The temperature of the cigarette end seemed very low. At least Han Fei didn't feel hot. Then Han Fei thought of the strange smile and the sound of footsteps. He looked around and didn't even have a ghost.

"Is it my illusion?" Han Fei is not sure. The strange laughter and running sound just now are too real. Han Fei can even feel the itch between his neck, as if someone was blowing air in the back.

Now all around empty, that kind of bone cold also gradually dissipated, Han Fei's health is not very good, this place or don't stay for a long time.

Not long after Han Fei arrived at the busy main road, the quiet moonlight came out of the clouds and spread the silver light all over the corner. Just now, a footprints with water marks stretched for one or two hundred meters on that small road. When he was close to the main road, it directly turned into a pool of water stains.

Just two or three meters in front of him is the corner where Han Fei stood before. A circle surrounded by soot is looming. The breeze is light, and the light soot disappears. The watermarks evaporate little by little

Han Fei's head is a little dizzy. He can't tell what it's like. He stumbles all the way to his residence. Han Fei only feels a whirl and knocks on the door. The sound of snow comes from inside.

"Handsome, is that you? Did you forget to bring my bucket back? " Qingxue carelessly opened the door, even at least did not have the sense of prevention, I really do not know is to say that this girl is big hearted or careless.

Seeing ye Qingxue blinking in her pajamas, Han Fei can't help laughing, but the sentence below the girl makes Han Fei's heart explode.

"Handsome man, who is that behind you?" Ye Qingxue understatement of a word, Han Fei's whole body up and down muscles instantly tense, incomparably strong a heavy leg toward the back swept away.

"Bang --"

The sound control lights of the whole corridor are on. The wooden handrails and stainless steel railings have been broken into several sections, and several fist sized cement blocks have been broken along with the concrete stairs on the other side.

In a flash, the whole corridor was dusty and in a mess. Fortunately, the residents on the opposite side had just moved out last month, and those on the upper floor had not come back from the night shift. Otherwise, they would have been scolded by the huge noise.

At the moment, ye Qingxue's open mouth is becoming an "O" shape, and her two eyes are jumping out of the small stars. Looking at Han Fei's eyes is almost the shock and worship of seeing Superman in broad daylight!

"Shuai... Shuai... Shuai... Shuai, my eyes didn't shine... I just made a little joke, you... As for making such a big move..." ye Qingxue said.

Han Fei suddenly felt a little pain in his skull. Looking at the pure face in front of him, how could he feel the impulse of crushing her mouth and trampling her like rubber paste!

"You this wench..." Han Fei almost spits blood depressed, then two eyes a black, directly fell on the body of the snow.

"Hey, handsome, what are you doing! We are familiar with each other. You can't be so blatant as a hooligan! " Ye Qingxue cried.

A look at Han Fei half ring did not respond, ye Qingxue some ignorant force, this handsome guy actually really fainted.

At present, there is no one around. Ye Qingxue uses her sucking strength to move Han Fei onto the sofa.

"Handsome guy, wake up. Don't be scary at night." Ye Qingxue touches Han Fei. Han Fei's body is very hot. It seems that he has a high fever.

"What can we do?" Ye Qingxue subconsciously wants to call ye Qiao, but when she thinks that she is still on a business trip abroad, it's far water that can't save near fire, but in addition to Ye Qiao, she has no one else to look forward to in this city.

For a moment, Han Fei's image in ye Qingxue's heart became more vivid. Now in this world, besides Ye Qiao, it seems that he has only Han Fei as a relative!

"Handsome boy, don't scare me. You must be OK. You can't be OK." Ye Qingxue shakes Han Fei's arm and says that she knew it would be like this. She said that she would not make such a joke with Han Fei.

At present, Han Fei's arm is red and his whole body is very hot. Qingxue doesn't know what to do for a while.

Whether it's a high fever or a whole body perm, it's the performance of the human immune system. Ye Qingxue doesn't know if it's bad to force Han Fei to cool down, but now he's really hot.

Ye Qingxue subconsciously touches Han Fei's forehead. It's really hot here.

The girl is a little uncertain in other aspects, but she still has this common sense. If she continues to burn like this, Han Fei will become an idiot sooner or later.

Trot all the way to the refrigerator in the kitchen, take out two popsicles, then find a plastic bag and put it on Hanfei's forehead. It's obvious that Hanfei's breathing is much more stable.

Qingxue finally breathes a long sigh of relief, and goes to the kitchen to make a basin of water. Seeing that Hanfei's state seems to be a little better than just now, ye Qingxue dares to wipe Hanfei's face with a wet towel.

I don't know why. Han Fei's body is very hot, but he doesn't sweat a drop. It's too abnormal.

After a moment's hesitation, Qingxue takes off Hanfei's coat with great effort. Originally, it's nothing to do with the clothes. Without the cover of the coat, Hanfei's skin is as red as cast iron. It gives people the feeling that what flows below is not liquid, but red mercury paste.

It seems that this is the only way to explain why Han Fei's body burst out so destructive.

As the wet towel wipes Han Fei's chest again and again, ye Qingxue has an indescribable feeling in her heart. Seeing that Han Fei's expression seems to have eased, ye Qingxue seems to be greatly inspired and goes to change a basin of cold water. In this way, she takes care of Han Fei all night.

About the second half of the night, Han Fei's high fever finally subsided, and her breathing became stable. Ye Qingxue suddenly remembered why she had never thought of giving Han Fei some medicine to reduce fever.

But in the current situation, it doesn't matter whether you take medicine or not.

After a busy night, ye Qingxue feels sleepy, so she just lies beside Han Fei and takes a nap. In a daze, ye Qingxue always feels a cool breeze lingering around her. She is very comfortable and sleeps unconsciously.

The next morning, Han Fei woke up from his sleep. He felt his brain was a little heavy, but nothing else.

Subconsciously looked at the surrounding environment, see Qingxue this girl is holding a towel lying on the edge, the ground also put a half of the water basin, Han Fei immediately reaction, smile, slowly get up, will Qingxue this girl waist up and brought into the room.

Gently cover the quilt, Han Fei is about to turn around, was asleep in the snow unconsciously grasped the wrist, whispered: "brother, you don't have to do anything, I will be good obedient..."

Han Fei's heart is slightly complicated. He gently puts down Qingxue's hand and prepares breakfast as usual. Then he trots out of the door.

Han Fei has no choice but to deal with all the messy things at the door. The girl joked last night, but she scared herself out in a cold sweat. It doesn't matter if she is alone. The problem is that if someone comes back with her quietly, Han Fei can't worry about the girl Qingxue.

At least Han Fei had never felt that he had such a great power before, so that after this attack, he would faint. It's really embarrassing to say.

As for what happened last night, Han Fei is still a little bit flustered when he thinks about it now. If he wants to say that one is fair and aboveboard, he won't take it seriously at all. Even if he is against a bear in the old woods, Han Fei never knows what fear is.

But only last night's matter, Han Fei how to think in the heart is not comfortable, unknown things always can cause people's panic.

Although it's not clear what happened, Han Fei also knows that he has been calculated. If it's the match between Ming Dao and Ming gun, Han Fei has no choice. He has never lost to anyone in his professional field.

But as for other things, Han Fei doesn't know how to start.

"Is it difficult to find a master on the overpass?" Han Fei laughed at himself, then threw out the unrealistic idea and ran all the way to Huarui community.

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