Urban Superboy

Chapter 1438

Cao Yue said so domineering, LV Changle was very surprised, this and her impression of Cao more a little different.

However, she likes Cao Yue to show this way, rogue and insolent. Treating the villain in this way is the most enjoyable means.

If you have to worry about face and benevolence when you compete with "bad people", you can't do a lot of things.

If you want to make the "bad guys" eat shriveled, they must be worse than them. LV Changle agrees with this.

In fact, she likes to do it herself. Sometimes she has no bottom line.

Zhu Jianrong struggled to get up from the ground and glared at Cao Yue. But when he saw Cao Yue's murderous eyes, he couldn't help shivering. He understood that Cao Yue's threat today was not a casual remark, but a real one.

"Call your grandfather. You can't do this kind of thing. If you're embarrassed, I'll help you. I think your grandfather still takes you seriously and will be willing to take out the money and buy your life. " Cao Yue said, went to Zhu Jianrong side, from his body searched out the mobile phone.

At this time, my mobile phone rang.

Cao Yue immediately happy: "say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive, it seems that your grandfather knows you are in trouble, help to drive."

With that, he pressed down the answer key of the phone and turned on the handsfree.

When the phone was connected, the voice of Peking Opera came from the receiver. Cao Yue laughed twice and said, "the old man is still very interested. He is listening to Beijing opera."

"Jianrong?" He didn't hear Zhu Jianrong's voice, but heard another strange voice. He could not help being a little surprised and called.

"Grandfather, it's me!" Zhu Jianrong did not dare to keep silent.

"What's going on?"

"Grandfather, I was held hostage by Cao Yue." Zhu Jianrong is very aggrieved, also very oppressive ground says: "he wants to blackmail you with me."

"What?" The other end of the phone Zhu immediately angry, "he ate leopard gall, actually dare to hold you."

After the angry voice said this, he felt wrong again and asked, "where is he now?"

Since Cao Yue held Zhu Jianrong hostage, Zhu Jianrong must have lost his freedom now, and Cao Yue should stay with him.

"Grandfather Zhu, I'm here," Cao Yue replied with a smile. "I'm having tea with your grandson and Changle at Wanghu tower."

"Let him go at once!" Master Zhu solemnly ordered, "now!"

"are you kidding?" Cao replied coldly, and then said, "I just knew that your grandson was ordered by you to harm a friend of mine. Ready to kidnap her, and then let people round her, and finally killed her, and put the blame on Changle. I'm very angry to learn about it, and I'm ready to repay you, your grandson, in the same way. "

"Don't mess with me!" Master Zhu was completely angry. "If you dare to do this, I will not let you off if you dare to do so."

Cao Yue ignored the threat of old Zhu and said slowly, "but your grandson is afraid of death, so he asked me to spare his life. I'm willing to spare his life, but I want him to make up for it. I believe you know that he has planned at least five times to kill me. Although I will not send people to assassinate him five times, I will repay him at least once. One time is enough. I won't miss like you're such a stupid grandson. Of course, the premise is that he refuses to make compensation to me, my friends and Changle. I don't know how much your grandson is worth in your heart, but I think at least a few billion is always worth it. So just now I discussed with him and asked him to accompany my friend and Changle with two billion each. We, however, have a large number of adults and don't care about him, because I have just slapped him twice in the face and turned him into a pig's head. "

"Cao Yue, have you considered the consequences of threatening me?" Old Zhu's voice became colder.

"In fact, I would like to ask you and your grandson in the same tone: have you considered the consequences of several attempts to assassinate me?"

Old Zhu did not expect that Cao would be so tough. He did not know what to say.

"I think Changle's life should be worth one billion yuan in Master Lu's mind, but my friend, in her father's mind, may not be worth more than one billion yuan. So I made do with it and asked your grandson for this." Cao Yue still slowly said: "did not expect that he not only disagreed, but also threatened me, let me swallow bullets. You should know that I am not afraid of threats, not to mention bullets. But I am very angry. As soon as I am angry, I will raise the conditions. Therefore, the current requirement is 2 billion yuan per person. If you think your grandson is worth this amount, you can prepare compensation for me. If you think it is not worth it, wait for him to die some day. "

"Cao Yue, do you really decide to do this?" On the other end of the phone, Zhu old man, but no angry tone, he almost asked Cao Yue: "I give you this four billion, do you dare to take it?"

"What dare you take? This is the compensation you give to my friend and Changle. If you are more cheerful, Changle and I will not tell my grandfather about this, and my grandfather Lu. "

The other end of the phone was silent, Cao Yue did not want to say anything, directly hung up the phone.Zhu Jianrong and LV Changle did not expect that Cao Yue would hang up the phone call of Master Zhu. Zhu Jianrong, in particular, was more angry and glared at Cao Yue with hatred. "Pa!" as a result, he glared and got a slap from Cao Yue.

"I'll give you a slap. What do you dare to do?" Cao Yue said in a cold voice, "if you want to kill me, I will not argue with you openly, but I will remember it all in my heart. You know very well which one is more important than my life. "

Zhu Jianrong did not dare to talk back, nor did he dare to look at Cao Yue with fierce eyes for fear of being beaten again.

Cao Yue's posture is obviously a face-to-face tear, even his grandfather's face is not given, directly put forward conditions, let alone him? It's also a white fight. The police will not deal with it, nor can they deal with it.

He could only admit that he was unlucky and wanted to get out of trouble first and then consider other things, so he chose to swallow his anger.

Cao Yue and LV Changle made a look, and LV Changle got to his feet and picked up his small bag.

"I have mentioned all the conditions. It's up to you whether you are willing to do it or not. I only give you and your father three days. If you don't agree, I won't give you face. Killing you is as simple as killing an ant. " Cao Yue said, and then to LV Chang music way: "you owe the slap in the face, do you want to cash it now?"

LV Changle shook his head: "forget it, next time, maybe we need to slap some more on the face!"

"then go!" Cao Yue took LV Changle's hand and went to the box door.

When he got to the door, he stopped again and gave Zhu Jianrong a cold smile: "if you want to understand, please contact me again. I hope you will still be in Hangzhou tomorrow!"

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