As soon as the guys in the personnel department solved the mystery, those soldiers were confused.

Fake... It's fake!

When you Junlong just got off the BMW, no matter how proud he was in his famous suit or how proud he was, he almost wrote on his head that my father was the chairman of the board of directors. Who would have thought that his family would have been kicked out of the board of directors for a long time.

I knew it was such a situation. At the beginning, who would listen to him and directly beat the excrement out of him overnight!

But no one has eyes, who can know that this guy is just like goods, now these soldiers are also beating their chests, regretting that they should not have been, but this world has never regretted selling medicine.

Some people with a try attitude cried: "you didn't say that at the beginning, we all don't know!"

"Yes! We don't know about it. It's not fair! "

At this time, a small group couldn't listen any more and said to the group: "at the beginning, I made it very clear to you that Feige is the highest leader in charge of you.

Don't even listen to the leader, but listen to an outsider. What's the use of inviting you in.

What's more, Feige also said before, that person is to make trouble in our company, so clear and straightforward, you are deaf, can't understand people's words!

Or if you have IQ problems and can't understand your words, I don't think you can do a good job in security. It's reasonable to be eliminated. "

"But the boy is so serious that we don't know he's lying." Some people in the crowd sophisticated, but in the face of such a straightforward fact, his words also appear to be more and more without foundation.

"Brain is a good thing. I suggest you grow one too. If anyone says that he is the chairman of the board and wants to go to the office to get confidential documents during lunch break, do you have any reason to escort him to the office?" Han Fei said jokingly after seeing the boy.

"This... I... if I don't know, the old saying says that those who don't know are innocent." The soldier ruffian murmured in a low voice.

Han Fei said with a smile: "forget it, I advise you not to think about working as a security guard in a big company in the future. If something goes wrong, no one cares. You know what? If you lose your job lightly, the key point is economic crime. It's not impossible to close it for ten or eight years or for a lifetime. You can go."

Everyone was silent, they heard the truth clearly, and all the sophistry was meaningless at the moment.

Although there is resentment and grievance in their hearts, they have to admit that what Han Fei said is reasonable.

In recent years, there is no shortage of swindlers. All kinds of crimes with high intelligence quotient are common in large enterprises. If a document or an internal message is revealed, it will cost tens of millions.

Although the words are a little ugly, I can't afford such a job without brain.

Although we all know that enterprises like Haiya may not encounter unexpected situations all the year round, it does not mean that they can work casually.

Just like nuclear weapons, this thing is basically a decoration. No one can use it lightly, but you have to have it, and the quality of it has to meet the standard.

You can't just use a big firecracker because it's not commonly used.

Although it is said that they have some face slapping, they have to admit that they are the big firecrackers that are neither good to see nor good to use!

The company's money does not come from strong winds. Many white-collar workers in the company have to stay up late and work overtime every day for six or seven thousand a month. They work as security guards for seven or eight hours every day, starting at seven or eight thousand. Naturally, they have to bear the corresponding responsibilities.

Once for personal reasons to the company caused any loss, Han Feigang's words is not alarmist.

At this point, those soldiers have nothing to argue about. They know that they are really not suitable for this bowl of rice. Although they look relaxed, they are not sure when they will harm others and themselves.

At the last glance, the soldiers left the scene one by one dejected. The other party did give them the chance, but they didn't seize it. Now they are convinced.

However, before the crowd left, the guys in the personnel department still paid each of them 300 yuan in fare according to the usual practice. As soon as this was done, the soldiers who eliminated them had no resentment at all.

Even think of the hall just made the appearance of miasma, these people feel very sorry.

The eliminators are convinced, but the ones who stay are full of excitement. Before, they still have a little doubt about Haiya's high salary, but even the eliminators have a 300 yuan fare. Now they have no reason to doubt.

Originally, there were no more than 150 soldiers, but there were less than 60 left after nearly half of them were removed.

Among them, there are about ten old security guards who are more than 30 years old, and the others are strong young men who have retired from the army in their early twenties.

Compared with those old timers, these people are easier to manage and train, and it's not difficult to make Haiya loyal to the army.

"Feige, how do you plan to screen the rest of these people, and do you want to interview them one by one?" The personnel department a small group opens a way.

"What do you think?" Han Fei asked with a smile.

The guy thought seriously for a while. Judging from the situation just now, Han Fei's screening of these people will not play cards according to common sense.

It's not as big as before, but now it's like interviewing new people to ask them about their hobbies and why they choose Haiya?

At this time, Xiao Fang rushed out of the elevator and said, "brother Han, there's an accident. The construction site of our logistics warehouse has been blocked and many workers have been injured. Do you have enough people to take to the construction site to see the situation?"

When Xiao Fang said this, he was also full of worries. When the on-site manager called him, the scene was out of control, and even physical touch and bloody conflict occurred.

If Xiao Fang was not so worried a while ago, after all, Haiya's security team is not a decoration, but now the security team of hundreds of people has been disbanded, and the few people recruited by Han Fei can't control the scene at all!

"Don't worry, these people are enough now. Let's go to the scene." Han Fei said.

Xiao Fang is still worried: "brother Han, these people have just applied and have not been employed. Are they really reliable?"

If before the change, before the formal employment, most of these guys are not working hard, or directly half way away, do not play with you.

But after what happened just now, they were short of breath and a chance to express their heartfelt feelings. At present, some people are still making trouble under Haiya's banner. It's drowsy. Just when someone brings a pillow, the fool will leave halfway and miss the opportunity!

"Sister, don't worry about it. Let's talk about the construction site as we walk." Han Fei said.

For Hanfei, Haiya is unconditionally convinced. Xiaofang doesn't care about the problems of the security team, and tells Hanfei the whole story.

"Brother Han, because of Jiangbei's business, Haiya applied for a piece of land to build a logistics warehouse.

It was originally a piece of wasteland with only a small number of households. Sister Rong has already paid the full amount of demolition compensation at 30% higher than the market price. To be fair, Haiya really deserves them.

Originally, everything was going smoothly. Seeing that the business in Jiangbei had to be put on the agenda, we also offered three times the salary for the construction site to speed up the rush period.

But who knows that at this time, the original residents who have moved to block the construction site to make trouble. You also know that every day of delay on the construction site, we have a huge loss.

The on-site manager also actively communicated with them, but who knows that they were unreasonable and obstructed. Later, they even started directly, and many people were injured. " Xiao Fang said anxiously.

Han Fei frowned slightly: "has moved away, but also to make trouble, is it the demolition money at that time they feel less?"

"Brother Han, you know sister Rong's temperament best. The compensation price we gave them at the beginning was really our charity. When we moved away, everyone was very happy.

Who would have thought that they were greedy enough to block the construction site and beat people with such a mean face! " The more Xiao Fang said, the more excited she was. She was also present at the time of demolition compensation. I didn't expect that human nature had such an ugly side.

At the thought of these people's detestable features, Xiao Fang felt sick. At the beginning, they thought that these people's life was not easy, and they paid a lot of money for it. Unexpectedly, they were so kind to repay their kindness!

"In this case, it's deliberate. I don't know who incited it." Han Fei said.

"Although we are expanding rapidly, we have competitors in all industries, but we have always been a conscientious competition. We have never seen such a bottom line attacker.

What's more, it's the seaside after all. I'm afraid Dongcheng group is the only one with such conditions and strength. " After all, Xiao Fang is Wang Rong's close secretary, and his judgment is quite accurate.

Originally, Dongcheng and Haiya could coexist peacefully, mainly because they had an umbrella on their head. Because of Yunying's family problems, if this umbrella was lost, Dongcheng naturally would not have any more scruples and would not allow others to sleep soundly beside their bed.

In addition, the disclosure of the case of Haiya last time not only exposed the various tricks of tax evasion, but also let Haiya open the market of Jiangbei, which stimulated Dongcheng.

Han Fei ponders that Dongcheng should also come to the time of Yin Zhao, but he didn't expect that Dongcheng would come so soon.

I'm afraid yesterday's reception was the fuse of Dongcheng's troubles. On the one hand, Wang Rong chatted with Binjiang's business tycoons, which was a bad stimulus to Dongcheng.

In addition, there is Jiakang, an industrial school with a good foundation in Shanghai. Knowing that Jiakang has the intention to join hands with Haiya, Dongcheng naturally can't sit down any more.

Dongcheng is now in a troubled time. It is extremely sensitive to every move of the outside world. It's not impossible for Haiya to go further and destroy them directly.

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