Urban Superboy

Chapter 1595

On the wisteria trellis in the garden, several tables have been placed. Caprice Lopez is going to entertain Cao Yue, Ding LAN and butterfly in the garden.

After the waiter served some fruit and snacks, caprice Lopez waved away all the people around him and said directly to Cao Yue, "Thomas and John have returned to Europe. Thomas is in Berlin, senna is in Paris. If you want to get rid of them, try it. But I can't give you any more information because I can't grasp their actions in Europe. "

Caprice Lopez's straightforward proposal surprised Cao Yue, Ding LAN and butterfly.

Almost at the same time, they thought of a possibility that caprice Lopez was setting a trap for them.

"Do you think we can kill them?" Cao Yue asked caprice Lopez with a smile.

"You have Phoenix and butterfly as assistants, of course," said caprice Lopez calmly. "As long as you want to kill them, they will surely die!"

"in the end, we will die too," Cao replied unkindly, "do you want them and me to lose?"

"I didn't think so," caprice Lopez said with a charming smile. "It's not good for me if you die."

"Miss caprice Lopez, you should treat us to delicious food first, and then discuss this problem when we are full of food and drink," Cao Yue did not smile, but looked at caprice Lopez with a slightly serious look. "I thought that you would consider how to cooperate with us when you went back to Europe for many days. However, you still didn't think about it. We were very disappointed."

Caprice Lopez didn't pay attention to Cao Yue's sarcasm and the unfriendly eyes of Ding LAN and butterfly beside Cao Yue. Instead, she gracefully made a gesture of invitation and said in strange Chinese: "a little thin banquet, I hope Mr. Shashen and the beautiful ladies don't mind, and hope you can be satisfied!"

"your Chinese seems to have not improved at all The more impolitely Cao points out that caprice Lopez's Chinese is too poor, and then laughs and says, "if you want to learn Chinese, you can go to China for a period of time. If you have more communication with Chinese people, your Chinese level will naturally improve."

"After I went back to Europe, I collected a lot of materials related to China, and found that China is really an attractive country. When will I have to go and have a look," said caprice Lopez in Chinese, which is much more smooth than the sentence just said, "Mr. murderer, would you like me to visit China?"

Caprice Lopez and Cao Yue talk as if with the flavor of flirting, Ding LAN and butterfly are very angry, looking at caprice Lopez's eyes more and more cold.

But caprice Lopez didn't care at all. She just glanced at Ding LAN and butterfly. She asked Cao Yue to sit down, and then asked Ding LAN and butterfly to sit down.

After the guests and guests sat down, she said in Chinese: "today, I invite the three ladies to taste the Stockholm style dinner of the authentic war. Next time I go to China, I hope Mr. Shashen can invite me to eat the authentic Chinese dishes. I know the name of BJ roast duck, the steamed buns ignored by dogs, and the vinegar fish in the West Lake. The taste is very good. Everyone likes it No, I'm not

"Today, let's try the authentic Stockholm dinner," Cao Yue said with a smile, gesturing to caprice Lopez. Then he sincerely suggested, "Miss caprice Lopez, you should still communicate with us in English or Swedish. Your Chinese, I think, is the most difficult language to understand when we communicate with each other!" "Mr. Shashen, you've hit me too hard," caprice Lopez finally said in English. "I think my Chinese is very good. These days, I've learned Chinese from a Chinese student who came to Stockholm for study. She praised me for speaking Chinese fluently."

"She just flattered you and didn't dare to offend you, a member of the royal family."

"All right," said caprice Lopez, a little dejected, "you may be right!"

Cao Yue sat down opposite caprice Lopez, and Ding LAN and butterfly sat beside him.

Different from Cao Yue's complete relaxation, Ding LAN and butterfly always keep vigilant. If there is any disturbance, they will react.

They sat at a good angle, and the direction of the ambush snipers was blocked by them. Even if someone wanted to shoot Cao Yue with a sniper rifle, it was almost impossible.

In a few seconds. If there's time to catch peps, if there's time for them to do something about it.

At such close range, armed with weapons, it's easy to kill caprice Lopez.

But in case of an accident, their first choice is not to kill caprice Lopez, but to capture or hold him alive. With caprice Lopez as a hostage, they can get out of here safely - in case caprice Lopez designs to kill them.

After the four sat down, the waiter quickly brought the delicious food and wine.

The more carefree Cao was, after a few polite words with caprice Lopez, he began to eat and drink.While eating, he also evaluated.

"Foie gras is very good. It's more delicious than any other Lafite I've ever tasted before!"

"the authentic Lafite of '82 is more refreshing than the Lafite from other places!"

"the taste of steak is very delicate. Although I don't like western food very much, I feel that the taste is very good!"

during the meal, I almost did not say a word, except for eating, I paid attention to the surrounding situation Ding LAN and butterfly, see Cao Yue this look, a very speechless look. This guy, speaking freely, is he really trying to seduce the Western beauty in front of him?

Although they were confident in their appearance and figure, caprice Lopez was so beautiful and in excellent shape. It's not impossible for Cao Yue, who is used to the Chinese flavor, to taste the foreign girl's taste.

It was no surprise that he was interested in a Western woman with such a beautiful figure.

Ding LAN and butterfly are very satisfied with Cao Yue's other aspects, but they are not satisfied with Cao Yue's attitude towards women. There are too many women hanging out with each other, which makes them a little intolerable.

They also know that the more Cao provoked so many women, it must have something to do with his erotic temperament.

Lecherous people can not only like Oriental women, but also more passionate and unrestrained Western women.

Caprice Lopez's eyes flashed from time to time as she spoke, a look of deliberate seduction.

"You bastard, did you come to Europe to seduce this woman in front of you?" Ding LAN and butterfly have similar feelings when Cao Yue and caprice Lopez communicate rudely.

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