Jiang Tianbiao subconsciously looked left and right, and asked in a low voice: "brother, the seaside wharf is my world. Outsiders don't want to put a finger in it. I'm sure there won't be anything wrong with me.

But if you can trust me, you'd better give me the bottom line first. If it's smuggling any contraband, the customs or some department will check it one day, and I'll deal with it ahead of time. "

Han Fei said with a smile: "you think too much. This is the jewelry project of our group. All the raw jadeite ore and semi-finished wool are transported here. The procedures are complete and will never bring you trouble.

It's just that these things are small but valuable. There is no half container for a month's goods, but once something goes wrong, it's nothing for a financial quarter. "

What Jiang Tianbiao ate was this kind of food. Of course, he knew the trick. He patted his chest and promised, "don't worry, brother. You can take the goods from my wharf, not to mention the serious things. Even the contraband can be safely delivered to you without any trouble!"

"What you said is true? Even contraband? " Han Fei looks at Jiang Tianbiao and asks.

Jiang Tianbiao is embarrassed. Now Gu, who is hesitating, talks about him. Han Fei just smiles and doesn't speak. He picks up his glass and drinks it down. A table of Rice doesn't break up until more than two o'clock in the night.

It's worth mentioning that Jiang Tianbiao had drunk too much and had a good relationship with Han Fei later. As long as he didn't meet the strict inspection, he would have no problem with anything that could be packed in the container.

Han Fei also left a heart to write down these words, the key time Jiang Tianbiao this may be of great use.

Jiang Tianbiao provides such a convenient door, and Han Fei also offers a promise that in the future, all the goods that can be transported by water will be transferred from his wharf.

Excited Jiang Tianbiao is already drunk. He also drinks two bottles of Erguotou to worship Han Fei and tells him that Jiang's family has a daughter who has just grown up and is raised in the boudoir.

This just grabbed Han Fei's hand, ready to take a ride to send her daughter, the whole person hit in the leftover garlic lobster soup basin, snoring like thunder, see Han Fei for a while and a half will also don't know what to say.

Fortunately, other people can still keep sober after drinking too much. It's not difficult to send Jiang Tianbiao back. After drinking, there are festival like celebrations on their faces.

After all, Haiya can develop the whole Donghai city in an all-round way. How can we underestimate the energy? When we think that all the waterway transportation in the future will be monopolized by them and developed, this time it will be developed!

After Jiang Tianbiao and his party left, Han Fei took a taxi and went back. He didn't worry about the Audi at the door of the bar. Instead, he found a little brother to drive the car back.

Han Fei had a good sleep that night, but some people couldn't sleep all night.

Qi Ge abandoned, but also into the Bureau, the police closed a lot of venues overnight, arrested a lot of people, all of them have a keen sense that a new round of crackdown has begun.

The third master was furious when he heard the news. It is said that even his favorite pen used by Qianlong was smashed.

Those old people who have been with the third master for decades know that the third master has made a dry fire this time, and the weather is going to change on the beach road.

The next morning, just after dawn, Han Fei received a call from Wang Rong about his appointment. The personnel department had already gone through the formalities and asked him to report to the head office on time today.

Han Fei didn't plan to go, but when Wang Rong came, he called in person to inform him. He must have said hello to the personnel department in advance. If he didn't go, it would hurt Wang Rong's prestige.

Last night, I had drunk too much wine. I had a big blow with Jiang Tianbiao. I have to get angry with Wang Rong. It's better to arrange a few large orders to deliver goods from Jiang Tianbiao today, so as not to embarrass me when I see him again. I believe Wang Rong will give him such a face.

After a simple wash at the roadside stall and eating a bowl of shredded meat noodles, Han Fei trotted all the way to the head office.

It's said that Haiya recently received a large order, and the whole company was busy. This morning, Wang Rong called several department managers to hold an early meeting. When Han Fei arrived, the meeting was not over.

Xiao Fang, as Wang Rong's close secretary, naturally follows her closely. Han Fei is bored and can only go to the business department to chat with some younger girls. However, he is surprised to learn that Yun Ying came to the company early today.

As for her little cousin Zhong Zhen, who was in debt of beating at first sight, came with her, but she went out to have breakfast together.

Haiya downstairs ready-made food and beverage department, taste good, variety is complete, do not charge, but put free, do not have to go out to eat, is really enough hypocritical.

Han Fei didn't think much about it either. He was still joking and boasting with his sisters happily. But after a while, an employee came panting and said, "brother Fei, go out and have a look. It seems that yunzong is in trouble!"

Han Fei's face changed as soon as he heard this, and he immediately went to the company hall.

What Zhong Zhen is? Although he stinks, his skill is passable. How can Yun Ying be in trouble with his protection?

A Hummer was parked in front of the company's gate. After the door was opened, Zhang Heihu came down with a high profile.

When Yunying sees Zhang Heihu, she immediately realizes that the comer is not good. Zhong Zhen doesn't dare to be careless, and then blocks Yunying.

"Mr. Yun, I haven't seen you for a while. You have become more and more flexible. I heard that your company has recently received a large order. Congratulations." Zhang black tiger skin smile meat don't smile of say.

Yunying can't believe Zhang Heihu's lies, weasel to chicken new year, ANN can be what heart.

"Zhang Heihu, the wise don't talk in secret. What do you mean by coming here this time?" Yun Ying coldly said that she had heard Wang Rong about the last door-to-door acquisition, and naturally she would not give Zhang Heihu any good looks.

Zhang Heihu clapped his hands and said: "it is worthy of being an iceberg cold beauty, that is, straightforward. Let me be frank. This time I come here, I want you to sign this transfer contract.

Last time Mr. Wang didn't agree. I think Mr. Yun would be an understanding person. Today I'm also prepared. I think Mr. Yun doesn't want to make any unhappiness, does he? "

"You dream!" Cloud Ying angrily scolds a way.

Yunying has just received a big price order, and is preparing to launch a big fight. Taking the East China Sea as the center, it radiates many surrounding areas. How can she give up the company at this time!

"Mr. Yun, since you are so determined, we have nothing to talk about. Let Han Fei come out. Let's clear up the previous gratitude and resentment." Zhang Heihu said arrogantly.

"Zhang Heihu, don't deceive others too much. It's not your turn to be wild here!" Yun Ying said angrily.

"Xiaoying, is this the guy who bothered you some time ago? I was going to look for him, but he took the initiative to deliver it to me. " Zhong Zhen opened his mouth, then pointed to Zhang Heihu and said, "come here, let's have a good practice."

Zhang Heihu is also a ruthless person. When he was so despised by a young boy, Han Fei was not there. He just took the boy and started the operation first, which was a shock to the tiger.

Zhang Heihu came here prepared today and held back for several days. This time he came to find the place.

This morning, Zhang Heihu received a phone call from the elder martial brother. He went to the airport to pick up the elder martial brother himself. Before they went back, they left the airport and came to the downstairs of Haiya. They happened to see Yun Ying and the windbreaker man walking by the side of the road.

Han Fei watched the scene in the hall, but he didn't rush out for a moment. Zhang Heihu's skill Han Fei knew that it was much worse than Zhong Zhen.

Yesterday, Zhang Heihu did not dare to show up. Today, he is like a mouse who has drunk Erguotou. He tries his best to find a cat. I really don't know where his confidence comes from.

Han Fei looks at the silver Hummer parked on the side of the road. Is that Zhang Heihu's confidence?

Han Fei guessed that Zhang Heihu must have been looking for foreign aid during this period of time, but he didn't care. Maybe the one in the car is the expert Zhang Heihu invited.

As soon as he thought about it, Han Fei became interested and was not in a hurry to show up.

At the same time, the senior brother in the Hummer is also very indifferent. They all know that there is an expert in the other side's camp. No one wants to show up first, so they choose to observe in secret.

Let's leave the first fight to them.

"Foshan, Zhong Zhen." Zhong Zhen held a boxing ceremony, Zhang Heihu without saying a word, a straight punch directly hit up.

Zhong Zhen didn't expect Zhang Heihu to take the lead. From the beginning, Han Fei was defeated. Looking at the scene, Han Fei shook his head repeatedly. It was the flowers growing up in the greenhouse. They were too tender. Who would give you time to talk so much nonsense?

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