Strictly speaking, Lin Keke and Han Fei didn't know each other for a few days. Except for the deleted posts on the Internet about Han Fei rescuing the abducted children, it can be said that Lin Keke knew nothing about Han Fei.

So Lin coco doesn't even know who Han Feigang just called. Looking at his anxious appearance, he should be a woman, and she should be a very beautiful woman.

Can let usually always a pair of aloofness outside the world appearance of Han Fei nervous like this, this woman in his heart must be very heavy! What is he, who is in his heart?

Lin Keke looked at Han Fei's eyes a little confused, and his heart was slightly nervous. Inadvertently, he grasped the corner of his clothes tightly.

Han Fei also calmed down at this time, as if aware of Lin Keke's action, and then said: "ye Qingxue, my brother's daughter, is now my daughter."

Han Fei's calm words set off a storm in Lin Keke's heart. Some words need no explanation, and you can appreciate them carefully.

Han Fei's sentence has a lot of information. Lin Keke chews it repeatedly, and has already understood it a lot. Now his eyes to Han Fei become more blurred.

Such a good man who attaches great importance to love and righteousness, since he has met him, why else can he miss it?

"Feifei, you don't have to worry. Everything will be OK." Lin Keke said again.

At the moment, the arrow on the navigation is moving rapidly, and it is getting closer to the address sent before Qingxue. Further on, the road is full of street vendors, and the car can't drive at all. Han Fei is so anxious that he has a good impression on the powerful Chengguan for the first time.

It's no matter how inconvenient it is to travel on weekdays, but when you really have to wait for something urgent to happen, it will really kill you!

"Feifei, let's get out of the car and run. It's near here anyway. We won't delay anything." Lin said.

Without saying a word, Han Fei pulls open the door and gets out of the car. Lin Keke doesn't hesitate. He trots with Han Fei all the way. Fortunately, the road is very crowded at the moment, and Han Fei can't speed up. Otherwise, Lin Keke may lose Han Fei.

This place Han Fei heard Zheng Hua mention that the public order is chaotic. In this activity, they are mostly gangsters and Taimei on the road. Many young ladies standing on the street can even be seen by the roadside. Some of them just talk about the price, and then they go into one side of the tunnel.

When Han Fei passed a hair salon, there were two women wearing clothes on the street. They could smell their inferior perfume from a distance.

"Come in and have fun, handsome man."

"The whole set is only two hundred and eight. It's an authentic Wan style..."

"You all get out of my way. Don't touch my house and fly!"

Before the two street girls came near, Lin Keke's jealous voice came from behind. The big fat chicken he was optimistic about had not been willing to take a bite. How could these ladies be defiled!

Lin Coco's opening, virtually cleared the way for Han Fei. Those street women who wanted to chat up in front of him also consciously left far away.

On the contrary, after hearing these words, those bastards around turn their attention to Lin cocoa. Some of them don't know how to harass Lin cocoa.

With a scream from Lin Keke, a Hun was smashed directly into the dustbin five meters away. As for the other Huns, Han Fei also gave a reward and flew out. The crisp "click" sound deeply stimulated the auditory nerve of the people.

The rib was broken with one kick. This one was really fierce. The crowd, which was originally very crowded, immediately spread around Hanfei, saving a lot of time for Hanfei.

According to the location sent by Qingxue, it should be right near here. Hanfei looks around, and there is a jinmaiba KTV in front of him, which can meet the conditions. Hanfei speeds up and goes there.

At the moment, the KTV in front of the car has been full of cars, a few modified motorcycles fancy horizontal there, all of a sudden occupied several parking spaces.

Several gangsters were smoking on the motorbike, and their mouth was full of rude words. At the beginning, nine of the ten sentences could not be separated from a certain part of a woman, whistling to passing women from time to time.

Originally, these bastards won't care about Han Fei, but there is a girl standing beside them. Han Fei looks familiar to her, especially the dense earrings in her ear mountain. Han Fei immediately responds that this girl is the sister who followed her when she first saw Qingxue!

At the moment, the girl is full of flattery, standing next to these people hunzi, with a pack of cigarettes in her hand, she politely handed them up and lit them one by one. Those hunzi, regardless of anything, put her hand directly into her clothes and touched them. It seems that her meaning is not enough.

Han Fei walked past quietly, only to hear the earring sister flattering to the head of a bastard said: "big brother, this time to cheat her, but I spent a lot of effort, you see this..."

The bastard laughed, put his hand on the buttocks of the earring girl and patted it hard. Then he felt out a pill like thing from his pocket and threw it on the ground.

"Thank you, brother! Thank you, brother! " The earring girl immediately picked up the pill, put it in the palm of her hand like a baby, nodded and ran away.

Han Fei's face becomes more and more ugly. All day long he gets mixed up with these people. It's inevitable for him to degenerate. Qingxue's disordered social relations must be completely broken!

If there are really a few people who don't know what to do and still want to pester Qingxue, Han Fei doesn't mind sending them down to the big fish in the river for supper!

Forced to suppress the anger in his heart, Han Fei walked into the hall quickly, followed by Lin coco.

At the moment, the hall is full of mischievous men and women, and the whole KTV is full of smoke. I knew this was such a dirty place. Han Fei was about to pull the snow out of here!

Han Fei's arrival did not attract anyone's attention, but as soon as Lin Keke came in, he attracted a lot of people's attention and learned the lesson just now. Lin Keke closely followed Han Fei this time, and there was no open-minded bastard to look for trouble.

Han Fei went directly to the front desk, took out his mobile phone and said to the waitress, "in which room is the girl in the picture, with a group of thugs."

The waitress looked a little disdainful when she heard this: "I'm sorry, sir. People are coming and going here. I can't remember who is right with whom. This girl seems to have been here and gone out. If you don't want to call her out, you can't go in and look for her."

Seeing that Han Fei's face was not right, Lin Keke immediately went forward and said, "this girl's dress is obviously different from those of her younger sisters. If you know it, you can quickly say that the parents have come here. If you are vague again, in case something happens, you can't run away!"

This words, the waitress obviously hesitated: "we have rules here, can't casually expose the information of the guest, or you'd better call her to come out."

"Pa" a dull sound, two bright red grandfather Mao was photographed on the table, the waitress slightly swallowed saliva, quietly received the two grandfather Mao palm.

"On the fourth floor, four fifteen. The third room on the left is on the fourth floor." The waitress said quickly.

Without saying a word, Han Fei directly takes Lin Keke in. The fire fighting here is obviously unqualified. The corridor is full of smoke and there is not even an elevator. Han Fei can only climb up the stairs with Lin Keke.

There is no window on the stairs, nor is it a closed stairwell. If there is a fire and the door is locked again, the people inside will be choked to death even if they are not burned to death!

Fortunately, Lin Keke is also running back and forth in the hospital. It's not difficult for her to climb to the fourth floor. The only thing that makes her feel uncomfortable is that at the corner of the stairs on each floor, almost a couple of men and women are holding each other. Lin Keke's face is slightly red, while Han Fei's face is becoming more and more cold.

This is exactly what kind of smoky place, ye Qingxue, she can not know it! Anyway, she's almost an adult. Doesn't she have the ability to distinguish right from wrong!

She dares to come to such a place where snakes and mice are mixed. She doesn't know what time it is in the evening to go home. She really thinks that her good sisters are good things. They just sell her. She doesn't know what's going on!

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