for a short time, the light on the fuel gauge suddenly came on. Han Fei remembered that after driving for such a long time, he had never refilled the fuel. Then he said to Chen Hu on the co driver, "it seems that the car is running out of fuel."

Chen Hu is confused, and the oil meter light is on. Of course, it means that he is running out of oil. What a fool knows. The question is, what does Han Fei mean when he suddenly mentions this?

"Why don't I go and refuel the car?" Chen Hu asked tentatively.

"Trouble?" Han Fei asked.

"No trouble." Chen Hu said subconsciously.

"Well, Xiao Chen, it's hard for you to go. I'll take a taxi with your sister-in-law." Han Fei encouragingly patted Chen Hu on the shoulder and said.

Chen Hu some reaction does not come over, casually asked: "that this car?"

"Oh, you can help me send it to Huarui community later. Just put the car key in the security room." Han Fei opened the door and got off with Lin Keke in the back seat. He waved casually and a taxi stopped beside them.

"It's no trouble, is it?" Before leaving, Han Fei put his head over and asked more.

"It's no trouble!" Chen Hu is dull.

"Well, it's hard for you." Han Fei said with Lin cocoa on the taxi, Chen Hu to cry without tears.

After they left, Chen Hu also drove to the nearest gas station. Seeing that the pointer on the watch had returned to zero, Chen Hu's heart became more and more anxious. If the car ran out of gas, what would he do!

After another two kilometers on the road, a gas station finally appeared in sight from afar. Chen Hu just stepped on the gas pedal to the end, and the car stopped moving!

The gas station doesn't seem to be far away, but if you really want to walk there, you can heat people to death on this hot day!

At the moment, either call a trailer or push it manually.

Chen Hu's financial situation is very problematic. How much does it cost to call a trailer? He also has his own manpower. When he was a small worker on the construction site in his early years, he did all the hard and tiring work, just pushing the car to the gas station. It's a piece of cake!

It's just that Chen Hu didn't expect that his body had been hollowed out by wine and sex for a long time. He was so tired that he was out of breath. The car was only a hundred meters away.

There was not much traffic on this road. Chen Hu tried to stop a car several times to borrow some gasoline, but the driver didn't take care of him at all.

Chen Hu really no way, and want to leave that little money, now also can only reluctantly picked up the phone.

"Hello, Jinlong, drive the car to me quickly, and remember to bring me a small barrel of gasoline. I can't think of driving! I want to live for decades more! OK, don't talk nonsense. I'll send you an address on wechat. Remember, you're the only one. Don't bring any younger brother! " After all, Chen Hu is still worried about half face. He hangs up the phone and sits directly in the shady corner beside the car.

About half an hour later, Du Jinlong finally drove the second-hand Chery QQ to the scene, and Chen Hu was finally relieved.

"Jinlong, fill up the gas, drive back to Huarui community, give the key to the security room, take a taxi and come back. I'll go back to have a rest first." Chen Hu was so tired that he drove away with the QQ after two sentences.

Du Jinlong didn't say anything. He drove to the front of the car, filled up with oil and drove to Huarui community.

But Du Jinlong didn't expect that when he was about to drive to a crossroad, he had been noticed by the traffic police far away before he got close to him!

"This is the car! Go up and stop it A traffic policeman opened his mouth. After a while, a group of traffic policemen swarmed on and blocked the Benz.

Du Jinlong is a little confused. What's the situation?

"Hello, please show me your driver's license." A traffic policeman said without expression.

"Driving... Driving license..." Du Jinlong was confused. He never passed the second course. Where did he get his driving license?

"I left my driver's license at home." Du Jinlong faltered.

That traffic police smell speech show a sneer, small sample, up to now still want to play tricks, this time don't you to die whole, really bully our traffic police team no one!

"If you don't have it, come with us. The car will be held first. When will you pay the fine and pick it up again?" The traffic policeman said coldly.

Du Jinlong's brain can't turn around. What's the situation!

I haven't turned on the traffic lights yet! There were at least three or four cars parked one by one in front of them. These traffic policemen didn't even look at them. A group of people directly crossed the road and stopped them. How can they see that these more than ten traffic policemen were waiting for themselves in this squatting place? How can they see this thing? It's a strange feeling!

Du Jinlong is a little fluffy in his heart. He didn't offend the demon God today, did he? Fools can see that there is something strange in it, but the hero of it is himself. He hasn't done anything these days!

As for the fine, he goes out these days either by taxi or by bus. How can he get the fine?

Du Jinlong subconsciously took out a cigarette from his pocket, handed it up and asked: "brother, no matter how slow Chen Hu is, he can guess the whole story at this time. Looking at the thick pile of tickets in his hand, he wants to cry without tears!

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