Regal club.

Chen Hu is playing cards with two young models on a big heart-shaped bed when his mobile phone suddenly rings.

Chen Hu is in a bad mood for a while. He hates being disturbed when he is working. When he looks at the number, it turns out that it's Biaozi, and his anger dissipates a lot.

Biaozi is his number one general. He and a group of brothers usually watch his own games, which saves him a lot of heart. Biaozi knows his habits, and he will never disturb himself at this time if there is no urgent matter.

"Hey, Biaozi, what's the matter?" Chen Hu is not happy way, stretch out a hand to wave to open those two to come together of tender model.

"Brother tiger, we were beaten on the way!" Puma's voice came from the phone, accompanied by howls.

Chen Hu's face suddenly became gloomy. Biaozi had been with him for so long. On the beach road, who didn't know that he was his own man. Even Biaozi was beaten. The other side was obviously slapping him in the face!

"Biaozi, what's going on?" Chen Hu's mood is so bad that he lights a cigarette anxiously.

The two young models didn't see the right situation. Without waiting for Chen Hu to open his mouth, they took the clothes carefully and went out.

Chen Hu more listen to heart more heavy, the original cause of things, but also out of that autumn son.

When Chen Hu was in a conflagration with others, he accidentally stabbed several people. At last, Qiuzi helped him to hold the bag and spend two years in prison. After he came out, Chen Hu took good care of Qiuzi and even made room for him and some brothers to support him.

Over the years, Chen Hu's influence has become more and more powerful, and Qiuzi has become more and more popular. He usually makes trouble for himself.

But considering the love of that year, every time Qiuzi gets into trouble, Chen Hu helps him wipe his ass. after all, the people in the seaside know that Qiuzi has already been branded with Chen Hu.

It is reasonable to say that Qiuzi is also an old man on the road. He has some eyesight. How can he provoke such a evil star this time?

After listening to Biaozi's description, Chen Hu assumes that this guy is absolutely cruel. Maybe he has several homicide cases on his back. If he is watched by such a person, he won't feel secure when he sleeps at night.

"OK, I know. You should take good care of yourself in the hospital. All the medical expenses will be reimbursed by the financial department. That's all." Chen Hu hung up the phone, his heart became more and more heavy.

After sitting in the elder brother's position for such a long time, Chen Hu keenly feels that he has provoked a person who can't afford to offend him this time. He is preparing to smoke another cigarette when Chen Hu suddenly finds that the cigarette box is missing.

At the same time, behind him came a familiar smell of tobacco. Chen Hu suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and turned his head. He saw a young man in his twenties sitting on the sofa looking at himself with a smile in his hand. It was not his newly opened bag of Zhonghua!

Accident, shock, fear

For many years, Chen Hu has never felt like this. If he wanted to kill himself, he would be a corpse now.

"Brother... Brother, what's your name?" Chen Hu trembled and said that although he tried his best to keep calm, his body still trembled involuntarily, which was an instinctive reaction of creatures in the face of fear.

Han Fei took a deep breath of his cigarette, then put out his cigarette end and said, "brother tiger, maybe we should have a good chat."

Chen Hu doesn't know Han Fei's identity yet. He makes a quick decision and says, "brother, I'm wrong this time. I'll ask someone to send me 100000 yuan. I'll make amends for my brother."

Han Fei looked at Chen Hu for ten seconds, then with a flick of his finger, the cigarette bullet hit Chen Hu's forehead. Chen Hu felt like he was hit by a stone. He stumbled down on the sofa behind him, his brain was dazed, and his face was full of panic!

"One hundred thousand dollars is going to send me away. Do you think I look like a beggar?" Han Fei said with a sneer.

Looking at Han Fei's sharp brother style dress, Chen Hu thinks that you are not like a beggar, but like a rag picker. The rag picker who has a little savings is more fastidious than you.

But the words can't be said, Chen Hu can only try to ask: "brother... Brother, how do you want to solve it."

Han Fei is simply decisive: "I don't mistake you, after a zero can be private."

Chen Hu's face turned white when he heard this. If he added a zero, it would be a million!

Of course, it's not a lie. It's a matter of killing him!

Although he has worked hard in the seaside for so many years, he can't afford to have so many brothers eat with him. After deducting those fixed assets, he now has less than 500000 working capital on hand.

But once the money is taken out, a lot of business can't be turned around.

"Brother, I won't lie to you. That's the only cash I can take out now." Chen Hu's airway.

Han Fei took a look at Chen Hu, and then turned his eyes to the Mercedes Benz Key on the table: "the car is good. Lend me two days to play."

Chen Hu had a pain in the flesh. He thought that the car was a meat bun and there was no way to beat the dog.

"The car can be taken away, but you can't come back!" Zhang Hu tried to keep calm, but his body just couldn't help shivering.

"What's more, brother Qiu and brother chun? I don't want to see him again at the seaside." Han Fei said.

Chen Hu is also a big brother, but he is completely oppressed by Han Fei's aura. He can't say a word. After a while, a big paper bag with 100000 yuan is sent to him. Seeing Han Fei accept the cash, Chen Hu is relieved.

"By the way, ye Qingxue's family will not be allowed to trouble them in the future, or I will kill your family." Han Fei said with a flick of his finger, a business card stuck to Zhang Hu's cheek flew out and nailed directly to the cement wall behind him.

Chen Hu was scared to pee. Subconsciously, he looked back and saw that half of the paper business card had been nailed into the gypsum board behind him.

When he turned around, Han Fei had disappeared, along with the package of Zhonghua and the Mercedes Benz keys on the coffee table.

Chen Hu's nervous tension suddenly relaxed, the whole person instantly paralyzed on the ground, for a long time to come back to God, trembling to the gypsum board decorative wall.

It's a business card that you need to print for entertainment, just a piece of ordinary card paper.

Chen Hu carefully took out the business card, the whole gypsum board decorative wall split in an instant, Chen Hu's face turned blue with fright, and quickly got through to his subordinates.

"Hurry to find out the name of the woman Qiuzi offended. Yes, ye Qingxue, that's her! You all remember clearly. When you see this woman, you can make a detour for me. Also, let Qiuzi roll far away at once. Without me, he will not be allowed to step into the seaside in the future! "

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Hu realized that his back had been wet with cold sweat, and his legs and stomach were still shaking.

Han Fei is driving a Mercedes Benz wildly at the moment, and seems to be testing the limit performance of the car. According to his driving method, the car retires at least three or four years in advance.

Anyway, it's not his own car. Han Fei doesn't feel bad at all. He doesn't know how many red lights he ran along the way.

With a hundred thousand yuan in cash, Han Fei went to the century building for a walk. He had a suit of Giorgio Armani, and the hundred thousand yuan in cash was spent immediately.

Thinking of Ye Qiao's words about mulberry and locust tree, Han Fei is amused. Nowadays, women are superficial. They don't know what they mean. They divide people into three, six and nine grades by their clothes.

Han Fei estimates that this suit of clothes can cover Ye Qiao's salary for more than a year. Thinking about the scene that he wears this set of Giorgio Armani to walk down the Benz and appear in front of Ye Qiao, I don't know how wonderful the expression on Ye Qiao's face will be.

Nowadays, money is the master. No matter what kind of woman you are, you can't resist the flood of money. Han Fei thinks that there is a simpler and more effective solution to the contradiction between him and ye Qiao. As it happens, the problems that can be solved with money are not problems for Han Fei.

Seeing a self-service bank by the side of the road, Han Fei stopped and went in.

When he was abroad, he never had to spend money on his food, clothing, housing and transportation. Over the years, Han Fei didn't know how much money he had in his account. It was a long number, plus 6789 zeros.

Han Fei just walked into the glass door, and saw a pair of round and slender black silk legs flash past. Han Fei's heart suddenly moved. It happened that the owner of black silk shook his hair, and the waterfall like long hair flew in the air, revealing the beauty of the city.

Women look in their early twenties and exude a sense of upper class. This kind of person is either from a family or from the top of the company, which is essentially different from those pure campus girls. Especially with the fit of black windbreaker, the goddess temperament is bursting!

Great! Beautiful!

Han Fei did not want to give this woman 98 points, as for the deduction of two points, it is because they are not familiar! I'm not familiar with you. I'm sorry to start if I know you!

Han Fei watched the goddess walk to the ATM until the frosted glass door closed. At this moment, two flustered men came to the door. Han Fei was disappointed and went directly to the ATM.

"It's all women. How can people be intellectually perceptive and exude the breath of a goddess? If you look at Ye Qiao, you'll be a crazy woman, and you'll always take a knife to cut people." Han Fei murmured in his heart and then inserted the card into the ATM.

Han Fei suddenly thought of a joke about ye Qiao, a woman who looks at people with colored glasses.

Don't look at the poor clothes of the old man selling sweet potatoes on the roadside? Maybe he is a retired president with a value of tens of millions!

Despite the slovenness of the shopkeeper opposite the school, there may be two suites in the center of the city and a new Maserati in the garage.

Shallow woman, do you really think that if I dress like this, I have no money?

"Grass! There's no money! "

Han Fei suddenly screams. Looking at the balance of three ninety-eight yuan, Han Fei's heart is like a hundred thousand grass mud horses galloping in line. He can't help smashing the ATM in front of him.

There was a loud bang, and the two men who followed shivered. A bright fruit knife slipped out of his sleeve.

The goddess of black silk happened to turn around and saw the scene in front of her. The two men wanted to follow a little farther and start again. Seeing the story exposed, they took a knife and put it on the goddess's neck. They threatened fiercely: "take out all the money you just took out, and what's the password of the bank card! Sunspot, get ready to withdraw money! "

As soon as Han Fei saw this situation, he was very happy. He was worried about how to chat up the beautiful woman. The two men took the initiative to guest star as the director and supporting actor. Now the script of hero saving beauty has been put on stage, so they are waiting for their protagonist to come on stage!

Han Fei's eyes softened when he looked at the two robbers. As soon as he dozed off, someone took the initiative to make a good bed and send pillows. These two robbers are living Lei Feng in the new era. Good people!

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