Urban Superboy

Chapter 1490

"Dada Da" a string of automatic rifle shooting sound, Cao Yue and Wang xurong immediately rolled on the spot, avoiding the bullets from the straying.

Cao Yue quick eye, in the fall of the moment, pulled out the pistol, did not hesitate to pull the trigger.

As the body fell to the ground, two black masked men suddenly fell to the ground, emitting yellow smoke and lost their combat effectiveness.

Wang xurong did not fight back, but after rolling a few rolls, he hid behind a big tree and directly withdrew from the battle.

Cao Yue scolded this guy's son of a bitch in his heart. After greeting him in such a way, his body movement did not stop.

After shooting out all the bullets in the gun and "solving" the five men in black, he rushed to a man in black who lost combat effectiveness at a very rapid speed and seized his automatic rifle.

A few shots, just two men in black, fell to the ground instantly and lost their fighting power.

But the number of people in black was not less, and more and more, Cao Yue had to run to the side of the woods.

In the sound of his opponent's bullets, he hid behind a thick pine tree.

The bullet hit the tree trunk and made a bouncing sound, which showed that the shooter shooting in his direction was very good.

Cao Yue hid behind the pine tree for only a second, then changed his position directly. At an incredible speed, he dodged behind a bush, and did not stop. He continued to dodge and hid behind a big tree again.

While dodging, the automatic rifle in his hand fired several more shots, and several people in black were smoking yellow smoke and fell to the ground.

However, there are still bullets chasing Cao Yue, he can only continue to dodge, and in hiding, pull the automatic rifle gun machine to fight back. His shooting accuracy is very high, almost all the bullets hit the target, and fewer and fewer people in black pursue him.

When Cao Yue left the grove and hid behind a room, there were only five men in black who were chased out of the woods.

At this time, Cao Yue's automatic rifle has run out of bullets. He throws the rifle away, and then wears epithelial gloves to prepare for unarmed attack.

Seeing that his body was covered with soil and leaves, Cao couldn't help but scold Wang xurong's metamorphosis. He was so embarrassed that he had to ask him to help wash clothes in person.

The five men in black, who had not lost their combat effectiveness, bent over to the house where Cao Yue was hiding.

But they were not sure where Cao Yue was hiding, so they were careful all the way.

It's just that they didn't encounter any kind of attack when they rushed to the house.

They made a gesture to each other and sent an important message to their companions, reminding them that their target was out of bullets. Then the leader in black made another gesture and told everyone to encircle them in several directions.

The five men in black, with their rifles in front of them and their eyes in the sight glass, walked slowly towards the house from several directions.

The man in black in the East was the first to arrive near the house, but he did not rush to attack. Instead, he quietly bent down on the edge of the window and instructed his companion to prepare to attack from the window.

But have not wait for two people to cooperate well, suddenly from the window of a figure, with the speed of thunderbolt, a few moves will be two people subdued. Two armed men in black, who only came and screamed, lost their combat effectiveness.

"Dada Da", several companions quickly shot support, the attacker jumped into the window again, lost track.

Only three men in black are left with combat effectiveness.

However, the remaining three people have been timid, momentum has completely lost, but they still did not give up, carrying guns to continue to prepare for the attack.

"Pa" a sound, a small stone flying in high speed, one of the black clothes in the hands of the shooting down, not waiting for him to react, a black figure rushed to the face, the same only came and a scream, the man in black was knocked down on the ground.

The remaining two men in black saw that the situation was not right, immediately shot reinforcement, and immediately chased over.

But before they could catch up with their companions, they tripped over a rope that suddenly rose. One after the other, they fell to the ground, and the gun fell out for a distance.

Before they could react, a majestic voice came from behind, "hands up."

Before the two men in black reacted, "Da, Da" two shots, they immediately emitted yellow smoke.

"Brother, the game you play is not exciting at all," Cao Yue threw the gun in his hand and yelled at Wang xurong, who was running in the distance. "Are these new or old rookies?"

"New rookie of course," Wang xurong quickly ran to Cao Yue, and then angrily kicked two feet. Two men in black who were still lying on the ground pretending to be dead, roared: "get up quickly. I'm really ashamed of you!"

the two men in black who were finally "solved" by Cao Yue quickly got up from the ground, and then stood aside in shame, and one of them did not dare to say anything.

When they were called "new rookies" by the instructors of the training team, they were very unconvinced. They tried to prove that the title of the instructor was wrong by using their own ability. However, today's exercise without any rehearsal made them understand that their combat effectiveness was really poor.A group of people to deal with a person, actually fell the result of total annihilation, their bashful face can not lift up.

Yes, this is a practical exercise without any plan. The personnel participating in the exercise are the newly selected members who have just participated in the training for less than three months. A total of 15 members of the team participated in the battle, but Cao Yue did not even hurt a hair, they were all "eliminated" by Cao Yue.

Rifles and pistols are empty ammunition, hit people will not be killed, only ignite the body of the drug.

Yellow smoke from their bodies indicates that they have been shot and lost their combat effectiveness.

Those who were hit by bullets and had yellow smoke turned out to be OK. Those who were knocked down by Cao Yue were actually injured.

Those unfortunate men got up from the ground with the help of their companions.

When Wang xurong ordered to gather in a dark face, there were still some people who couldn't stand up.

"You're just a bunch of rubbish," Wang xurong yelled at the 15 training team members in a neat formation with a trumpet in his hand. "You're all new recruits. Fifteen fully armed fighters face a non combatant with only one pistol and ten bullets. As a result, the whole army is destroyed. Do you want me to lose face for you?"

The fifteen soldiers were all blushing, and no one dared to speak.

This is the worst time that they failed since they took part in the training. In the past, such a situation has never occurred in actual training.

They are also curious. Who are the people who come to fight them this time?

It's too much to destroy all 15 of them with the power of one person, isn't it?

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