Urban Superboy

Chapter 1432

Because of many reasons, Fengfeng received special care when he was practicing in Yuezhou people's hospital. These factors include Fengfeng's beautiful appearance and good figure, the rescue incident in Lanting scenic area last time, and the greetings from the leaders above.

The teacher treated her very well, and even the director of his department planned not to arrange her to work night shift during the internship.

But Fengfeng knows that if you want to be a qualified doctor, you have to go through the night shift.

Night shift is a barrier that clinicians can't get around in their work experience. No matter whether you like it or not, as long as you work in a hospital and do the work of a clinician, you must work countless night shifts.

A lot of work experience is gained on the night shift.

Therefore, Fengfeng himself asked to take the night shift with the teacher.

Now she's interning in the emergency department.

This is the most tense and busy department in the whole hospital.

As the location of the emergency center of Yuezhou City, most of the acute and severe patients in Yuezhou city and even the surrounding counties and cities are collected here. Every medical staff working here is as busy as a war. Most of them have no time to drink water and go to the toilet, let alone do their own private affairs.

Feng Feng, as an intern, is also the same. She has been working hard with her teachers to rescue patients, deal with injuries, write medical orders and answer questions from patients and their families.

Although the mobile phone is in her pocket, she has no time to see whether it is a phone call or a message.

Although she volunteered to take the night shift, the department took good care of her. Her night shift was only arranged until 10 o'clock in the evening.

Medical students who practice in outpatient and emergency departments do not have to work all night. They can leave their jobs and go back to rest before 11:00 p.m. at the latest at 12:00 p.m. Feng Feng could have been off the night shift at 10 o'clock, but because the emergency department was too busy, she had been helping her until about 11 o'clock when she was a little free.

At 10:50, under the instruction of the teacher several times, she finished her work and went to wash her hands and change clothes to get ready for work.

This evening, through her hand, she successfully rescued a patient with cardiac arrest. She was filled with a sense of accomplishment when she saw the family members of the patient from the original wailing to the excited tears and continuous thanks.

The joy brought by this sense of achievement is far from comparable in other aspects. There are not many things in life that are more fulfilling and happier than taking back a person who was going to die from the God of death and giving him a second life.

The night shift starts from 4:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. and is busy all the time. Fengfeng feels very tired. But because she was happy, the physical fatigue did not make her feel bad. After taking off the work clothes and leaving the emergency department, I felt relaxed all over the body and breathed the clean air outside. The whole person was refreshing.

She didn't want to take a taxi. She was ready to walk back. Walking, soothing muscles and bones, breathing fresh air, fatigue will soon be eliminated.

Knowing that she was beautiful and well built, she was afraid that some evil people would covet her, so she wrapped up her coat, put a pair of glasses on her nose, and messed up her hair.

When walking, she also pays attention to check the edge of the situation, if there is anything abnormal, run to the crowded place.

This is the experience Cao Yue taught her.

I'm in a good mood today, so I walk happily.

But after walking some distance, she immediately found that the situation was not quite right.

There were two people following her all the time. Although she was not sure that they were following her, she had a bad feeling.

Therefore, she immediately followed Cao Yue's orders and took some measures to prevent tracking, but the two men still followed her.

Feng Feng couldn't help being a little nervous. He didn't dare to go to his own residence, but went to a place with many people.

Although it was late at night, there was still a lot of people around the hospital, especially in those restaurants. Fengfeng hoped to scare off the two people when they went to a crowded place. As she walked away, she took her cell phone out of her pocket and was ready to call for help if necessary.

Last time, Zhang Dongchu of the municipal bureau gave her telephone number and said that he could be called at any time if there was anything wrong.

But before she went to a crowded place, a van came quickly and stopped beside her. Two people jumped out of the car and pulled her into the car with tacit understanding.

The two men who had been following them just now also came close.

When Fengfeng struggled and tried to call for help, two cars came from two directions and blocked the van. After the car stopped, a number of people got off the two cars.

"Cao Yue!" after seeing one person's appearance, Feng Feng was surprised and called out with all his strength.

She not only saw Cao Yue, but also saw Cao Yue's white SUV.

Some of the people who got out of the car were still armed with guns.

Not only Fengfeng was shocked by the situation just now, but those who wanted to kidnap her were also shocked by the situation that appeared later.They didn't expect so many people to come out when they started to hold Fengfeng. However, they soon realized that these people were waiting for their hands to start. When they were ready to take Fengfeng, they were arrested on the spot.

They won't be caught like this. When things get to this point, they'll have to fight a dead end.

But before they could react, a few guns were aimed at them. The two people holding Fengfeng were knocked down on the ground by Cao Yue for the first time, unable to get up.

After regaining his freedom, Feng Feng, who was extremely frightened, threw himself into Cao Yue's arms and wept with joy.

Those who wanted to hold Feng Feng were quickly subdued and pinned to the ground.

Cao hugged Feng Feng tightly, patted her back and said, "don't be afraid. The bad guys have been caught. It's OK."

"You already knew that someone wanted to hold me, didn't you?" Feng Feng, after all, is not a big chest brainless person, she is extremely clever, and immediately reacts to what is going on.

"The police are not sure if someone is trying to deal with you, but when they find that someone is following you, director Zhang called me. I drove directly from Hangzhou, but fortunately I came in time." Cao Yue also briefly explained two sentences, and then said with a smile: "the specific situation, wait for a moment. You go to the car first. Don't be afraid. Those with guns are policemen. "

But Feng Feng is still not willing to let go of Cao Yue, his hands tightly around his body.

Although she had a similar experience in the casino last time, Cao Yue, the man she could rely on most, was beside her. She naturally showed her little daughter's mentality.

Cao Yue didn't force her. He took her body and went to Zhang Dongchu.

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