With the roar of the engine, ye Qingxue's thoughts are a little bit erratic. Looking at the broken jade pieces in her hands, ye Qingxue feels worried.

This is Hanfei's first gift. They all say that gold is valuable and jade is priceless. What's more, she has a deep understanding of the effect of this jade.

No matter how nervous ye Qingxue is, she can guess that this jade must be quite valuable in the market. Han Fei gave it to him without hesitation, but he

At the thought of this, ye Qingxue's heart becomes more chaotic. When he breaks the jade, Han Fei must be very disappointed with himself.

Ye Qingxue looks at Han Fei's extremely pale face through the rear mirror. She wants to cry but doesn't dare to cry. Especially when she looks at a lot of packed clothes beside her, ye Qingxue feels more guilty.

Originally, Han Fei and the coco sister went out on a date and went shopping. As soon as he heard that he was in trouble, he immediately put down all the things in hand and rushed to come.

At the beginning, ye Qingxue didn't believe what Lin Keke said, but when she returned to the private room, the seventh rainbow on the table deeply hurt her visual nerve.

Ye Qingxue has a look at the mobile phones left on the table. The contents of the records make her despair. If Han Fei didn't find it wrong today, she would come here immediately

But what did you do?

Ye Qingxue's eyes are red. She puts her hand into the seat and touches the back of Han Fei and asks, "brother, do you still feel pain here?"

Lin Keke is moved. He doesn't know whether to comfort Qingxue or Hanfei. On the contrary, Hanfei says, "what's your name? Didn't I tell you to call dad?"

Ye Qingxue opens her mouth. She doesn't know how to open her mouth. Lin Keke makes it right away. The embarrassing atmosphere is finally over.

"Feifei, it's so late now, or you can stay in my house. Anyway, there are still rooms available at home, and the beds and bedding are good. It's really not good. You can live downstairs." Lin Keke looks at Han Fei more and more tired, full of heartache.

"I'll disturb you." Han Fei said.

He knows his own physical condition. Han Fei never likes to do meaningless things like beating a fat face and filling a fat man. If he drives on this condition, I'm afraid he'll have to faint on the way.

"Can you drive?" Han Fei said coldly.

Lin Ke Ke Leng for a moment: "bumper car count?"

"It's OK. Driving is actually very simple. You can understand it like this. This is the accelerator, this is the brake, and this is the steering wheel. Just step on the brake in case of any emergency..." Han Fei gave Lin Keke a simple training for half a minute, and then asked, "do you understand?"

"Well... I seem to understand." Lin Keke replied faltering.

"That's OK. Change the position and help me hold it for a while." Han Fei finished and got out of the car. Lin coco was a little stunned. Mechanically, he got out of the car and sat in the driver's seat. His hand holding the steering wheel was shaking constantly.

"But... But... I don't even have a driver's license!" Lin Keke is a little worried. If he really wants to get on the road, it will become the speed of life and death!

"I don't have a driver's license, so I'm still driving well? Step on the brake immediately if you have any problems. There is no car on the road at this point. Even if you run into one or two cars and drive slowly, others will definitely avoid you. You can rest assured. " Han Fei then irresponsibly closed his eyes. When Lin coco spoke again, Han Fei seemed to have fallen asleep.

Lin coco is also heart like deer hit at the moment, trembling to start the car, ye Qingxue also carefully came up, in this way, the car with nearly snail speed bit by bit in the road wriggling.

Until a Cayenne appears from the corner coldly, Lin Keke is nervous and mistakenly takes Han Fei's accelerator as the brake, and the Mercedes Benz rushes towards the Cayenne at the extreme speed.

The man in the car was scared to pee. He drove the steering wheel like crazy and ran into the green belt in the middle of the road. It was dangerous and dangerous to pass the crazy Benz!

The man in the car was still in shock. It was the first time that he felt that death was so close to him! Slightly feel some wet crotch, the man was shy and angry, immediately roared out of the window.

"Can you drive or not! Will it The young man was obviously furious to the extreme. Looking at the Mercedes Benz that was rapidly disappearing in his sight, the man's expression lit up instantly!

"Damn it! I said brother! eldest brother! Can you stop playing with me! This is the third time! For the third time The man got out of the car with a loud voice and yelled at him.

By the faint light, the man in the present age is Zhao Xiaoge who has disappeared for a period of time!

Three times! Three times, he was forced to the green belt and guardrail by the same person. Looking at the nearly scrapped front of the car, which was just mentioned yesterday, Zhao Xiaoge could not help yelling at the night.

It wasn't until the evening wind blew, and there was a little coolness coming from his crotch that Zhao Xiaoge got back into the car with a face full of shame and anger, and subconsciously looked at the time. It's 10:18 p.m., and I don't know if he can call a trailer at this point, otherwise he can only ask the team's colleagues for help again.

"Shame Zhao Xiaoge angrily smashed the steering wheel.

The first two times when he was on duty, he ran into a guardrail on the road, which was a great shame for the traffic police team. He let himself disappear from the team for a few days. Finally, he let himself come back. He didn't know how to rush back from the provincial capital with a Cayenne. Before he got home, he was forced to the green belt by the wild Benz for the third time!

At present, the private trailer can't be called. Brother Zhao has no choice but to call his friends in the team: "Hello, brother Wang, I'm Xiao Zhao. The trailer in the team is still there. Yes, yes, I'll send you an address. Please hurry and bring me the trailer. And don't forget to bring me a pair of trousers. If there is no uniform, it will be OK!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Xiaoge wanted to cry without tears. Looking at the shrunken front of the car, Zhao Xiaoge immediately got through another phone: "Hello, sister, it's me. Are you still rich recently? That's OK. You can borrow me tens of thousands to repair the car at the 4S shop. If you don't talk about it, it's all tears!"

In this way, the two girls screamed all the way, and finally drove the car on the road without danger. As for some poor car owners, the better one was to change lanes temporarily, and the worse one was that Zhao Xiaoge, for example, bumped into the green belt in the middle of the road.

Han Fei was really tired. Although the two girls around him screamed constantly, he still didn't open his eyes until the Mercedes Benz passed the remote intersection again. The feeling of being watched immediately swept over him.

Han Fei suddenly opened his eyes. The car was empty. At the moment when he was about to cross the intersection, Han Fei clearly saw a figure kneeling on the ground and licking something madly!

Han Fei's face suddenly changed. The place where the figure knelt was only one step away from the place where he knelt last night!

Han Fei suddenly felt that a figure was turning to look this way, but the Mercedes Benz was driving too fast. Han Fei barely saw a figure about to turn around. Then his head ached. When he opened his eyes again, Lin coco screamed at the magic operation of constantly switching between the steering wheel, accelerator and brake.

Fortunately, there was no danger. The car finally arrived at the gate of the community and stopped in the open space in front of it. The two girls got out of the car in shock.

It shows that Han Fei is not in good shape today. Lin Keke and ye Qingxue take the initiative to carry the big and small bags on the back seat, and the three walk towards the unit where Lin Keke lives.

The planning of high-end residential area has its own characteristics. Except for the most peripheral residential area, the grade is a little lower. The more you go inside, the higher the green landscape and square inside. It gives people the feeling that this is not a domestic residential area at all, but a visit to those Royal Gardens abroad.

Ye Qingxue looked at some Lengshen, did not expect that the coco elder sister actually lived in such a high-end place, her family must be very rich!

At the thought of this, ye Qingxue can't help but feel a little cramped. Especially when walking on the carpet from the entrance of the unit to the inner square ring road, Qingxue is obviously a little stage fright. She seems to be afraid that she will step on the carpet with one foot.

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