Naturally, the two people in the room don't care about ye Qingxue's careful thinking. They should do what they want. Until Lin Keke helps Han Fei change his clothes and is about to come out, Qingxue runs far away and looks at the decoration in the room with a novel look.

"Sister coco, is such a big house yours?" Ye Qingxue's tentative way of uncertainty.

"It can be said that my name is written on the house property certificate." Lin Keke replied with a smile.

As soon as ye Qingxue hears this, her inferiority complex starts to make trouble again. Although both of them have a suite, the suite in her name is probably not worth a bathroom here, right?

"Coco elder sister, how much does your house cost?" Ye Qingxue tries to find a sense of existence for herself. If the difference in house prices is not too great, she may be able to buy a decent house here if she sells the resettlement house after getting a sum of compensation from the demolition there.

Kelin cocoa's next sentence, but directly broke all the fantasy of Ye Qingxue.

"The house seemed to have bought more than 70000 square meters at that time, but now the house price seems to have gone up a lot. If you calculate it like this, it will be millions anyway." Lin Keke thought and said.

Ye Qingxue was stunned. She thought these high-end residential areas would be sold to one or two thousand square meters, but now she realized that one or two thousand is only the most peripheral low-cost housing. In the core area, just facing the carpet outside, the house price would have to increase several times.

"Qingxue, what are you doing?" Lin can see the snow running away, can't help but ask.

"I'll get my clothes and take a bath." Ye Qingxue casually pulled a reason, Lin Keke smile.

After taking a bath and changing clothes, the two girls sat on the open balcony blowing the river wind, eating steak and drinking red wine. This kind of comfortable life has never been enjoyed by Qingxue for more than ten years.

In the past, ye Qingxue never dared to imagine that she would sit in millions of big houses. The current scene makes her dream.

"Qingxue, do you like it here?" Asked Lin coco.

"I like it." Qingxue answers truthfully.

"If you like, move to your sister's house." Lin suggested.

"That's not good, is it?" Ye Qingxue some embarrassed said.

"What's wrong? It's boring to live here alone. If someone lives together and talks, it's good. Besides, it'll be a family in the future." Lin Keke said with a smile.

Ye Qingxue was a little confused and a little bit moved, then her expression was a little struggling.

Lin coco sees all this in his eyes, smiles and says nothing about the red wine in his cup. Ye Qingxue's wavering attitude is a good signal.

Rome wasn't built in a day. Lin Keke knows this best. But as long as he keeps the snow, can Han Fei live elsewhere? Obviously not!

Lin Keke is very good at grasping the essence of things. When she thinks of this, her mouth can no longer hide the smile. She shakes the red wine in her glass and then drinks it all.

On the same night, they were sitting here enjoying themselves in Qingxue, but in a dark corner more than ten kilometers away, it was another busy scene.

After being busy for a long time, the man finally stopped, took out the lighter, lit a cigarette, took two deep breaths, and then exhaled a long breath.

Through the dim light, you can see a sense of relief on the tired face. After this, he will be able to go far away from home, and no longer have to do those dirty things he does not want to do.

After smoking a cigarette, the man walked slowly to a deserted intersection. I don't know when a black car was parked on the side of the road.

When I opened the trunk of the car, there were two wide safes inside. The man's face was a little excited. When I opened the trunk, I found that there were bundles of 100 yuan bills in the two boxes.

With this money, he can spend the rest of his life in any second and third tier cities in China!

The man closed the trunk, and then got on the car. Under the roar of the engine, the car was driving fast towards the suburban road. He must stay away from the seaside as soon as possible, and the farther away the better!

Seeing that the car had been driven on the suburban road, the man could not help but relax and subconsciously went through the whole thing in his mind. Suddenly, he felt that the whole thing was going smoothly, which made him feel a little unreal.

Zhang shaokuo's hand, in particular, made him even more suspicious. The man always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it again, so he was upset.

Suddenly stop the car, the man lit a cigarette, habitually will put down the window, but I do not know why, the window switch seems to fail.

The man subconsciously pulled the door handle of the car, and the door didn't move. An unnatural flash flashed in the man's eyes. He immediately went to open the door on the other side, but still couldn't open it. The man finally began to panic!

At this time, the mobile phone cold not Ding ring up, a look is Zhang Shao call, he immediately connected the phone.

"Is everything done?" On the other side of the phone, Zhang Shao asked leisurely.

"Zhang Shao, it's all done!" The man forbeared his doubts and said.

"Very good, then you can disappear. Oh, I forgot to tell you that the five million dollars in the car, except for some counterfeit money, I have changed the rest into Ming coins for you. Don't thank me. This is your reward for being a dog for our Huang family over the years." Zhang Shao finished and hung up.

The man's eyes were filled with panic. He kicked the locked door crazily. On the quiet and empty suburban road, he heard a man's crazy cry in the car, and then there was an explosion. The car had been engulfed by the fire

The next morning, Han Fei wakes up from his sleep. He can hear the rhythmic sound of Aerobics coming from the living room. He follows the sound and sees Qingxue following Lin Keke to show her figure according to the instructions on the big screen.

Han Fei laughs and then coughs twice. They react suddenly.

"Feifei, are you awake? How do you feel? " Lin Keke asked in surprise.

"It's OK, but I'm a little hungry. Do you have anything to eat?" Han Fei asked.

"It's already ready for you!" Lin Keke said, bringing a well prepared breakfast from the kitchen, including eggs, bread and milk, and a large plate of cold cut beef sprinkled with coriander.

Han Fei is not polite. He grabs the things on the table and starts to gobble them up. Looking at the plate of beef eaten by Han Fei, Lin coco can't help but smile. He is right.

Having enough to eat and drink, Han Fei's spirit is much better. At first glance, it's almost 9:30. At this time in the past, he had been playing cards with Zheng Hua in the security room.

"It's late. If you want to go to work, you should go quickly. I'll take care of Qingxue here, so you don't have to worry about it." Lin Keke said with a smile.

"Well, this girl is a little wild. I'll trouble you a lot." Han Fei said.

"It doesn't bother at all. Qingxue is a good child. We've been together all night, and now we're all good sisters." Lin Ke said laughably.

Seeing that the snow in the living room hasn't come over, Han Fei doesn't say much. Maybe the girl is still feeling guilty about yesterday.

Han Fei thought about it and went out directly. Anyway, with Coco's help, nothing would happen to this girl.

With the sound of closing the door, ye Qingxue, who has been a little nervous all the time, feels a bit lost. With coco elder sister, she is not willing to talk to herself any more?

Ye Qingxue can't help but have a little resentment against Lin Keke, but before the flame of resentment grows, it is put out by Lin Keke's understatement.

"Qingxue, a LV store has just opened on the pedestrian street. Let's go and pick out two bags we like. Later, my sister will pick out some clothes for you. As long as we dress up a little, Qingxue must be a little princess in a fairy tale."

Under the bombardment of sugar coated shells, ye Qingxue didn't know what moral integrity was for a long time. One by one, Coco's elder sister was sweeter than anyone else. When the uninformed outsiders saw this scene, they thought they were close sisters to each other!

On the other hand, Han Fei drove to the gate of the community. Before he got off, he saw the Yellow haired boy who had been crouching in front of the gate.

The boy came several times, and Zheng Hua and others knew him. They not only poured him a glass of water, but also kindly moved out a stool to sit for him. Originally, they asked him to go to the security room to blow the air conditioner, but he had to wait at the gate of the community. Zheng Hua couldn't resist the boy's temperament, and now they had to let him.

"It's early. Let's go and talk about you." Han Fei said and walked toward the security room, followed by the yellow boy.

As soon as they saw that Han Fei and Huang Mao came in together, Zheng Hua knew that they were absolutely busy. For a moment, the brothers in the security room stopped playing cards, and immediately gave them a space to do what they should do.

"Tell me, what's the matter with your injury?" Han Fei light mouth way.

Huang Mao boy immediately knelt down in front of Han Fei: "brother, I want to follow you. Please accept me, or I won't get up today!"

Han Fei is not very surprised. He just smiles. This boy is really a dead eye.

"If you want to kneel, I won't stop you, but don't kneel here. The air conditioner here is blowing like something. It's a man kneeling outside in the sun. If you can kneel for three or two hours without getting up, I admire you for being a character." Han Fei joked.

"Ah? Do you really want to go out and kneel The yellow boy is a little confused. In case of heatstroke, he will play a big game.

"Come on, tell me what's the matter with you. It's useless to talk about it. Don't let me talk. You can't cool yourself. Just stay." Han Fei said.

On hearing this, Huang Mao didn't dare to be hypocritical any more. He immediately told the story like beans.

The yellow boy's name is Le Xiaotian. He didn't have a father when he was young. His mother went there early. He has been out since he was young. However, his gangsters are nothing more than a group of little brothers and sisters. They can sing a song and take a ride together when they have nothing to do.

Although Le Xiaotian has no father and no mother, he can still make sense economically. There is no other reason. There is a small Internet bar under his name, which has a fixed flow of income every day. He has a natural and unrestrained life.

The problem is that there is an Internet bar. Some time ago, a few bastard like people suddenly came to him and said they would spend money to set up his Internet bar. Le Xiaotian refused without thinking about it.

He spends money lavishly, even if it is to give him a golden mountain, it will be defeated by him soon, but as long as the Internet bar is in his own hands, every day is a visible flow of income, no matter how can not starve to death.

Le Xiaotian refused simply, those bastards didn't say anything, just said let him think clearly, they will come back in a few days.

At first, Le Xiaotian didn't care. He should eat and drink every day. He followed a group of little brothers outside to enjoy themselves.

But just a few days ago, those bastards came again. This time, they were so rude that they were going to set up his Internet bar for 20000 yuan. It was obvious that they were bullying people.

The more than 100 machines in the Internet cafes alone are far more than that much money. In particular, the house in the Internet cafes belongs to his own family. Nowadays, even a brick and tile house with more than ten square meters can sell for 70000 yuan, 20000 yuan, even if the house with computer lets him sell the Internet cafes. This is a toad's dream!

This group of people is clearly looking for trouble, and they have to do something if they don't agree with each other. Fortunately, on that day, all the friends were rolling around in the field. As soon as they saw that the situation was not right, a dozen brothers rushed over with folding chairs.

As soon as the group saw that the number of people was not dominant, they left with a few cruel words. Le Xiaotian thought that the matter was completely over, and he still took his friends with him to eat and drink every day.

That is, the night after the incident, when Le Xiaotian took a few friends to the barbecue, he saw Han Fei's Thunderclap method of instantly putting down the four outlaws.

It was at that time that Le Xiaotian had the idea of following Han Fei. At least he was covered by such a fierce big brother. He would never dare to fight his Internet bar again.

This matter is not over, for several days in a row, the small Internet bar has been calm, until that day at noon, Le Xiaotian suddenly received a phone call to say, his Internet bar was smashed!

In a hurry, he drove back by motorcycle. He thought that he would be able to live in wangba town. He didn't want to wait for him. He turned out to be dozens of bastards with galvanized water pipes.

Yue Xiaotian is scared to pee and runs out. Although he has a Yamaha, he is not barefooted. After running for a long distance, he is still overturned by someone with a car.

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