Han Fei was amused by Cai Ya's action, and then said to Cai ya, "Cai ya, is this big cake really so delicious? When we get out of here, I'll treat you to authentic French fried prawns! "

"Fried prawns in oil? What's that? Do you have big cakes? " Caiya asked.

"Yes! I'm sure it's more fragrant than the big cake you have in your hand! " Han Fei said with a smile.

"Better than big cakes? Is it better than a big cake with green onion? " Cai Ya continued to ask.

Han Fei heard this, the corner of his mouth also can't help twitching twice, and then decisively ended the topic, or wait for caiya to know what shrimp is, and then discuss with him which is better.

Shasha's voice is getting louder and louder, and the three people are also nervous. Caiya is still holding the big cake in his arms. As for Han Fei and sweet potato, they are concentrating on the rising tomb door.

As soon as the door of the tomb was opened, there was a bad smell. At the same time, there was a lot of water vapor. Han Fei and sweet potato looked at each other at the same time, and their eyes flashed with dignity.

"If I guess correctly, there should be a large number of living creatures. Compared with them, I'd rather go and get black donkey hooves and a few rice dumplings." Sweet potato squeezed out a smile.

Han Fei's heart is also bottomless. As soon as the door of the tomb opened a two finger wide gap, Han Fei immediately folded a magnesium stick and threw it in. He was shocked by everything in front of him!

"Caiya! Come on! Some dynamite Han Fei's conditioned reflex roars.

Cai Ya didn't drop his chain at this critical moment. He just thought Han Fei wanted to have a good time together. He just lit the explosive package on his hand, but Han Fei grabbed it and quickly threw it into the gap in the tomb door.

"Bang" a dull sound came, and then it was like the clang of countless steel balls smashed on the wall. A bad smell also came. Along the gap of the tomb door, a dark green liquid slowly flowed in, which was also mixed with countless black Jiake like objects.

As soon as the dark green liquid touched the floor of the tomb, it immediately made a "hiss" sound, and the hard stone ground immediately became potholes.

Sweet potato and vegetable tooth startled looked, did not expect this dark green juice, unexpectedly has such intense corrosiveness!

Fortunately, Han Fei's previous foot made countless cracks appear in the tomb, and the deep gully also removed part of the liquid, but even so, the outcome of the three is not optimistic.

With the light of the magnesium stick, several people clearly saw the scene behind the wooden door. Even after seeing the zongzi with wings behind the ribs, Han Fei felt that the scene in front of him was much more terrible than the place where the corpse was raised before. Maybe not waiting for the tomb door to open, the three people should really bury their bones here, but it's OK to really leave the corpses, I'm afraid I can't even get rid of the bones in the end!

In front of them, the white zongzi, whose shell was comparable to refined steel, was melted into a pool of white pulp by the dark green liquid in just a few seconds. Now something must be done.

Otherwise, even if we avoid these strong corrosive liquids, we can't avoid the flying insects behind us. After all, the number of them is several times more than the total population of the world!

At present, there is no way to retreat and no way to defend. It seems to be a desperate situation. In this last time, we must do something. We must not sit here waiting to die!

Han Fei quickly glanced at everything in the tomb, no matter it was the stone wall or the dome. Except for the eight black holes on the stone wall, Han Fei did not find anything beneficial to them.

The eight openings correspond to eight passageways. They have already experienced the first two passageways. In addition, the last passageway can not enter, and they can only place their hopes in the remaining five passageways.

But in this short period of time, even if explosives are used, only one hole can be selected for fixed-point blasting. No one is sure whether the remaining explosives can blow up such a thick stone wall. Moreover, even if one of the channels is blown up, it may not be a smooth road, and it may be even worse.

Even if they are lucky enough to burst the shed, they just blow up a safe passage, and they can't escape the black swarms of flying insects behind the tomb door. Even the juice inside the body is so corrosive. If they bite, they will be killed instantly!

"Little brother, at present, there is no way to heaven and no way to earth. What can you and we do?" Caiya asked anxiously.

Cai Ya's words made Han Fei have a flash of inspiration. He scanned every corner of the tomb carefully. At this time, Han Fei didn't dare to be careless. He was afraid that he might miss something special if he didn't pay attention to it. At this time, the trace of something special might be their straw!

The whole area of the tomb is not large. Han Fei searches the ground bit by bit. When he uses it, the sound of collision outside the tomb becomes more and more intense. When he goes to the open-air old toilet in the summer, the sound of "buzzing" is just like the sound of flying flies. Now the sound is magnified hundreds of times, Just listening to the sound outside the tomb makes people feel extremely uneasy.

"Brother, it's really no good. Let's light this pile of gunpowder and have a good time. Just as those anti Japanese movies say, the last grenade is always for ourselves. We'd rather die than make a big meal for these bedbugs!" Cai Ya said that he hit the windproof lighter again, but it scared the sweet potato into a cold sweat. If the hand of the rammer shivered, they would be finished completely without waiting for the flying insects outside.

At the moment, the sweet potato stepped forward and snatched the lighter from caiya's hand: "you rammer! This just don't scold you, you kid make a mess again! Get the hell out of here

From just now on, sweet potato noticed that Han Fei had been searching for something in the tomb, but he didn't know. So he didn't even dare to say one more word, for fear that it would disturb Han Fei at the moment. After all, their lives would be greatly threatened if they were delayed for one more second.

Sweet potato knows that he can't help, so he doesn't make trouble for Han Fei as much as possible. Unexpectedly, he doesn't have anything to do here, but caiya can't keep his temper. Fortunately, the big mistake didn't happen, otherwise the three of them will be a complete tragedy.

"Brother, you go on." Sweet potato nervous to Han Fei said, now there is no time to reprimand vegetable teeth.

Han Fei frowned tightly and continued to search on the ground. After watching for a long time, he didn't see anything special. Until he turned his eyes to the huge coffin, Han Fei suddenly realized.

However, at this time, countless floating black spots suddenly appeared in front of the tomb door, and the harsh "buzzing" sound seemed to be the music of death. In just a few seconds, these flying insects had come in a lot, and were running up and down around the tomb door quickly.

Once these flying insects notice the existence of their three big living people, they will die immediately!

"Hurry up! Let's go to the coffin together Cried Han Fei.

At the moment, they couldn't tolerate sweet potato and caiya's thinking. They ran to the coffin. Although the coffin was a little too big, if three people were put in at the same time, there would be some crowding. The most important thing is that if the coffin was not covered properly, it would be useless even if they were put in the coffin!

"Grandma, who is a bear, is already dead. She's still here. Move a place for us quickly!" Caiya scolds, then reaches out his hand and grabs the bronze man in the coffin. The sweet potato sees that caiya can't make it by himself. At the moment, he also rolls up his sleeve and joins the procession of moving the corpse.

At this time, who cares whether it's meat or glutinous rice dumplings? It's just that the guy in the coffin is very big. With his thick bronze armor, sweet potato and vegetable tooth, he couldn't drag him out of the coffin.

"I'll do it." Han Fei said, measuring the weight of the bronze man. Han Fei took a deep breath, then suddenly grabbed the bronze man's arm, pulled him out of the coffin, and threw him heavily on the door of the tomb.

"Bang" a loud sound came, flying insects around the tomb door were scared away most of the time, no one would consider the fate of the meat dumplings, the three immediately pushed the coffin cover on the coffin, at this time, the flying insects also found the existence of Han Fei three people, instant like a gray air flow toward here.

"No, those bugs are coming!" Cai Ya exclaimed.

Han Fei also felt numb. Looking at the backpack five meters away, Han Fei turned around and jumped into the coffin. Sweet potato and vegetable tooth also worked together. At the moment when Han Fei came in, he finally covered the heavy coffin.

The three men were all in shock at the moment, and then there was a "bang bang bang" sound from their heads, as if someone was shooting at the steel plate with a submachine gun. If they were called, it would not be easier than getting a bullet!

Just at this time, a pale light suddenly lit up from the coffin. As soon as I saw the two pale faces in front of me, the three people in the coffin screamed at the same time. Even with Han Fei's psychological quality, I felt hairy. Two pale faces suddenly appeared in the dark coffin. What could be more frightening than that!

"Caiya! You son of a bitch! Can you say hello before turning on the flashlight Sweet potato said angrily.

"Hey, brother Gua, I just want to make a joke with you. I didn't expect that even I was scared." Vegetable tooth simple and honest explanation way.

Han Fei was speechless when he heard this: "brother, do you know that it will frighten people to death! What could be more terrible than the sudden appearance of two faces

At this time, the sweet potato on one side gently poked Han Fei, and then whispered: "brother, it's really there. Listen to me."

Sweet potato this words let Han Fei's heart thoroughly gloomy down, three people just quiet down, hear bursts of "Chi" sound from four weeks, that kind of sharp sound is like taking a blunt knife to rub on the bone, listen to a scalp numbness.

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