Urban Superboy

Chapter 1547

Finally, Smith still did not resist Wu Zefang's means and was forced to account for some things.

Cao Yue also personally went to the trial, and will be kaplis Lopez told him some of the situation, with Shi Si.

Smith was surprised that these Chinese people knew so many secrets of the "world" organization.

"We also know that Jiang Yiping and Li Shan were your lovers, right?" Cao Yue said, with a grim smile on his face, he suddenly stretched out his foot and kicked him heavily in the lower body of Smith. Then he threatened fiercely: "if you don't tell the most confidential thing, you will be ruined."

Smith, who screamed bitterly, also had to give in after scolding the devil several times.

These Chinese people are really demons reincarnated. They use so many inhumane and cruel means to deal with him, which makes his life worse than death.

Smith vowed that if he was lucky enough to get away, he would turn China upside down. He would use whatever means to get back. But in the face of these unscrupulous demons, all he can do now is yield.

At present, he was forced to tell more things, including some more confidential things that Cao Yue had never explored.

"The founder of the world organization is the Pope, but he has never seen his true face except the princess and the two earls." Smith slumped in his chair and blurted out, "the archbishop is the highest authority in the world organization, and the princess is the second only to him. The two earls are in charge of specific affairs, and the leader seldom directly participates in the management of organizational affairs. I have only seen him appear once for so many years. The princess is a woman. No one has ever seen her real face. What she usually sees is easy to face. "

"Tell us the real name of the archbishop, the real names of the princess and the two earls," interrupted Cao Yue.

Although Smith told us a lot of things, but many substantive things were deliberately avoided.

Smith shook his head. "No one knows the real name of the leader. We have seen his true face. The only time we saw him wearing a mask."

Cao Yue didn't ask any more, just looked at Smith with murderous eyes.

Smith was stunned for a moment, and immediately said, "we don't know the real name of the princess. The two countesses, Thomas and senna, are European."

"Where is the leader from?"

"I don't know," Smith looked at Cao Yue with fear. "I really don't know about him. I don't even know whether he is a man or a woman."

Cao looked at Smith coldly, and did not immediately ask questions.

Caprice Lopez, the second figure in the "world" organization, is a European. The two earls named Thomas and Senna are also European. Is it possible that the founder of the church is also a European? If they are all European, why should the headquarters be located in America?

Moved in the heart, Cao Yue asked again: "where is your headquarters?"

"It should be Zurich in Europe," Smith said uncertainly. "But I'm not sure. I can't know more about my authority."

Ding LAN, who was standing on one side, interrupted and asked, "is not the headquarters where you gather here in the United States?"

According to her inquiry, the headquarters of the "world" organization is in Washington, USA. however, according to Smith, the situation does not seem to be like this. If this is the case, it is their intelligence error, which is an unforgivable mistake.

"The U.S. side should be our second headquarters. Usually, two earls are in charge of the affairs." Smith really said the answer that let Ding Lan's heart sink. "The Lord and Princess seldom come here. I know less about things in Europe."

Seeing Smith's eyes twinkle, Cao Yue motioned a look to Wu Zefang around him. Wu Zefang understood and personally went forward and made some small gestures to Smith. Smith, after a pig like howl, told something more.

The personnel coming out of the hidden dragon have different and general means of interrogation. After they use these means, few people can resist their interrogation.

Some time ago, Smith went to Europe to familiarize himself with the business there, but he was not sure whether he was going to let him take charge of the affairs in Europe or something else. Because he was only familiar with it for a short time, he didn't know much about it, but he told a lot of things, which made Cao laugh and cry.

There is another important thing that Smith told me.

That is, in the "Tianxia" organization, those who have biological bombs inside their bodies are ordinary fighters or people who ask for such weapons on their own initiative. None of the senior officers should be equipped with such a pale weapon in their bodies.

The severity of biological bombs is not the same. Some people have biological bombs inside their bodies, which have great destructive power.

In the end, Smith said all the information he knew about the five Dharma protectors and the twelve envoys.

However, what he knows most is only their branch, that is, his Dharma protector, Yingji Qiandao, and the other messenger John."Different levels lead to different understanding," Smith finally said with a wry smile: "if you can capture Qiandao Yingji, you should be able to ask more information from him!"

Qiandao Yingji is Japanese, but Smith does not know much about him. To Cao Yue's surprise, Smith provided a positive picture of Qiandao Yingji.

Cao Yue let Ding LAN immediately through this photo to find more information about hijima Qiandao.

Most of the things Smith told us were valuable. Cao Yue and other comrades in arms were surprised by what he said about the business in China and the whole Asia.

Although Smith could not get access to higher-level secrets, what he said was related to China business.

Because of China's special national conditions, it is difficult to extend the tentacles of the world's organizations. At this stage, we just start to lay the foundation. Only when the foundation is laid and consolidated can the overall organizational structure be completed.

The founders of Tianxia are very ambitious. Their purpose is to control the economy and politics of various countries and establish their own power structures in various countries and continents. What's more, the world organization is still building more biological fighters, and wants to cultivate a large number of people loyal to the organization from an early age through life and death technologies such as artificial insemination.

In fact, when he learned that the world organization was extending its tentacles to the medical system and artificial insemination technology, Cao Yue guessed this possibility and felt afraid of it. Now it is confirmed from the middle and senior management of Smith, the "world" organization, that he is more worried.

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